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Black Templar 2000: The Tidings


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Black Templar Battalion - 2000

HQ - 315

Chaplain Grimaldus - 140: Litany (Fervant & Protection)

•Warlord (Piety)

Primaris Marshall - 95: MasterAuto&MastSword, Relic (Helm)

•Hero (MasterArms)

Primaris Castallen - 80: AutoPlasma&MastSword

•Relic (Aurellian)


Elites - 506

1x Sword Brothern Squad - 268: 10 man, 2x SBro w/HvyPistol&PowSword

• 2x SBro w/HvyPistol&THammer, 2x SBro w/HvyPistol&TwinClaw

• 2x SBro w/HvyPistol&Chainsword, 1x SBro w/HvyPistol&PowAx

• 1x Feasted SBro w/HvyPistol&PowSword, Relic (Judgement)

1x Company Veteran Squad - 48: 2 Man, 1x Vet w/ SShield&Chain

•Sgt w/ SShield&Chain

1x Bladegaurd Veteran Squad - 190; 5 man, 3x Vet

•Sgt w/ HvyPistol, 1x Vet w/Heinman


Troop - 714

2x Primaris Crusader Squad - 588 (294): 15 Man, 7x Neos w/BoltCarbine

•SBro w/HvyPistol&PowAx, 2x Init w/HvyPistol&PowFist

•5x Init w/AutoBolt

1x Crusader Squad - 126: 7 Man, 1x Init w/GravCannon, 2x Neo w/Shotgun

•SBro w/ Bolter&Chain, 3x Init w/ BP&Chain or Bolter


Fast Attack - 140

2x Land Speeder - 140 (70): Multi-Melta


Heavy Support - 325

2x Eliminator Squad - 170(85): 3 Man, 2x Elim w/Fusil

•Sgt w/Instigstor

1x Eradicator Squad - 155: 3 Man, 1x Erad w/MMelta

•Sgt w/HMeltaRifle, 1x Erad w/HMeltaRifle


Total 2000

CP: 8

Models: 69-71

Squads: 14-15


In more competitive games:

Firstborn Crusaders are removed and replaced with

1x Intercessor Squad - 105: 5 Man, 1x Cessor w/AutoBolt&Grenade

•Sgt w/ AutoBolt&Chain, 3x Cessor w/AutoBolt


Power Ax Sword Brothern in Sword Brothern Squad becomes RelicBearer w/ the Emperor’s Light


The Company Veterans gain LightingClaws


Primaris Marshall replaces it wargear with Autoflamer & MasterPowAx

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