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Sword brethren loadout

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Eh, let him complain, Medju's just getting it all out of his system in one go. He wanted the heavens, but was only handed the skies.


One shouldn't put the bar on the level of the broken armybooks, or on the shoulders of two standout stratagems.

I wanted heaven (rerolls) but just handed the skies (weak Vows)...



But in same time me was taken my child (advance + charge) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Eh, let him complain, Medju's just getting it all out of his system in one go. He wanted the heavens, but was only handed the skies.


One shouldn't put the bar on the level of the broken armybooks, or on the shoulders of two standout stratagems.

I wanted heaven (rerolls) but just handed the skies (weak Vows)...

But in same time me was taken my child (advance + charge) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Templars were "fast melee" for five minutes because of a poorly worded rule that got corrected. 


Please get over it, it's so tedious reading the same complaint over and over, it's the fifth thread I read you in, all about the same thing. Come on.

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Eh, let him complain, Medju's just getting it all out of his system in one go. He wanted the heavens, but was only handed the skies.


One shouldn't put the bar on the level of the broken armybooks, or on the shoulders of two standout stratagems.

I wanted heaven (rerolls) but just handed the skies (weak Vows)...

But in same time me was taken my child (advance + charge) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Templars were "fast melee" for five minutes because of a poorly worded rule that got corrected. 


Please get over it, it's so tedious reading the same complaint over and over, it's the fifth thread I read you in, all about the same thing. Come on.


advance and charge was used as intended... Devout push was a bit too tricky so i am curious that is has survived in another curious way^^

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they're all on 40 mm bases yes

It's definitely interesting to note since it means they're more vulnerable to being punched by melee, and definitely pushes them to either MSU or Combat Squad in order to ensure everyone can get into melee.

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I think these guys look decent coming out of repulsors (edit) impulsors. Not fantastic, but decent and for an appropriate cost. An Impulsor and 5 or 6 of these guys will come in under 300 points and do solid, if not spectacular, work.


I don't know why people are upset about the weapon options. They let you take what's in the box. All the different power weapons are fine and you can go with all swords if you want. The only issue from my perspective is that it'll make it a bit slower to roll all their attacks.

Edited by Mandragola
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played already a game. I see not that many lists where you can use Sword brothers that effective. The best way is to keep them cheap and screen you backfield because you just have to playthem with 4 models instead of 5 and they still benefit from cover. In my lists there would be that much other things I would put in before Sword Brethren... I think they are cool to build them as Seargants for for the other Troopchoices we already have.

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I think these guys look decent coming out of repulsors (edit) impulsors. Not fantastic, but decent and for an appropriate cost. An Impulsor and 5 or 6 of these guys will come in under 300 points and do solid, if not spectacular, work.



I think so too! You can use them with Seal of Sigismund and send them off independently. 

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played already a game. I see not that many lists where you can use Sword brothers that effective. The best way is to keep them cheap and screen you backfield because you just have to playthem with 4 models instead of 5 and they still benefit from cover. In my lists there would be that much other things I would put in before Sword Brethren... I think they are cool to build them as Seargants for for the other Troopchoices we already have.


I think the role for sword brethren (sergeants) is really cool for exactly that reason. Can bring the cool toys and not feel bad when SB aren’t what we want. Lead their less experienced/honored brothers on a glorious crusade.

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I do find the minimum size of 4 strange. What's even the purpose, or is it some kind of a remnant from how marine units usually have 1-4 dudes + 1 Sergeant-equivalent, and they just deleted the line that adds a Sergeant into the unit...? Now that I think on it, that's actually the most likely outcome. No mysteries, just good ol' GW incompetence. 

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I do find the minimum size of 4 strange. What's even the purpose, or is it some kind of a remnant from how marine units usually have 1-4 dudes + 1 Sergeant-equivalent, and they just deleted the line that adds a Sergeant into the unit...? Now that I think on it, that's actually the most likely outcome. No mysteries, just good ol' GW incompetence. 

It's because one of the models can be made into a Castellan.

Edited by Fulkes
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