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Fan Made Army of Renown: Emperor’s Fist Armored Company


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Given the Crusher Stampede Army of Renown I thought this might be interesting. Try it out and if you do please let me know what you think.


How about an Army of Renown for guard aptly called “Emperor’s Fist Armored Company”



- Your Army cannot include any Flyer Units and can not contain any vehicle models with a wounds characteristic of 6 or less.

-For each unit from your army that does not have the vehicle keyword, your army must include a vehicle squadron and must be mounted in a dedicated transport or a vehicle with the transport keyword.

-For Each Tank commander from your army, you must include a full vehicle squadron.

-You must include 1 Tank Commander

-All units in your Army must have the Astra Militarum keyword



-All units from your Army gain the Emperor’s Fist Keyword.

-Units in the Army without the Vehicle Keyword gain the ability Mechanized Fire Support

-Vehicle Units from your Army gain Armored Column ability

-Units with Voice of Command and Tank orders abilities are considered to have access to both, but are limited to their datasheet’s restrictions on how many orders can be given per turn and which units are affected by their respective abilities.


Mechanized Fire Support:

-This unit can never gain the benefits of a regimental doctrines

-In the enemy charge phase after an Emperor’s Fist unit from your army is chosen as the target of the charge, while embarked in a vehicle with the Transport keyword and within 6” of the charged unit you may overwatch with the transport vehicle at the charging unit even if it’s not the target of the charge. You hit on a 4+ regardless of modifiers.

-Emperor’s Fist units may fire blast weapons while in Engagement Range of an enemy model at-1 to hit.


Armored Column:

- This unit can never gain the befits of Regimental Doctrines

- Models in this unit have 5+ invulnerable save.

-Each time an attack is allocated to a model in this unit, subtract 1 to the damage characteristic of that attack to minimum of 1.

-Models in this unit count as a number of models equal to the remaining wounds for the purpose of control of objective markers.

-Emperor’s Fist units may fire blast weapons while in Engagement Range of an enemy model at -1 to hit.


Warlord traits:

Pounding Barrage - a 6” aura to re-roll failed wound rolls. Re roll damage rolls. If any enemy units suffer a destroyed model in the battle round, then each time a combat attrition test is taken for that unit, for the rest of the game, subtract 1 from that roll.

Suppressive fire -

when an an enemy unit suffers a wound till end of battle round that unit cannot overwatch. Any enemy unit that suffered a wound halves their movement till your next movement phase. Subtract -3 to morale if any wounds are suffered.

Unyielding Advance -

6” aura counts as remaining stationary and can act as normal irrespective of advancing or falling back. Can perform Actions without failing.



Hammer of Sunderence (2Cp)- strategic ploy

During the shooting phase, select a Emperor’s Fist Leman Russ with a Battle cannon, you automatically wound on hit rolls of 6 deal d3 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends.


Steel Phlanx (2cp) - Battle Tactic

Use this strategem at the start of your charge phase. Pick an enemy unit. Each time an Emperor’s fist vehicle form your army finishes charge move within 1” of that enemy unit, roll a D6; on a 4+ that unit suffers d3 mortal wounds


Rapid Redeploy (1CP) - Battle Tactic

Use this strategem at the end of your movement phase. An emperors fist unit embarked in a Emperor’s fist transport can disembark. That unit cannot move farther this phase. This unit counts as having moved for any rules purposes.


No quarter given! (2cp) - epic deed

Use this strategem at the start of the fight phase. Pick an Emperor’s Fist unit from your army. Until end of that phase, when a model in that unit is slain, that model is not immediately removed from the battlefield as normal, but can instead immediately pile in and fight, even if it’s already been chosen to fight that phase. After it’s attacks are resolved, each unit within 3”suffers D3 mortal wounds, it is then removed from the battlefield.


Field Commander (1cp) - Requisition

Use this strategem before the battle. Select one Emperor’s Fists character from your army that is not your warlord or tank Ace and give that character a warlord trait. This can only be used once and no two characters from your army can have the same warlord trait.

Edited by Hiroitchi
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It started out as a simple idea and it grew into this. I was told that I was simply hitting off of the crusher stampede and I was like yes but no. Felt like well it be a cool what it if, so I added a few things for flair. Basically I combine vigilus defiant specialist detatchments together to get a feel between Leman Russ companies and mechanized companies. There is a feel for artillery as well. I also wanted to convey that with the Warlord Traits too. Can you guess which is more suited for which?


But please feel to you break it down and let me know what maybe too overpowered or way too nerf’d. Thank you @warriorfish and @4cin87 for reading this far.

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These days there isn't that much separating tanks from monsters? So it's a sensible starting point, especially as nids have some of the same issues Guard does with regards to the heavier units that the Crusher Stampede helps with. I think it reads well, with some good requirements on the list construction and that and a nice selection of WLTs and Stratagems. I'm not too up on the newer codices though so can't say how well they call in line with these (codex creep aside), but nothing sticks out as too brazen.

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