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Guard top dog - new codex wishlist

Plague _Lord

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I know there is a big new codex wishlist topic but I feel this deserves it's own thread.


Every army that has come out has been getting a new leader wtith flashy model and so on - The Silent King, Morven Vahl, Helbrecht and more. Do you think guard will get one and if so, who will it be?


I for one think that guard should get a big special charachter revamp with the revivification of some old classics in both models and rules and some new interesting options.


Something akin to this:


Supreme Commander - Lord Solar Macharius - new scenic model ala silent king. Let him be faction leader. He can either be a reincarnation sent by the BIG E or just a new guy that took up the mantle.


Old chars with new kits:


Col. Straken

Col. Schaefer

Creeeeeeeed - Did Trazyn let him out of his collection? If so then he need a new model, probably with Kell's old powerfist in memory of his dead friend and in place of the hand Abbaddon took from him.

Captain Al'Rahem


New chars with new kits (duh)

Krieg Marshall

Vostroyan Graf (Toschenko?)

Valhallan Commander


If they don't bring Macharius back then probably Yarrick or Creed would fit best as the faction leaders.



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Yarrick and Stracken both have two versions already, so i think, they have less chances for a new model.


I personally love Creed model and I think geedubs won't be able to make it better. It is very charismatic and full of Strategic Genius character. He neither looks like a hot-shot duelist, nor like a front-line chief of grunts. The model shows The Commanding Officer, the embodiment of experience, the man with will and right to SEND people to their deaths. The right which was not granted, but deserved. That's why i wish they don't touch Creed.


Al'Rahem would be nice but doubtful. i don't think they'll make a model for a discontinued range of Tallarn. The same, i think, is just for Valhallan and Vostroyan chars.

I'd bet on DKK Colonel or Commisar, or some support character like Quartermaster, just to boost sales.

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Yarrick and Stracken both have two versions already, so i think, they have less chances for a new model.


I personally love Creed model and I think geedubs won't be able to make it better. It is very charismatic and full of Strategic Genius character. He neither looks like a hot-shot duelist, nor like a front-line chief of grunts. The model shows The Commanding Officer, the embodiment of experience, the man with will and right to SEND people to their deaths. The right which was not granted, but deserved. That's why i wish they don't touch Creed.


Al'Rahem would be nice but doubtful. i don't think they'll make a model for a discontinued range of Tallarn. The same, i think, is just for Valhallan and Vostroyan chars.


I'd bet on DKK Colonel or Commisar, or some support character like Quartermaster, just to boost sales.


Well Ghazkull also has had 2 models and just got a reboot so I think Yarrick and Straken getting new models aren't too far off.

I agree with the creed model being amazing but it could get a  mild refresh and his lore has changed quite a bit. Them having killed sgt bastonne and kell are examples that they are content with moving forward with the imperial guard lore.

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I'd like to see some special characters that have a nod towards historical figures.


The Paratrooper officer with the umbrella from "a bridge too far".

The piper that stormed the beaches with just his pipes for protection.

The mad officer who went to the second world war with a broad sword and a bow and arrow!

Monty, the tank commander.

Also an officer with his trusty dog/suitable alien replacement.


Why stick to re-hashing old models when you can get shiny new ones with some new background and some fitting special rules :) . I mean... the sword and bow chap could easily be a specialist Catachan officer, for example.

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I’d imagine that the next Astra Militarum releases will be quite Krieg centric (at least that’s my dream!)


I can see new characters etc.


I’ve got the Krieg transfers and there’s even sections for vehicles! That has lead me to believe there will be all sorts of fun.


Also as Diagramdude said it would be great for our big centrepiece models to be effective in game.


At the very least I’m hoping we’ll get some new vehicles and cavalry along side the Krieg infantry kits.

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Supreme Commander - Lord Solar Macharius - new scenic model ala silent king. Let him be faction leader. He can either be a reincarnation sent by the BIG E or just a new guy that took up the mantle.


This is the correct answer! 

Well, it's a big step in the right direction as far as I am concerned. Even if it is a different character, a clone or a reincarnation. 

This leader needs to be able to work with every regiment. 

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Yeah it would be great to get some named character love for all regiments. Why can't a vostroyan army run the equivalent of sergeant Harker or steel legion have a straken equivalent? Or Marbo with tallarn. Either make them generic (Veteran gunnery sergeant) and have them represent a named character, or give us named characters that can be used with any regiment.


This seems like common sense from a sales perspective too. If I can now use the super cool catachan named characters in any regiment list I'm way more inclined to buy them.

Forgot to add - something like rules for yarricks fortress of arrogance baneblade might be a good way around human squishiness to give us a big bad model and a special character in one.

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Guard don't really do big models, but if there was to be such a leader this would of course be the Aquilatron :tongue.: I'd love to see characters for each regiment there is so much that could be done, not just returning models that have been lost. This would be more fitting for Guard being the huge and diverse force it is you don't really have one person in charge - even a Lord Solar doesn't command every regiment (just the Segmentum Solar ones).

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Personally, I could see Creed being released from stasis and Roboute Guilliman making him the new Lord Solar.


Though, while I wouldn't mind seeing Macharius return as a living saint. I don't see it as being very interesting. 


I imagine if Creed isn't our Supreme Commander, we'll get some kind of super-heavy tank commander. 

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I'm inclined for a bit of both.   


Macharius is way past incorpse-siated.  Some kind of recognized-across-the-galaxy character, like Lord Solar Macharius/Morvenn Vahl/Girlyman/etc.  would be cool, who spans regiments and provides unity for an army.  I wouldn't want him/her to be a large model, because the centerpiece of our army should be the super-heavies/LoWs.


Then 1-2 models from major regiments would be cool.  Creed to unify the remaining Cadians, Catachan/Tallarn/Mordian/etc. figs as well. 


Where I'm torn is Krieg, as they never take off their gas masks.  So it's tough to have an imposing character with a gas mask, especially when the whole concept of the army is dour martyrdom. 

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There is precedence for a Krieg named character.


Back in the Orpheus book they introduced Karis Venner who was a supercharged Marshal!


I must admit it seemed quite strange at the time but apparently Krieg Officers can gain a name for particularly heroic actions.


I’ll be hoping that we do get another named character. Maybe even a legendary Deathrider Commander!


Failing that the reintroduction of the Quatermaster would be great fun!

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I would prefer something new, like a new Lord Commander/Warmaster rather than just a re-done old character. Maybe something Guant's Ghosts, where you get a lot of bonuses depending on what characters/wounds remain, possibly packed into a scenic base like Slave to Darkness suggested. Something that looks like the Solar Auxilia command squad, with a comms guy, some sort of tactical officer, a couple of special/heavy weapons operators, and the head guy. 

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