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Hello B&C, long time no see. I've recently begun work on a new army project, and I always loved sharing my WIP logs with the fine folk here.


It's been a few years since I've painted anything as I've been busy modeling tiny printable space ships for Soul Forge Studio for the past little while, and as a 2022 new years resolution I've resolved to ensure I take more personal hobby time this year. That in mind, I've always felt a pull towards the ranks of the Unforgiven, and the First Chapter had called me to the hunt.


The project will be multi era, and multi system.


Project 1 will be a small Battlefleet Heresy Fleet, sporting the old 1st Legion colors.:


Retribution Battleship - Calibans Fury

Battle Barge - Teeth of the Lion

Dagon Grand Cruiser - Glory and Honour


Escort Squadron - Guardians of the Citadel

2 Nova 1 Gladius




I did not paint the bases, they were done for me by one of my Patrons.


I modeled up and printed some tiny plasma broadsides for the ships:





And got to painting a test paint on the escorts:





Next, I got to work on the Retribution Battleship - Calibans Fury:






So here's the first 4 ships together:



Edited by Danny Cyanide
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Like I said, this project is going to be multi system, and multi era, so I've started working on a 40k force as well.


First up was a Deathwing Librarian, sculpted by Mr McAngry, a modeling friend of mine. I printed him out and painted my first Deathwing model.







I'm still undecided how I'm going to finish his Force Axe.


Next, I got kitbashing some Deathwatch Knights using the FW Inner Circle Terminators and some printed Shields and Maces. The Master got plastic bits from the Deathwing box:





And I built a Squad of Deathwatch Terminators with the rest of the box:




Some Greenwing were next, with some Company Veterans, Hellblasters, using the new Templar box, and Heavy Intercessors, and I painted my first test mini using green ink over red and ivory:










I finished one Hellblaster up as a paint test, then sprayed the rest of the Greenwing last night.






I'm in the process of modeling right shoulder pads for these guys, but am away from home for work for the next little bit, so I won't be able to print those until I get home.





The left pads on the Helblasters and Heavy Intercessors are printed, and the Heavy intercessors have a set of right pads (3rd Squad Battleline) that I was able to print before leaving for my work project.

Turns out there's going to be a 3rd system added to this project, as my 9 year old son had informed me that he wants to learn how to play Kill Team when I get home from work at the end of the month. With that in mind, I've put together a 5 man Kill Team using the Deathwatch list from the Compendium to represent a team of my Dark Angels Veterans:


Veteran Sgt with Powerfist and plasma pistol:







And the wip remaining members of the Kill Team:




Veteran Fighter with power weapon and storm shield

Veteran Gunner with plasma gun

Veteran Heavy gunner with missile launcher

Veteran Warrior with bolter and power weapon

Really beautiful work! Excellent looking dark angels, and love the spacecraft! The bases in particular are amazing. 

Thanks, I'm having a lot of fun with them so far!  I wish I could take credit for the bases, but sadly, I can not!  lol

Today I decided that I want some robed dudes for my Heavy Intercessors, so I fired up Zbrush and started sculpting.


The base armor files and head are not mine, just the robes.




Today I modeled robes for a second body, sculpted a cool DA decoration, and digitally put together an Eradicator SGT.




The little robed decoration wound up on the Sgt's chest




I hope you guys like them!

Thanks guys!


I've spent the past couple of days working on some legion outriders to have some visual variety when it comes to Ravenwing as well.  I'm going to be using mostly plastic 40k bikes, but I'm going to print a few of these to mix into bike squads:




Most of the base models I'm sculpting over are from cults. Various modelers.


I finished up another 5 man unit today, a group of Heavy Intercessors. This squad actually has right shoulder pads, as they were the only ones I managed to print before leaving for work!




I'm really excited to get home and print 5 with the robes I sculpted to fill out the squad!


That brings my Greenwing detachment up to 15 men since I came out to work on Jan 2. I'm hoping to keep close to this pace of a 5 man Squad per week when I get home.




I'm hoping to start painting my Catiphractii Deathwing Knights tomorrow!

Edited by Danny Cyanide

Today I did up a test paint on one of my Deathwing Knights to figure out what color everything should be!  






Looks like I missed the skulls and parchment on his cape, but I'll get those when I do the rest of the group!

I had pledged these 5 Capital ships in the 12 months of hobby Challenge, so i had to stop worrying on infantry and get these done. It was thought, but at 21:45 they are all based!


January Pledge:



Battle Barge - Teeth of the Lion:



Eclipse Battle Cruiser - Blade of Numarc

Lunar Cruiser - Dark Sovereign

Gothic Cruiser - Invidious:



Murder Cruiser - The Watcher:



And the full fleet so far, including The Retribution - Calibans Fury, and the Escort Squadron - Guardians of the Citadel:


Thanks Doghouse!


I've come to the realization that I'm going to need a whole lot of Plasma Cannons for this project, so I figured I'd make one.






I'm going to be printing just the arms and weapon to use on plastic bodies. First test print will be done in about 5 hours!

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