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Miniature of the year 2021

Aramis K

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The vote is open for GW miniature of the year:




What do people think might win?

What did you like best?


Personally I really like the Ork Kommandos and the Crimson Court vampires for the personality in them all. In fact lots of the Cursed City and Soulblight stuff.


My guess for the win, a centrepiece mini - maybe Helbrecht, Belakor, one of the dragons. Or the crab.

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I have to give it to the Kommandos, they're just such excellent models. And it's not for lack of competition this year either. Be'lakor, all the AoS Slaanesh stuff, Gaunt's Ghosts, the Krieg boys, Helbrecht and company, etc.


But I mean, just look at these lads. They have such loving amounts of personality, bits to customise them, and a bomb Squig. What more could you ask for?



Edited by DeadFingers
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I went for Sevireth, which is what led me to take the plunge into AOS miniatures. An absolutely beautiful evocation of an idea.. If I had a second vote, I'd go for the BT Castellan.

I feel like most of the really outstanding mini design was in AoS this year. Some great 40k models for sure, but AoS was something else.

I absolutely agree with this - I keep hoping the studio will bring the brilliance (and freedom) of their AoS designs to 40K. I'm not sure whether I am disappointed or not that the new eldar seem to be almost too faithful to their predecessors, and somehow don't seem to tap into the eccentricities of some of the older art (rather than models), or that the savage orks weren't very boat-pushing. 


Perhaps 40K's reliance on marines means it cannot get too eccentric, which is a real shame.

Edited by Petitioner's City
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I have to give it to the Kommandos, they're just such excellent models. And it's not for lack of competition this year either. Be'lakor, all the AoS Slaanesh stuff, Gaunt's Ghosts, the Krieg boys, Helbrecht and company, etc.


But I mean, just look at these lads. They have such loving amounts of personality, bits to customise them, and a bomb Squig. What more could you ask for?



You have my vote. I wanted to go for the Skitarii Marshall as I love the model but it didn't exactly set the world on fire. For me it fell down to either the Krieg lads of the sneaky boyz. I loved building the Krieg lads but look at them! great sculpts, decent options. They don't have to be on a giant scenic base to impress me. Sorry Be'lakor, but you can't have my vote.

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Has to be Belakor. I saw the model and was almost tempted to the Chaos side...then I considered that I was never going to do it justice and was saved in the Emperors light. :P


Very few models leave that impression on me. When I recently faced on in a tournament for real the first time that was only reinforced. Truly impressive.


On the AoS side I really liked that Angel-looking Sigmar lady.

Edited by sairence
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Honestly we're spoiled for choice this year. Last year was a straightforward choice, this year?!


Torn between:

AoS Dragons


Mozrog/ squigosaur

Even the basic krieg sprues are awesome

The whole AoS slaaneshi range blew me away

Lord Kroak


Glutos is an outstanding diorama piece and a different take on Slaanesh, the ork range well, they're orks... 


Although "just" an infantry kit I'm going to vote kommandos. There's a reason I've got 30 and another 10 on the way. [first 30 are kommandos, last 10 will be death skull boys :) ]


Honestly, never had such difficult choice and that says a lot about what they've produced this year. Well done and thank you to the mini designers!

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