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Sword Brethern in standard intercessor squads


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Hi all, received my boxes of black templar goodness and am thinking of using a few sword brethren models to replace standard sergeants in intercessor / assault intercessor squads if I decide to run them.


Do you think it would be fine keeping these sword brothers on 40mm bases or would it fall under gaming for advantage as the sergeant should be on 32mm?


I am hoping Sword brethren gain access to a wider load out at some point so I would prefer if they are as cross compatible across my army as possible.


Any thoughts?


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While I personally wouldn't have an issue with this, it's better to be on the safe side and stick to the 32 mm base, especially when you intend to get into more competitive gaming. Having said that, I probably wouldn't want to play against someone who'd have an issue with the base size difference, especially since SBs don't have any auras (right?).


Regarding loadout, I wouldn't hold my breath for more options being available anytime soon (i.e. in this edition).

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While I personally wouldn't have an issue with this, it's better to be on the safe side and stick to the 32 mm base, especially when you intend to get into more competitive gaming. Having said that, I probably wouldn't want to play against someone who'd have an issue with the base size difference, especially since SBs don't have any auras (right?).


Yeah it's one of those sportsmanship things. I personally wouldn't mind if an opponent did it, and I would have reservations about playing someone who does mind. But at the same time I would prefer to be fully legal and not force my opponent to have to make these mental calculations, trivial though they are.


Edit: Especially if the SB in question is Champion of the Feast, has a mastercrafted Thunder Hammer, maybe Bones of Mordred too, is in an Assault Intercessor squad and fights twice etc. etc... 

Edited by Brother Kraskor
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Why not base the model on a thin flat metal sheet, less than 32mm in diameter, then have a 32mm base and a 40mm base with a hefty magnet underneath?

As someone who has the same problem but only with Helbrecht i should totally have done this! Oh well I can always rebase him if Im gonna play a tournament :P


Otherwise for friendly games I have never had any issues with slight changes of bases or similar. As long as its clearly not modeling for advantage I see no problem. And my self and my opponents have always been clear with whats not "tournament legal" so everyone knows beforehand.

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While they might not have an aura, they do have 8mm more reach back to an aura potentially.


Ultimately for garage-hammer, and friendly local games Im sure it wouldnt be a problem often. For tourney play, Id have a 32mm option available. Ive used conversions before (like ky primaris chaplain with a jumppack - he looks awesome but is downright massive compared to the standard JP vhaplain) but not in tourney play. I just bring both to tables qhen I run a list with one now.

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Thanks for everyone feedback. 


Just getting back into the gaming aspect of the hobby but at some I will want to try my hand at tournaments so I guess I may as well er on the side of caution and base them up on 32mms.


I suppose I can always use an adapter or something later on if I want to run them in a sword brethern squad if they get access to powerfists.

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Thanks for everyone feedback. 


Just getting back into the gaming aspect of the hobby but at some I will want to try my hand at tournaments so I guess I may as well er on the side of caution and base them up on 32mms.


I suppose I can always use an adapter or something later on if I want to run them in a sword brethern squad if they get access to powerfists.


Even a 40mm base and some blue-tack would do the job!

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I have similar concerns with my models.  I have narrowed it down to these options

  • Magnets drilled into the feet. interchangeable 32mm & 40mm base set for each model.
  • Base 32mm and create a 40mm ring extension for use in SB squads
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Sword Brothers will make some amazing looking BGV conversions.

yea. I am thinking pop goes the monkey templar claymores and pavase shields, along with liber demonica or their maltese cross maxima heads.


I need to start asking these guys to sponosr me...

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While they might not have an aura, they do have 8mm more reach back to an aura potentially.


Ultimately for garage-hammer, and friendly local games Im sure it wouldnt be a problem often. For tourney play, Id have a 32mm option available. Ive used conversions before (like ky primaris chaplain with a jumppack - he looks awesome but is downright massive compared to the standard JP vhaplain) but not in tourney play. I just bring both to tables qhen I run a list with one now.

They can however take Skull/Light so that would give tjem an aura

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