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The state of FW models in Black Templars


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Isn't there a variant that can carry khere cannons?

Or is that something I made up?

think that is just a regular relic contemptor. I have one that was converted too! but I just don't think I would run it compared to the redemptor or a volkite one. if I need to run 1 cp to run it I want it to count! I am already down 6 CP just in list building

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Is the Redemptor a FW model?

Looking at The Redemptor (onslaught cannons) is dumping out around 12 -18 S5 ap-1 shots at 24 and 30inch rng...

Not bad at all.

Just a tower of power on the mid field.

Also relics cost 1cp to run ?makes sense.

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Every day I am inching closer to affording some FW tanks. Anyone have any experience with the laser destroyer vindicator or the Sicarans?


I am constantly tempted by these. But the big problem for me is having to keep up to date with FW rules as well as our own Codex. And the risk of it being discontinued ruleswise, or made utterly redundant. Or opponents getting a bit iffy about FW rules etc. etc. They are awesome but just longterm not viable from a gaming perspective I feel.

Edited by Brother Kraskor
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Every day I am inching closer to affording some FW tanks. Anyone have any experience with the laser destroyer vindicator or the Sicarans?


I am constantly tempted by these. But the big problem for me is having to keep up to date with FW rules as well as our own Codex. And the risk of it being discontinued ruleswise, or made utterly redundant. Or opponents getting a bit iffy about FW rules etc. etc. They are awesome but just longterm not viable from a gaming perspective I feel.


yea, that is really the sword of Damocles for anything Firstborn. I feel they are safer because of the HH game, but it is always there. Don't get me started with FW though, This thread is just to look at tactical uses and experiences.

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The laser destroyer vindicator is pretty good though and you only need one FW book.

Or games-workshop at the very least!


probably going to pick one up just because it's neat... eventually. Between that and the sicararan venator at least!


Probably going to pick up a few rapiers as well just for fun, though I am still going for a blitzkrieg style tank army

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Yeah I always liked the idea of massed Rapiers, shame they are just no good rulewise. BT 5++ makes them slightly more palatable but still not durable enough.

hey, if the enemy wants to shoot at my squad of 2 heavy bolters and not a vindicator or tactical squad, sure! I just think they would be fun enough to have some serious dakka for 140pts, or some grav cannons in the back. cheaper than a gladiator reaper at least!

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