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Steel Confessors Crusade

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Hey all.


Been a way from the hobby for a bit but jumping back in with a project to start enjoying 9th edition. With crusade being the main way to play at my local store. I have embarked on a Steel Confessors 5th company project.


The project itself is a bit of a trip down memory lane as my local store painted the 1st company for Games Day years ago and a close friend sculpted the chapter master for the event.


So with the chapter being founded secretly by the mechanicus from ironhand gene seed making a primaris strike force makes a lot of sense for being the chapter into the new era of marines.


So with out any further waffling (maybe some) here is the libarian that I have started as a test bed for the army and to lead the small patrol that will be kicking off the project.



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So late last night I managed to finish the Crusade command group. Lighting wasn’t the best but wanted to keep the updates consistent. I’ll be aiming to get some better pics over the course of the week and hopefully have some Phobos and bikes to show as well.








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So managed to get some better pictures of the commander of the detachment and 5th company.


Trying to keep it lore accurate with the company commanders taking on the role of tech marines. I set about getting the crusade iconography of the indomitus era along side the iconic equipment of the tech marines.


In game I’ll be using the master of the forge rules and be abstaining from using commanders in the army as it progresses. Fingers crossed the librarian photographs as well.







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Thank you all for the comments that you have made. Glad to see a little successor chapter being enjoyed by others.


This weeks been pretty slow on the hobby front with life being a bit busier so only have a couple of WIP’s for you to enjoy.


Decided to get some Phobos on the go, a little 5 man incursor squad to help identify targets and coordinate fire from more well equipped units. I decided to do away with the large targeting arrays on the back packs for communication equipment which I feel helps de clutter them a bit and reinforce their role as a force recon squad a bit more.


I hope you all enjoy.









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End of the week update. The outriders have been in the work space. Slowly getting there now, decided to set them up with the Sargent riding out with the teeth of Mars so threw the tech marine bare head on him to help show that connection to the red planet. Been enjoyable so far. Hoping to have finished pics up in the next couple of days.





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Not the most involved build. But wanted to get a Primaris Lt build with the belecose bolt rifle relic. With more of a focus on the logistical command of the company over being a famed front line warrior.


Now I have had my little distraction I’ll be back to painting outriders.





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Bit more work on chapter command between painting and transfers.


With a fresh start on a chaplain. Will be going for a much less ornate chaplain. Keeping more with the ideas from the heresy era that they are more a symbol to their brothers than a visage to terrify their opponents with. Skull mask and crozius will still be part of the build but other death elements I think I’ll be filling down.


Up we also have a Judiciar, using a stasis grenade to represent the little hour glass thing. Just doesn’t mesh with me and makes for a good stand in for a company champion at a primaris size with out going down the counts as route for rules. I have nothing against it but I have seen people kick off about it so would rather just side step that problem.


Finally a couple more pics of the Lt which you have already seen in his freshly kitbashed form.


Hope you all enjoy.













Edited by The_Stray_Idea
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