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Takatus' Kill Team Krieg squad

Magos Takatus

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Heya all. I'm new to this part of the forum, spending most of my time generally getting in the way in the Adeptus Mechanicus and Ork forums. I thought I'd drop my recently finished Krieg infantry in here for people's amusement.











In case the mug looks familiar, Here's the reference.



My customary "models out of focus rotato-vision" 


Let me know what you think. :smile.:



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So far it's just a one-off but I have enough decals to make a small army if I wished. Thanks for the feedback, it was my first time trying streaking grime and a matte varnish which seems to have helped. I've really enjoyed basing models for a long time, it really adds to the feel of the models and the claggy wet mud of a churned-up battlefield really suits Krieg models. I'm waffling now but that's mainly enthusiasm for finishing a project I really enjoyed. I've never painted Forge World Krieg models but the plastic version are lovely to model and paint, they have so much character for models without faces. :)

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I've had my heart set on a Macharius Vanquisher for some time that I could shoehorn into this army but that won't happen too soon due to the price and my current pile of shame. I recently purchased a Triaros Armoured Conveyer to add a bit of (sadly unplayable) style to my 40k Adeptus Mechanicus army. I could run it as a Dunerider I suppose.


Deathriders are pretty cool. They would be fun to paint. Turning this highly detailed kit into a combat patrol or generally a horde army sounds like a way to flirt with madness.


Krieg is one of those armies I'd probably collect if did I not know how much work they would require down the line. Maybe one day. :D

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