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The state of FW models in Black Templars


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Ello! since I keep going back to looking at Forgeworld (old habits die hard....)  I am curious to know what kinda models are good, or at least fun and viable for the black templars. I know I personally have a Whirlwind scorpius from a friend, and I customized a predator to be an executioner before it got shunted to legends... but I am looking at other things like the Sicarans, the leviathans, the other dreads... really anything. What is fun and viable? I know certain things like the volkite contemptor or the leviathan are pretty good, but how about other models?

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Relic Contemptors with Volkite feel like an IP break to me in 40k, I hate that they're so good.


The big flyers are usually pretty decent. A Fire Raptor has ungodly amounts of firepower and getting mini-transhuman and a 5++ combined with the standard -1 to hit makes it pretty damn tanky. Thousand Sons were seeing similar success with it early on (though they get more buffs).


You can give it +1 to hit with a Tech-Marine turn one then go hunting too.

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I love my Leviathan, take it almost in every list. 

Leviathan is the dude I am looking at the most ATM, right beside the volkite Contemptor. What is your favorite loadout for the leviathan? I am personally thinking volkite, grav cannon and dread CCW.

Relic Contemptors with Volkite feel like an IP break to me in 40k, I hate that they're so good.


The big flyers are usually pretty decent. A Fire Raptor has ungodly amounts of firepower and getting mini-transhuman and a 5++ combined with the standard -1 to hit makes it pretty damn tanky. Thousand Sons were seeing similar success with it early on (though they get more buffs).


You can give it +1 to hit with a Tech-Marine turn one then go hunting too.

I do have my eyes on the contemptor, so this is a good idea for me to get. Fitting a relic contemptor in my lists is pretty hard, just because I love upgrading every character I have and spend half my CP before the games even start, but I always loved forgeworld stuff.


The fire raptor is also something I would want, though I have no clue if the extra points for the quad heavy bolters are worth it lol.

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so how do the sicarans or the vindicator laser destroyers play? In terms of tanks I love the idea of them, but they seem like they would be kicked in the teeth turn 1 unless you got good armor saturation and a diversity of targets...

Also, if I ever stop thinking about tanks, how do the rapier platforms perform?

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Late to the topic but as Seer mentioned the tarantula platforms are fantastic at the pts for any imperial list imperial.

Also like the relic scorpious to keep hidden enemies on their toes.

My other fw pick would be the deredo.atomantic Palaise turns it into a low-key void shield or the missle systems for crazy fire support

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Late to the topic but as Seer mentioned the tarantula platforms are fantastic at the pts for any imperial list imperial.

Also like the relic scorpious to keep hidden enemies on their toes.

My other fw pick would be the deredo.atomantic Palaise turns it into a low-key void shield or the missle systems for crazy fire support

really? Compared to a sicaran or a redemptor the output seems kinda low on the deredo.


I may try and build a TTS list with all these different FW items just to try them out, considering I am a firm believer in try before you buy!

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Late to the topic but as Seer mentioned the tarantula platforms are fantastic at the pts for any imperial list imperial.

Also like the relic scorpious to keep hidden enemies on their toes.

My other fw pick would be the deredo.atomantic Palaise turns it into a low-key void shield or the missle systems for crazy fire support

really? Compared to a sicaran or a redemptor the output seems kinda low on the deredo.


I may try and build a TTS list with all these different FW items just to try them out, considering I am a firm believer in try before you buy!

You don't take them for the guns; they are the cheapest way to screen and hold home objectives. Small footprint and t5 make them harder to shift.

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Late to the topic but as Seer mentioned the tarantula platforms are fantastic at the pts for any imperial list imperial.

Also like the relic scorpious to keep hidden enemies on their toes.

My other fw pick would be the deredo.atomantic Palaise turns it into a low-key void shield or the missle systems for crazy fire support

really? Compared to a sicaran or a redemptor the output seems kinda low on the deredo.


I may try and build a TTS list with all these different FW items just to try them out, considering I am a firm believer in try before you buy!

You don't take them for the guns; they are the cheapest way to screen and hold home objectives. Small footprint and t5 make them harder to shift.


I was more talking about the Deredo, not the taurantulas. I know that the servo turrets are not too good, but I don't get the hype on the deredo

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