Trokair Posted January 8, 2022 Share Posted January 8, 2022 So after wanting to start AT for a long while now, and with the start box being out of stock for over half a year now, I have decided to take a sideways jump into AI. I already had a Thuderhawk, because, well, it’s a Thunderhawk, and have asked my local independent shop to order in copy of Wrath of Angels. I have also acquired a second hand but unopened Skies of Fire box. My main interest will be the Eldar, Tau and teases Necron fliers, and I might as well round out an escort for the Thuderhawk. Also, with having multiple small forces I can lend some out to others at the local club to play to try and get them into AI, or just to have opponents. I am however a little lost as to rules, play areas (I know the boxed game come with fold out ones) and accessories. What is required and what is just additional if people want it. What about the ground assets thingies, the Tau ones are so cute duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N1SB Posted January 8, 2022 Share Posted January 8, 2022 (edited) Hey Brother Trokair, welcome to the open skies. I've played about a half-dozen games now, because it was my friends who were really interested and I just tagged along. I'm basically the friend who'll split a box for a low commitment game ("oh, I just need to paint 5 models? Ok, I'll split the starter with you"). I play Tau (I never collected Tau before, but my friend wanted the Imperials, so I'm playing Tau). Here's what I learned. +++ What You Need...comes straight outta the starter set +++ Short Answer - everything you need comes right out of the Starter Set, for once. 2 factions of enough planes, that hex grid map, tokens, a cheat sheet, rules, dice. Longer Answer - I'll tell you what else you should and shouldn't buy, but unlike 40k or AoS where the Starter Set is really just a start, AI is a complete game tbh: You probably don't need more planes. There's a points system with AI just like 40k. Your games are supposed to be 100 minimum, but can be 150 or 200 max. Here's my honest opinion, 100 points is totally enough. The starter set comes with just a little more than 100 per side (depends on how you arm them with the options on their sprues, etc). Any more and the map board mat will be so cluttered you're knocking each other's planes off their bases, tokens are all over the place. This isn't like 40k where a Start Collecting boxset is really just a basis to start, AI is complete in and of itself...kinda refreshing from GW. But you probably want to swap out certain planes. There are clearly better and worse options. It sounds like you're probably the AI leader in your area, so you want to create a friendly atmosphere so people try out the game, thus I reckon you're not out to optimise army lists any time soon, so just know there are more optimal options up front. I'll show you mine real quick: I spedpaint these, 4 Tau Bombers with their long-range railgun thingies. A Starter Set gives you 2. 2 friends wanted to split boxes so I ended up with 4, and having played...these are clearly the optimal planes, at least for me. What about those Aircraft & Aces army card things? They're so optional as to be completely unnecessary. I ended up using that Battlescribe app, which includes AI army lists now. I bought these not even as a convenience, but as a courtesy, because I thought I'd really customise my fleet with this pilot or that upgrade, and I wanted to lay them all out for my opponent to see to avoid confusion. Instead, what happened was I decided to use multiples of the same aircraft, same configuration, which was the best way to avoid confusion. As for the hexgrid map battlemat, there's the more solid cardboard version. That is optional, but actually might be a good buy eventually because sooner or later you'll rip the one in the Starter Set, which is like a piece of poster paper. You asked about the ground asset surprisingly might need those IF you play missions where you use the ground asset thingies. Usually only 1 side needs them, like in a bombing run mission it's randomly determined if you're the attacker or defender, the attacker is bombing the defender's ground it'd be nice if the defender's ground assets matches his faction. I think you can buy them for your actual army list, but I don't think they're very good, but I might be wrong about that. HERE'S WHAT YOU REALLY NEED TO MAKE SURE YOU KEEP. Not an additional purchase, it comes with the Starter Set: the cheat sheet with the Maneuvers and the Maneuvers Tokens. So you don't just move planes like units in 40k, there's a whole phase where you have to secretly set your Maneuvers. They're numbered, so you have to refer to your cheat sheet to know which one it is, then lay the corresponding Token by each of your planes. This is the most tactical part of the game and is referred to all the time. So you might want to keep that cheat sheet in a folder or laminate it, keep those tokens in a little ziploc baggie. To recap, AI for once has everything outta the box, maybe you need to buy planes you prefer or the ground asset thingies (they are pretty cute), but most importantly make sure you don't lose the Maneuver cheat sheet and Maneuver Tokens. +++ What I think is the optimal army list(s) +++ This part is just, y'know, for your curiosity. I don't take this game too seriously, and I don't think it should be played too WAAC competitively. Here's the winning strategy imho: choose the planes (usually Bombers) with the most "Wounds" (called Structure in AI), with the longest ranged guns, that are just at or under 25 points each. The Thunderhawk may throw this strategy out the window, I don't know, I'm planning to get my own ones soon. Here's why. Why the most Wounds/Structure? Whereas 40k is a very Objective-grabbing game, AI is a very Kill Points-oriented game. Your planes dying or taken to half-health is Victory Points for the opponent. For Tau, a Fighter with 2 Structure costs 22 points, but a Bomber with 5 Structure costs 24 points...of course you'd want the Bombers. Yes, the Fighter is more maneuverable and stuff, but at that price difference and the fact that Fighters can easily go down before they get a shot off, Bombers seem to be obviously more competitive. Why the longest ranged guns? It's more than the obvious issue that you can shoot the enemy before they get close. The real reason is to get overlapping arcs of fire. What happens with the Tau Bombers is I spread them out to the edges of the map, with the ones on the side edges turning in. Together, they create this killzone between them. Orks obviously want to get in close with their shorter-ranged guns, for example, where the Tau are comparatively disadvantaged...but Tau don't shoot what's closest to them. Instead, Tau act as Wingmen for one another, using their optimal mid- or long-range firepower to kill the Orks bothering their comrades instead of what's in front of them. Then Orks have to take time to maneuver for another pass if they survive, while my Bombers could take it. I shared my experience with my friend, Tourney Tony in Toronto, and he summed it up perfectly, "Everyone is each other's's the Greater Good." This strategy applies to all factions though imho. Why planes at or under 25 points each? As before, games are at 100, 150, or 200 points...most planes are between 20-something to 30-something points. 25 point planes means I can fit 4 in 100, 6 in 150, or 8 in 200. That just means more Structure points for my opponent to shoot through...basically all this really means is, I bring the max Structure points to a game, which simply makes it harder for the opponent to win, that 25-point threshold is just how it works out with the way they assigned points values to planes. I use Tau Bombers that cost 24 points and I bought a 1-point upgrade for each. Imperial Marauders are the equivalent on their side. The Thunderhawk is a different beast with a whopping 8 Structure points each, so this might be a game changer. That's what I've found, anyway. I've yet to lose a game and the MVPs have always been the cheap Tau Bombers with long-ranged guns. I just refined my list over Christmas by splitting another starter set to get more Tau Bombers. Good times, low investment. Edited January 8, 2022 by N1SB RedRowan, Raziel-TX, Firedrake Cordova and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted January 8, 2022 Author Share Posted January 8, 2022 Thank you N1SB for your time and lengthy and helpful reply. As a fluff oriented player this sounds like it should be right up my alley, as I had hoped. I was actually considering building the planes that come with options with the different options as far as I can so that I have one or each or so, but if for game play flow and quality it is better to have duplicates I may have to reconsider. Especially given that from what I have seen so far some of the difference is just little gun bits on already little miniatures. Related to that, I have built the Thunderhawk, which had no options really (I am not counting landing gear out or retracted as an option as it has no game play affect as far as I know), so I did not consider it but how magnetizable are the models. Is it feasible to magnetize options or it just too fiddly? I suspect the later, but if it’s possible I might go to the effort. Random thought as I was typing, how do people deal with the flight stand, glue the plane to them? As they have a round end I assume you can’t just slide them in and out as with for example Tau Drones in 40k. Interesting explanation on what to take, for a plane based game I had assumed agile fighters would be key and the heavier bombers where more the backup / big scary centerpiece or even distraction Carnifex style unit. I’ll keep it in mind, but initially I probably go with a more mixed approach, both to try out and learn with, and to keep things lower powered as we learn at the club. N1SB 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firedrake Cordova Posted January 8, 2022 Share Posted January 8, 2022 I am however a little lost as to rules, play areas (I know the boxed game come with fold out ones) and accessories. What is required and what is just additional if people want it. What about the ground assets thingies, the Tau ones are so cute Rules: The starter set boxes come with a slimline rulebook which has the core rules in it, and will also come with a small selection of scenarios (either in the book or as separate A4 cards). The Space Marine and Eldar aircraft have rules in the box (as do the Forgeworld aircraft), but I don't believe the other races' do (they didn't when I bought them when they came out - it may have changed). There are two campaign books which include fuller rules (advanced- & campaign rules), and additional scenarios: Rynn's World Air War: rules for Imperial Navy & Ork Air Waaagh aircraft Taros Air War: rules for Astra Militarum & Tau aircraft, low-level flying rules. Somewhat frustratingly, Rynn's World Air War is only available as an e-book, unless you can find "new old stock" in a store somewhere. The Aeronautica Imperials sub-Reddit has a list of all of the scenarios and where to find them. Play Areas: You probably want a larger play area than the paper mat which comes in the starter set. GW have made 3 fold-out card ones, but only the most recent one is still available (I'm not sure how they'll wear given the fold-out nature, although I suppose you could separate all of the panels with a knife if you were worried). As an alternative, Deep Cut Studios make a mat with options up to 6'x4' (they also have other candidate if you use their via Print-O-Mat facility to add the grid - Mig Alley, Aerial Fields, and Aerial Battlefield). N.B. I've not bought anything from Deep Cut Studios - I just know the options exist and look nice. Aircraft Cards: These can make playing the game easier, but are optional, and you could create a functional roster in Excel with colour-in boxes for structure points without too much difficulty (*shameless plug* or you could use my blank aircraft templates to make your own ). They've been out of production for a while, so finding them is unlikely. Ground Assets: A few missions call for bombing targets or ground defences, so they are useful. They can easily be replaced with tokens/standees/printed icons, however (there's also an argument that the models get in the way if you need to make an aircraft occupy the same hex, so in some ways a printout of a bunker or whatever may by more workable, but less "pretty"). Models: In terms of model count you only really need the starter box, although getting the squadron boxes instead (or 2 starter sets) will give you the ability to make all the various weapon options if you can't decide (where there are options, e.g. Tiger Sharks), or have some painted up as aces for promotion in campaign play. Getting a starter box and a squadron box is almost certainly overkill! (says the twit with 12 dakkajets... :blush:) how magnetizable are the models. Is it feasible to magnetize options or it just too fiddly? I suspect the later, but if it’s possible I might go to the effort. The only model I would consider magnetising is the Fire Raptor - you can drop a ball bearing (~4mm) in the ball turret when you build them, and put a magnet in the fuselage - a 6x1.5mm magnet will fit without needing filing the sockets for the ball turrets, and a 3mm thick magnet can be fitted with some filing. Random thought as I was typing, how do people deal with the flight stand, glue the plane to them? As they have a round end I assume you can’t just slide them in and out as with for example Tau Drones in 40k. I didn't bother gluing mine - that way you can collapse everything down as small as possible for transport/storage (planes, stalks, and bases all separate). The planes sit snugly on the ball on the stalk, so them falling off shouldn't be a problem. Don't know if any of that helps Trokair, Mithrilforge, N1SB and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted January 8, 2022 Author Share Posted January 8, 2022 Thank you Firedrake Cordova, that was also a very helpful reply. The scenario index is a handy thing, I know I would have just skimmed any IA content in WD at the time, but if need I could now dig out the few issues for extra scenarios. I’ll begin with the foldout board from the box, then if the game takes off with the playgroup then I’ll look at getting a larger play area. I had a play with Deep Cut Studios custom thing and it looked good. As for ground assets, if I need to reach FW shipping threshold then I might get the tau ones as I like the look, but in the mean time as they are not that important I’ll cope without. There was also some AT bits on the accessory sprue like a bunker and a macro cannon that should be suitable, or even have a fun go and make some myself. Mithrilforge and N1SB 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted January 8, 2022 Share Posted January 8, 2022 Everyone else pretty much covered it lol :-D I will add though … either make each aircraft very distinctive or number them with decals… I found early on we were getting confused on who shot and with what etc … I would marker the card with a dice on number 2 for dakka jet 2 …and so on, Nisb is pretty close with the tactics on the T’AU … but there’s always someone that brings crazy to the game …. My mate does the same with T’AU but I just gang up on one at a time with heaps of dakka jets… like a pack of jackals snapping at a buffalo … you bring it down and move on to the next one , yes a lot depends on manoeuvres!! But if your savvy you can beat a tough opponent … and the dice gods really come into play with AI …. 5’s & 6’s …. Oh my ! It’s a great game that you can make really fun, and if your like me and made model planes as a kid then you really get that fun nostalgia kick from painting up these cute little planes …. I just finished three Xiphons last night but large scale ones would take me a month to do … it’s satisfying to finish stuff !! Good luck playing and watch your six !! Cheers Mithril Firedrake Cordova, Trokair and N1SB 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted January 9, 2022 Author Share Posted January 9, 2022 Random question, I can’t work out from GW website if these are the same kit with different packaging or actually two different but similar kits. If the later which version is in the Skies of Fire box. Tiger Shark AX 1-0 Fighter-Bombers T'au Air Caste Tiger Shark Fighter-Bombers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted January 9, 2022 Share Posted January 9, 2022 @Trokair- aha!! I had this dilemma too , I had skies of fire but had to go buy the AX-1-0 to get the heavy rail gun sniper bomber kit out, The standard tiger shark bomber is in the box set, so yes, go and get the AX-1-0 if you want to finish your set and get some new sniper bombers. Mithril Firedrake Cordova and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firedrake Cordova Posted January 9, 2022 Share Posted January 9, 2022 As for ground assets, if I need to reach FW shipping threshold then I might get the tau ones as I like the look, but in the mean time as they are not that important I’ll cope without. There was also some AT bits on the accessory sprue like a bunker and a macro cannon that should be suitable, or even have a fun go and make some myself. As an alternative, there are some designs on Thingiverse if you have a 3D printer. Random question, I can’t work out from GW website if these are the same kit with different packaging or actually two different but similar kits. If the later which version is in the Skies of Fire box. As Mithril said, they're different sets (why GW don't show the sprues on the A-X-1 set to make this obvious, I don't know). The Tiger Shark kit comes as two sprues - the air frame (i.e. fuselage and body), and the underside & guns. Both sets share the airframe sprue, but the underside/guns sprue is different (the A-X-1 has the plasma accelerator, heavy rail gun, and a particular underside; the regular Tiger Sharks have paired versions of the Barracuda weapons options, seeker missiles, and a different underside [which lets you model the missile bays]). I will add though … either make each aircraft very distinctive or number them with decals… I found early on we were getting confused on who shot and with what etc … I would marker the card with a dice on number 2 for dakka jet 2 …and so on, This is sound advice. (as another option: paint numbers on the front and rear facing of the base. Mithrilforge and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N1SB Posted January 9, 2022 Share Posted January 9, 2022 I was actually considering building the planes that come with options with the different options as far as I can so that I have one or each or so, but if for game play flow and quality it is better to have duplicates I may have to reconsider. Especially given that from what I have seen so far some of the difference is just little gun bits on already little miniatures. I've thought more about your situation, where you'll be introducing the game to new players. In those introductory scenarios, you might actually benefit from those Aircraft & Aces cards regardless, because they're so handy to have on the side of the table for quick reference, instead of having to flip through the book. This would doubly be true if you do choose to have different loadouts. Sidenote - at least for Tau, I noticed the Aircraft & Aces cards have at least 1 upgrade I couldn't find in the book. I think it's a small concession gift for buying the cards. I believe you can magnetise the tiny little guns, you'll see just on the sprue how the guns fit onto the planes. It's easier than magnetising a Marine's arms. But I still don't feel it's worth the hassle because you have to do it for each plane whereas with a Marine, you really only have to do it on a Sergeant or the Special/Heavy Weapons guy(s) of a 10-man squad. It's a tough call. Having the same loadout for planes of the same type might be a personal preference/bias. Even in 40k, I deliberately loaded out my squads the same and in WYSIWYG to avoid "Gotcha!" moments where it turns out THIS Marine Tactical Squad had melta bomb whereas THAT one didn't. But that's just me and I don't want to impose that personal practice on others. I really appreciate your introducing players to this little game, though, it's fun and shows an important theatre of battle that hasn't been represented until now. +++ a complete tangent I just thought of +++ Don't let this confuse the many decisions you're already making. I was just thinking of what you were saying about the ground assets. You prolly already were thinking along these lines which was why you were interested in them. I just thought it'd be a really good idea if a player's AI faction matched his 40k faction, that his AI ground assets actually were artillery weapons in his 40k army. So when you're playing AI and you're targeting his ground assets...that's actually his whole 40k army down there! And it's like his planes are always up in the sky even in a 40k game to protect against bombing runs, even if you don't see them. Orks are the most actionable of these I think because their Mek Gunz are really good choices for 40k, and could represent their ground asset anti-air guns. We don't have Epic scale Boyz for the rest of the army, but we can abstract it by saying they're taking cover, which is why you don't see them on the board. It also explains why we don't have Thunderhawks in 40k games. The Thunderhawks dropped off the Marines in 40k games, but then take to the air to protect them from enemy aircraft trying to bomb them. This is really amusing to me. Trokair, Mithrilforge and Firedrake Cordova 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mandragola Posted January 9, 2022 Share Posted January 9, 2022 Welcome to this game, at kind of an interesting time for it. I have to say, my initial reaction is that it's a crying shame AT is constantly out of stock because I much prefer it as a game, and to be honest the fact it's always out of stock and AI isn't tells you quite a lot. That said, you can have fun with AI, and with a far smaller investment. It's a game that arguably works best at smaller scales so you don't really want dozens of planes anyway. The starter sets give you pretty much everything you need for most factions to play 100-150 point games. I'd probably recommend trying to get hold of all three starter sets if possible. Skies of Fire is a bit odd for Imperials because really their workhorse planes are in the original Wings of Vengeance box. You could alternatively get some thunderbolts and marauder destroyers instead of the bomber versions, because the bombers really are only good for one thing (guess what!) Otherwise it sounds like you'll have enough marines and Eldar from that starter. Tau too from theirs, though you could possibly get some of the alternative tiger sharks. If you want Orks and can't get hold of wings of vengeance then dakkajets, fighta bommers and grot bommers are what I'd recommend. Do have a look at what people are (re)selling online. I think you could find some pretty good deals. Good luck. Mithrilforge, N1SB and Trokair 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Ciaphas Posted January 10, 2022 Share Posted January 10, 2022 Hail Trokair! Well - I was going to write a long-ish welcome - but everything I possibly could have written, has been done much better by everyone else! Welcome to the Airfield! I look forward to seeing your painted minis and reading about your games! Cheers Master Ciaphas Trokair, Mithrilforge and Firedrake Cordova 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted January 24, 2022 Author Share Posted January 24, 2022 So I admit that I may have a small problem. I have built a few planes in the last two or so days. The contents of Wrath of Angels, the Tau halve of Skies of Fire with two additional Tigersharks AX 1-0, and 4 Necrons croissants and 2 Necron heavy croissants. The Remoras I have had for ages as I got them to go with my 40k scale ones, but thought it be fitting to include them here. Firedrake Cordova, duz_, RedRowan and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted January 25, 2022 Share Posted January 25, 2022 (edited) Yes!! Awesome work, I'm a tad bit jealous of the Flying Croissant's of resin death down in the front there (i look forward to seeing them painted the most in saying that they may be the easiest unit to paint from what you have there.... So, From your models I can tell you got wrath of angels, did you get skies of fire or did you just buy T'AU planes separately... those Remora's are tiny!! ... dare i ask what they cost?!?... What scheme's are all of them going to be done in?!?... Cheers, Mithril ++EDIT++ duh... i just read the words underneath the picture...(must read all the writing before commenting in the future... ) Edited January 25, 2022 by mithrilforge Trokair and Firedrake Cordova 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted January 25, 2022 Author Share Posted January 25, 2022 (edited) I do indeed have Skies of fire, haven’t build the Imperial contingent, as I am unsure whether I want to expand them with the other Navy planes or treat them as Guard planes. The Remoras are indeed tiny; in fact they are a single piece, not parts at all. I don’t remember what they cost, whatever FW website says I guess, I bought them when they came out to go with my 40k ones, thinking I would use the small ones when the remoras where in flyer mode and the 40k scale ones when they were in hover mode, or just use the small ones as special gun drones for my Commander. Now though they will join the AI fleet. In case you meant there AI cost, according to the bit of paper they came with they are 14 points, Structure 1, Throttle 2, manoeuvre 1-7, Handling 3+, Min speed 0, Max 6, Altitude 5, armed with a burst cannon and seeker missiles, has stealth (-1) and jink. As for colour schemes, unsure at present. For the Tau I probably want to try to match it to my 40k army, or at least take inspiration from it. It be a silver metallic scheme with gold details/armour. Some of My Stealth suits as an example. Not sure how this will translate to the planes. For the Marines, I did paint a Thunderhawk before I decided to get fully into the game, and while it was fun I am not that happy with the improvised scheme I used. I do have a custom chapter in the Liber section, a Fleet based chapter, so planes would be on theme, so might try that, it be a black based scheme, so Black Templar contrast experiments might be in order. Necrons as you say are potentially easy, and I do have two different necron armies (2nd edition metal in a classic necron metal scheme and 3rd/5th plastic in a black and blue scheme) that I could theme them to. Or maybe try something new, the brass scheme of 9th edition Necrons do look good, or maybe something completely different. Lastly the Eldar, I do have something in mind, a scheme I have considered redoing my 40k elder in for a while, it be gold based, not sure on secondary colour (because metallic schemes are a rarity for any form of elder). Edit, put in the pic of the stealth suits I mentioned, was clearly to tiered last night. Edited January 25, 2022 by Trokair Mithrilforge and Firedrake Cordova 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted January 25, 2022 Share Posted January 25, 2022 (edited) In regards to Eldar and gold… I’m doing a harlequin unit in red and gold ,I’d seen some cirque du soleil (sp?) in these colours many years ago and was awestruck by it and thought they move like harlequins… although black purple or even blue would work with gold… ?!?… Let us know how you go … ;-) Mithril Edited January 25, 2022 by mithrilforge Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Ciaphas Posted January 25, 2022 Share Posted January 25, 2022 Hail! Amazing collection of planes you have, Trokair! I look forward to seeing them with paint on. The Necrons look amazing - and the T'au are actually more and more amazing, the more I look at them! I also want som AX-1-0! Kindly, Master Ciaphas Mithrilforge, Firedrake Cordova and Trokair 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted January 25, 2022 Author Share Posted January 25, 2022 Thanks, it will probably be a while before I go to paint as I need the weather to be cooperative to undercoating. Will post painted planes as and when. Red is often used with gold schemes, so the combo dose work, but for the same reason I might try something else. I actually got the AX 1-0 because its rail gun look like they have a proper punch. In the end I built one AX 1-0 with them and the other for close range devastation with the plasma. Also noticed I forgot to put in the stealth suit sample I mentioned in my above post, was tiered last night I guess. Have now edited to rectify. Master Ciaphas 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted January 25, 2022 Share Posted January 25, 2022 Haha I remember those old stealth suits, gosh they’re oldies but goodies!, the paint job reminds me of the rolling droid dekka’s from episode 1 - phantom menace… We’re patient here, we’ll wait to see your stuff painted properly!! Cheers Mithril P.S. I too made my AX -1-0’s the same as you did !! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted February 4, 2022 Author Share Posted February 4, 2022 Got a box of Fire Raptors to round out my marine options, what turret weapons do people prefer to but on these? Also been looking trough the Companion and Taros books, had to chuckle at the scenario name Subterranean Assault. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firedrake Cordova Posted February 4, 2022 Share Posted February 4, 2022 (edited) If you don't want to commit, you can magnetise the Fire Raptor guns (it'll also mean they're poseable). You'll need: 1 ball bearing per turret (made from a magnetic material), 4mm or smaller * 1 magnet per aircraft, around 6mm diameter and 1.5mm thick (you can use a thicker magnet if you want, but you'll have to file the inside of the turret mount to create a sufficient gap) How to (this is not my video): * larger may work, but I used 4mm ones... Edited February 4, 2022 by Firedrake Cordova Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted February 4, 2022 Author Share Posted February 4, 2022 Thanks. Foolishly when I got home yesterday with the spoils I was so in the mood to build that the bodies are already done. I only paused when I got to the turrets, and for some reason I assumed that they would clip in (the same way the planes go on their flying stand). Discovered this morning that while they fit snuggly they do fall out. The turrets on their own remind me of the drones from Oblivion. Arendious 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firedrake Cordova Posted February 4, 2022 Share Posted February 4, 2022 Doh! :( If you haven't glued the turrets together yet, I would imagine you could drill a large hole straight through the indentations the turrets fit into, and then fit a cylindrical magnet into it. Alternatively, you could drill into the turrets and fuselage and insert and glue a length of wire into the fuselage and pushing the turret onto it (essentially pinning it, but without gluing the second end) if you wanted them to be interchangeable. Don't know if that's any help/of interest :) (the reason I magnetised mine was I couldn't decide... :blush:) Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted February 4, 2022 Author Share Posted February 4, 2022 Yea, if needs must there will be a way, just not the clever way of putting the ball in the hollow of the sphere of the weapons turret. Leasson (probably not) learned: don’t build new kits in the evening of the same day you bought them. Firedrake Cordova and Mithrilforge 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firedrake Cordova Posted February 5, 2022 Share Posted February 5, 2022 (edited) Leasson (probably not) learned: don’t build new kits in the evening of the same day you bought them. That is a good point. :) It may just be me getting old, but whilst I could assemble the GW plastic kits of old (those of the late 1990's) "by gut", I need to pay attention to the instructions of the newer kits like I would if I were assembling any of the high part-count historical vehicle kits (Tamiya, etc). They are fantastically designed and look great once assembled, though. Edited February 5, 2022 by Firedrake Cordova Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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