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Armigers Ahoy!


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I'm a little underwhelmed by armigers in AT. I just can't see them living long enough to make an impact.



Possibly they are to create a further distration and force an opponent to divide fire or ignore them to focus on other, more, potentially, more pressing targets. With low level terrain they also could be concealed where other models might not be. So they could potentially be useful.

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I think they'd be ignored at peril. They might be easy to kill but those Thermal Spears are still packing Str8 and fusion. So if enough of them get close they will cause some serious pain to even Warlords.


On the bright side. It might give Laster Blasters and Turbo lasers a use. On the negative side, I reckon these guys are on 25mm bases......... mine are on 32mm bases.


I'll be picking up some of these. Although probably not the Moirax as they just look a little.... 'off' 

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The Thermal Spear is kind of a good gun actually. S8 Fusion is a threat to just about anything, and should worry other knights. I wouldn't be shocked if Helverins made decent shield-strippers, so long as their guns are at least S4. A lot will obviously depend on how expensive these guys are but from what I can tell so far they look fairly relevant. I'm less sure that's true of the admech ones, though S5 rending shots aren't irrelevant and you can have the one guy with the claw do the bonus attacks on a charge.


These guys will likely allow for significantly cheaper lances than knight household players can currently have. That might help them with activations a bit. Presumably, a banner of three of these guys will be the new cheapest unit in AT.

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Nice to see them, slightly sad that they are all in resin, was expecting the GW ones to be on one sprue of 6 (3 of each type, + a Knight Preceptor) and the FW in resin. Oh well the Omnissiah gives and the Omnissiah takes.


Rules wise I was expecting them to come with a Knight Preceptor, and then two sets/squads of 3 armigers forming a single banner with it.


At minimum there will get some just complete my Knight collection.

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The Thermal Spear is kind of a good gun actually. S8 Fusion is a threat to just about anything, and should worry other knights. I wouldn't be shocked if Helverins made decent shield-strippers, so long as their guns are at least S4. A lot will obviously depend on how expensive these guys are but from what I can tell so far they look fairly relevant. I'm less sure that's true of the admech ones, though S5 rending shots aren't irrelevant and you can have the one guy with the claw do the bonus attacks on a charge.


These guys will likely allow for significantly cheaper lances than knight household players can currently have. That might help them with activations a bit. Presumably, a banner of three of these guys will be the new cheapest unit in AT.

Hmmm. This makes we wonder if these might be a cheap counter-Knight force to keep on hand.


With the small size they could likely stay in cover till needed, and they're fairly speedy.

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I reckon it will be the Armoured Ceramite vs Melta sort of Meta revolving you see in 30k circles. 

Everyone will think Armigers are crap unitl a big blob get into a warlord with thermal spears, then people will take armigers as defense against said armiger blob until the fall out of favour, rinse and repeate :P. 

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Yep, these little buggers are more than welcome to the game. I do wish they would be plastic though, resin costs a fortune and you will 'need' a few of these ankle nippers.


That they will add to the complexity of decision making and threat evaluation without requiring a list change shows the inherent strength of the game itself.


All 'round good if you ask me. (TBF no one does :D )

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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  • 2 weeks later...

The terminals have been shared on Facebook. Here we are then.


The Armiger




And the Moirax




I have a few hot takes about these guys. Overall I think they're really quite good and an interesting addition to the game. They're also probably more or less balanced, from what I can tell.


The real weakness is that command value of 7(!), which only gets improved by 1 with a scion martial. So that means only a 50% chance of passing an order and a really big risk of getting shaken. You can help get orders off on them by running them in a lance.


They're sort of soft but actually not really, for their cost. They actually get great ion saves and the Moirax also get to reduce the strength of incoming blasts by 1. 


As they're scale 2 you can outflank a unit (of up to 9) for 1SP. That might be fun


I think Warglaives might be the stand out ones. You can get a load of fusion shots for not a very high cost. 160 gets you 6 of the things. Sticking meltas on them might actually be worth it at 10 points each. On the other hand I think Helverins are pretty weak as they lack a melee weapon and don't shoot that much. I think you'd be better off taking questoris with double battle cannons.


You do have to take some other knights if you're going to bring these things. That can be anything you want though, including a filthy Acastus.

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I like the Retainer system, it's a good mitigation method to restrict cheap activation spamming.


Normal Warglaives look like the standouts to me as well. The Moirax seem... fine, but Voidbreaker is pretty meaningless in these numbers. Rending claws are nice, though.

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It’s actually quite a big thing that they get critted on a 14, especially since any crit will kill two of these things. A bellicosa crits them on a 2+, so is all but guaranteed to quite a banner. Of course, that’s kind of true of most other knights if hit by a belicosa.
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I like the Retainer system, it's a good mitigation method to restrict cheap activation spamming.


Normal Warglaives look like the standouts to me as well. The Moirax seem... fine, but Voidbreaker is pretty meaningless in these numbers. Rending claws are nice, though.

Though the voidbreaker is boring for them, the d2 is quite good. A squad of 3 is doing more hits than a VMB, and you could take up to nine.


I’m actually quite happy with how they did these. I was really worried that I’d have to fight off a ton of these every time I played my local knight fan, but I really like how they did the retainer rule. Wonder if we might see something similar for the rapier if we ever get one

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I like the Retainer system, it's a good mitigation method to restrict cheap activation spamming.


Normal Warglaives look like the standouts to me as well. The Moirax seem... fine, but Voidbreaker is pretty meaningless in these numbers. Rending claws are nice, though.

Though the voidbreaker is boring for them, the d2 is quite good. A squad of 3 is doing more hits than a VMB, and you could take up to nine.


They do the same, actually, as they are locked in with a claw. Thus, 2 dice per knight, so 6 equating to 4+1 VB while the VMB gets 4+1 from Rapid, given identical circumstances.

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The auto-hit on the Melta option for the Armigers caught my eye. Though it's pricey for a unit that may never make it that close, it could make a relatively small group of them fairly lethal if they get close.

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The auto-hit on the Melta option for the Armigers caught my eye. Though it's pricey for a unit that may never make it that close, it could make a relatively small group of them fairly lethal if they get close.

Agreed. They'd do quite a lot of those S8 hits. That's a threat to most things. I think you could reasonably argue that a unit of 6 warglaives with meltas is worth the 220 points they'd cost, especially as an outflanking threat.


I'm a lot less sure whether the versions without fusion weapons are worth having. They're sort of average-ish at dropping shields, basically, and that's all. I guess you could argue that it made sense to run some helverins or some Moirax as shieldbreakers for an Acastus. I'm not sure I'd bother, and it feels wrong to be thinking about helping Acastus!

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The Moirax seem okay, having a reasonable amount of shots as well as a Melee weapon. I think the meltaguns might be a solid option to dump any straggling last points on for loyalist armies without access to cheap mutations, but not necessarily something I'd bank much of my plan on from the get-go. The chassis is too fragile for any serious upgrading.

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I quite like the Helverins. A unit of 6 with 3 armed with Meltaguns. They'd be an annoying unit to let live. They're able to strip shields and be a threat up close. They can damage armour with the Melta guns and then do targeted attacks with an Ordnance weapon. They're less Reliant on orders as well which, lets be honest, you're going to leave these little chaps till last when it comes to orders anyway.


I'm going to be taking a unit of 6 Heverins and a Unit of 9 Warglaives just for giggles. Because, why not?

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I finally managed to use these wee chaps in a game. I ran a unit of 8 warglaives and a unit of 6 helverins.


The warglaives did great and they ended up killing 2 warhounds in combat. Although, to be fair, one collapsed and killed the 2nd one. But it still counts as 2.


The helverins didn't do a great deal but did knock some shields down and did do a few structure points when they got within the shields of a reaver. But they didn't really shine. I didnt take them with meltaguns though and I think that would have made a big difference.


They're pretty hard to remove in large units as they get a fairly decent save. So my opponent had to waste Plasma shots on them - which was a very handy distraction.


They did all die in the end. But I expected nothing less.

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