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New GSC rules preview


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From Warhammer Competitive:  https://old.reddit.com/r/WarhammerCompetitive/comments/r78hda/crossfire_new_gsc_rules_preview/




From article:

Certain units have Crossfire keyword.

If such a unit scores 5+ hits or 1 hit with a non d1 weapon, that enemy unit gains a Crossfire token.

All other Crossfire units gain +1 to hit against a unit with a Crossfire token.

If you can draw a line between two crossfire units within sight, and the enemy unit with the crossfire token, then that unit becomes Exposed.

Friendly units gain +1 to wound vs Exposed units.

Friendly units within 12" of an Exposed unit ignore cover.


Covering Fire, 1CP - Charge Phase, enemy unit with crossfire marker cannot overwatch, set to defend or heroically intervene.

Coordinated Assault, 1 CP- Start of Fight Phase, select 1 enemy unit with crossfire that is within engagement range of GSC unit. They fight last.

Unit Upgrade:

Crossfire unit only, 15pts. When this unit comes out of reinforcements, can select an enemy unit within 12" and all models in the upgraded unit treat that enemy unit as having crossfire and exposed for that turn.




to me, this is the Cadian "overlapping fields of fire" done right (or at least a lot better).  And it gives me hope for our Codex, as these rumors are kinda close to what we were hoping for in the 9th Edition wishlist thread.

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Agreed that it feels weird.  Basically if LOS passes from my unit A *thru* my unit B to enemy unit C, then enemy unit C is exposed.  Which is exactly how crossfire *is not supposed* to work.  Crossfire is hitting a unit from 2 different directions at once, not the same direction twice.

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Agreed that it feels weird.  Basically if LOS passes from my unit A *thru* my unit B to enemy unit C, then enemy unit C is exposed.  Which is exactly how crossfire *is not supposed* to work.  Crossfire is hitting a unit from 2 different directions at once, not the same direction twice.

It would be a more interesting game if we could gain actual benefits from actual infantry tactics.

I agree, there should have been instructions to have the units either across from each other or on a left or right flank from the target unit. 

Should be part of the base rule set for the game. 


I wonder if this will be vey strong for the gsc. Interested to find out .

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I like seeing this kind of mechanic introduced, could lead to some really cool tactics if it not horrendously complicated and clunky. Like if they implement this concept for melee where you get a bonus for flanking an enemy with multiple units, or failing a morale test inflicts a significant penalty on subsequent nearby tests, such that the tide of battle can swing on more than just movement and target selection.
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