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Freakshow's Things and Stuff - 30K Dark Angels


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  • 3 months later...

Been a bit on-and-off this project for the last few months, had to finish off a Chaos Dwarf project for a competition on another forum, but I'm well and truly on this now. Finished off the Enigmatus and a Consul for the 1st Legion.






Next up is a tactical squad, a melta predator and a Fafnir Rann conversion.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

That's a solid looking 1st Legion force you have there! What's the next addition to it? :)

Thank you very much.

I've got a chaplain, a librarian and a herald currently on the paint table, as well as a destroyer squad.After that I've got a couple of heavy support squads, a Praetor and some Deathwing Companions to do and a Contemptor on it's way.

I reckon hy the time that's all painted the new box will be out.

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