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Afternoon fellow Fraters, just wondering what your goals are for the coming year in regard to 40k?


Mine are to actually start a project and finish it but until I get more space I can’t really do much. I want to build and paint a Harlequin army also an Ork army and finally a Chaos Knight army. I know I won’t get all that done this year but as long as I get one of them or part done I’ll be happy. 
Also I’d like to actually play more games and sit down and learn the rules to ninth and kill team also Necromunda.


So what’s your goals then? 



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I’ve got a doubles tournament at the end of Feb (my first ever!), so I’ve got to paint 1000pts of Orks by then. They’re nearly all built and under coated at least. We’re doing Orks and Harlequins.


Then it’s back to my Primaris Ultramarines who have become my main army. Yes, many people think they are boring but I love the Primaris range almost without exception and I genuinely enjoy painting the UM scheme. My goal is to have one of each unit painted (including variants!) by the end of the year. We’ll see how that goes. I’ve already got over 100 infantry models done of various types.

I would like to get my Knights up to a full Lance. I have 2 Questoris and 2 Warglaives finished. I have 2 Helverins and a Dominus still to do. I have managed to get the extra parts so I can build the Dominus as either a Castellan or Valiant so I am going to try and magnetise it.


New Eldar are coming so I will definitely be adding the new Avatar to my Craftworld. Other units will depend on the models released. Yesterday's preview showed Maugan Ra so I can definitely see myself finally replacing my old 1st edition Dark Reapers assuming new plastic ones are coming.


I also have a few units to add to my BAs and SWs so I have plenty to keep me busy. :smile.:

Not strictly 40k, but just to finish at least one model a month.

For a variety of reasons I found even that fairly limited goal too much to handle in 2021, I would like 2022 to be a bit of a restart and refresh of the hobby (and in general...).

Not strictly 40k, but just to finish at least one model a month.


For a variety of reasons I found even that fairly limited goal too much to handle in 2021, I would like 2022 to be a bit of a restart and refresh of the hobby (and in general...).


Funnily enough I came in here to say exactly this. I haven't been anything resembling consistently productive since the 2019 ETL so it'd be good to get back into some kind of rhythm.

I'm hoping to expand my Heresy-era Word Bearers and my pure Primaris army for '22. Sadly, I've been out of the miniature side of the hobby for a few years now and I currently have no idea where I was at with my Word Bearers.:facepalm:  Ah well, I'll just start buying more HH Armor Marks, pauldrons, and Choom.

40k related:


- Finish a modular Trench Board for Kill Team, that I started building during the very first lockdown :rolleyes: but then left untouched for about 14 months (https://www.instagram.com/p/CYFTERgN-0_/?utm_medium=copy_link)

- Build and paint some themed terrain to go on it (craters, bunkers, wrecks, tank traps, that kind of thing)

- Paint some of my unpainted Kill Teams - I have a few: Sororitas, Guard, Tyranids (all Genestealer), Necrons. At the very least I'd like to do the Sororitas!


Doesn't sound much, but my other hobby goals include a 2000 point AoS army and some SW Legion stuff. So more than enough to occupy my hobby time this year!

I have a deathwatch army waiting for construction for a good 3 years or more, and a hh army waiting since betrayal at calth came out. Both are on the to do list, but I'd like to get that deathwatch list done as I don't plan to add to it further. Enough for a sidebar/ally list to my main blood angels force but I don't intend to go down that rabbithole too.

My goals for 40k this year really just involve playing. My painting backlog is petty small atm, and I'll probably save the models for hopefully a new ETL at some point. I've found one of the best ways to keep a healthy relationship with GW is to keep an eye out for option B's, so I've been playing battle tech alpha strike and having a lot of fun with it.


I guess I should list being honest with myself on what I do need as well. I was disappointed with the last chapter approved, and to be blunt with access to apps I just don't need them. I'll be able to find the missions elsewhere unless they have alot of major changes which judging by what they showed at the invitational isn't the case. The only way I'll support them will be if they do a lot of heavy lifting on the subpar units. I did make sure to tell them that in the survey but I'm not competitive enough to keep up with the amount of content they're pushing out so I don't know if I'll bother with it even if they do it.

I just wanna play a damn game, but all the local gamers in GW are kinda weird, and I dont mean that in the usual nerdy way. I think its just the town I live in, most of the people I have met here since I moved have been less than pleasant to be around. 


I may have to drag M@l!ce round for a game at some point. :)


Anyone else local to Kings Lynn is more than welcome to throw dice and drink beer. 

Quite a simple and easy list I’ve set myself…:wacko.:


Play more games

Paint 1 more Aeronautica Imperialis army

Paint 1000 points of Heresy era Imperial Fists

Paint 1000 points of Heresy era White Scars

Paint a Badab War Kill Team

Weather my 28mm Warhound Titan

Build a Adeptus Titanicus table with terrain

Build and paint my 28mm Reaver Titan

Paint a AT Warmaster Iconoclast

I just wanna play a damn game, but all the local gamers in GW are kinda weird, and I dont mean that in the usual nerdy way. I think its just the town I live in, most of the people I have met here since I moved have been less than pleasant to be around. 


I may have to drag M@l!ce round for a game at some point. :smile.:


Anyone else local to Kings Lynn is more than welcome to throw dice and drink beer. 

If you have the dreaded Facebook check on there for local clubs mate. That’s how I found my local club. I only use Facebook for that and no other nonsense.

Assemble and paint Morvenn Vahl and Paragon warsuits, play a few small games, and maybe tryout Necromunda since I always said I would if they re-released Redemptionists as a faction. My goals are small, but I've been out for a minute, you know?

Oh boy, I think I need to set some low goals for 2022. I got several eye surgeries coming up in the next few weeks and months which will keep me from painting. And, fingers crossed, my first kid will be born sometime around march and will turn my life upside down. :) 


So I aim to paint around 500 points of Primaris Ultramarines this year and play at least 4 games of 40k, if the plague, my job and the kid let me. It's not much, but it's something. :)

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