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How do,


So, following up on my Pre-Unification questions of late in other groups, something a bit more visual to follow it up.


For a long time I've really liked the work of certain creators in biggerising Marines, especially when making Heresy models, Doghouse and Apologist were huge inspirations with their truescale/Artscale marines.


Now a few folks have started an Age of Unification project on Twitter and people have jumped in with both feet working on Techno-Barbarians and Thunder Warriors.


However, wanting to be a bit different, I've decided to go with some first generation Astartes of the First Legion.


Only biggerised!


Now I realise there's a whole conversation about how much interaction marines had in the Unification Wars, but I guess it makes it interesting - there's some artistic leeway I'm sure.


So these are some of those first models I've put together, that with get a ceremite grey colour scheme when I get to add paint to them.


Theres few pics show them alongside a Primaris marine to show off some scale, as well as a couple of pictures if something I started working on yesterday.


FYI the marines are a combo of 120/130% size, the rhino is 140% but likely to be reprinted a bit bigger again to make it a bit more realistic.


Hopefully you enjoy














Edited by hermanista

Did you 3d print all that yourself?

Those look amazing and really fit the head canon look for pre/early crusade. That rhino/razor/predator looks fantastic and a slightly larger size would look even better.

Good work regardless. Keep that up.


You can pm the answer if it might break board rules.

I think you are off to a very good start and I am in the middle of something similar funnily enough but set much later mid-heresy.


There are actual FW measurements floating about for vehicles and whatnot but I have found that what works best is if you scale the Rhino so that a marine can stand with his head slightly ducked down in the door ways on the side. Mine are set at 65mm from the base of the track to the top of the hull and they are very big but look amazing. The actual lore Rhino height is 3.6 metres with a marine standing at around 2.2-2.3 metres for some idea of actual size, but the beauty of the Heresy and Unification eras is that it can be viewed through a rose tinted lens rather than be factual which is why I kickstarted the truescale movement in the first place in Pre-Heresy.


In truth though go with what looks best to you, regardless of what anyone else says and I'll be watching with interest. :tu:

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