Plaguecaster Posted January 20, 2022 Share Posted January 20, 2022 (edited) Might as well make a topic for all the posts changes death guard get and how it affects units. Starting up plagueburst crawlers are going down 15pts whilst blight spawns are going up 15. Basically now 90pts for blight spawns is a bit stupid still being elite if he is arpund same price as some of our other hqs then he should be an hq as well the I'd gladly take a price increase with no complaints. Hopefully more stuff is leaked soon especially the cost of plague marines and haulers Edited January 20, 2022 by Plaguecaster Special Officer Doofy, Marshal Loss and tychobi 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Special Officer Doofy Posted January 20, 2022 Share Posted January 20, 2022 Nice PBC are going down 10pts! I often don't use a foul blightspawn so that doesn't bother me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Loss Posted January 20, 2022 Share Posted January 20, 2022 -15 points on PBCs is great, and the FBS is still incredible for his cost. Hoping for more reductions to come. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KingYertle Posted January 20, 2022 Share Posted January 20, 2022 I'm attempting to stay reserved until I see the full details. The PBC didn't need a -15 reduction, so I wouldn't be surprised if all d3+3 weapons see an across the board points increase and this was done to offset that. +15 on the Blightspawn Hurts. The Blightspawn is Not worth 90 points, (100 if you add on the Vicious Death pathogen). Thats 10 points more than a Succubus! A Blightspawn with a Stench Vats Relic might be worth 90 points, but that's because the army desperately needs the protection it offers. A 20% increase in the unit cost is significant. If the rumored +15 increase to the fleshmower is legit, it doesn't bode well for things to come. Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tokugawa Posted January 20, 2022 Share Posted January 20, 2022 Don't celebrate too early!!! We haven't seen the points cost of entropy cannon yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Special Officer Doofy Posted January 21, 2022 Share Posted January 21, 2022 I'm attempting to stay reserved until I see the full details. The PBC didn't need a -15 reduction, so I wouldn't be surprised if all d3+3 weapons see an across the board points increase and this was done to offset that. +15 on the Blightspawn Hurts. The Blightspawn is Not worth 90 points, (100 if you add on the Vicious Death pathogen). Thats 10 points more than a Succubus! A Blightspawn with a Stench Vats Relic might be worth 90 points, but that's because the army desperately needs the protection it offers. A 20% increase in the unit cost is significant. If the rumored +15 increase to the fleshmower is legit, it doesn't bode well for things to come. Where did you see the rumor for fleshmower increase? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tokugawa Posted January 21, 2022 Share Posted January 21, 2022 I'm attempting to stay reserved until I see the full details. The PBC didn't need a -15 reduction, so I wouldn't be surprised if all d3+3 weapons see an across the board points increase and this was done to offset that. +15 on the Blightspawn Hurts. The Blightspawn is Not worth 90 points, (100 if you add on the Vicious Death pathogen). Thats 10 points more than a Succubus! A Blightspawn with a Stench Vats Relic might be worth 90 points, but that's because the army desperately needs the protection it offers. A 20% increase in the unit cost is significant. If the rumored +15 increase to the fleshmower is legit, it doesn't bode well for things to come. Where did you see the rumor for fleshmower increase?I think that is some faked photos, which also said hive guard go to 70pts per model. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plague _Lord Posted January 21, 2022 Share Posted January 21, 2022 I'm attempting to stay reserved until I see the full details. The PBC didn't need a -15 reduction, so I wouldn't be surprised if all d3+3 weapons see an across the board points increase and this was done to offset that. +15 on the Blightspawn Hurts. The Blightspawn is Not worth 90 points, (100 if you add on the Vicious Death pathogen). Thats 10 points more than a Succubus! A Blightspawn with a Stench Vats Relic might be worth 90 points, but that's because the army desperately needs the protection it offers. A 20% increase in the unit cost is significant. If the rumored +15 increase to the fleshmower is legit, it doesn't bode well for things to come. Where did you see the rumor for fleshmower increase?I think that is some faked photos, which also said hive guard go to 70pts per model. Saw the same rumour about the fleshmower. I wouldn't want it to be so cause I haven't even tried one yet! Tbh my PBC are mostly decent in my games - they aren't game breaking but they are also my only source of semi-reliable antitank(random shot mortar that needs a strat to deal real damage to vechicles + swingy entropy cannons that have only 1 way to buff their accuray [Epidemius]) so I actually think the points drop is warranted. Especially since Tau and Eldar will soon have tanks that can ignore the PBC's defenses pretty easily. I've posted this in a few places but my hopes are: - 2ppm less on plague marines and special weapons at 5ppm (maybe keep the flail at 10) - 3ppm less on possessed or 1ppm less and the option to fit 10 in a rhino- their worth goes up if they could be transported! They have the same ammount of wounds as PMs for crying out loud! - 15-20ppm less on MBH, sure they have decent weapons, but also an unbuffable bs3+ and in this day and age everything worthwhile will have either a -1 to hit on it or an inv so their firepower just isn't that good - 10-15 ppm less on the defiler would make it decent - 10ppm less on the LoC would make me maybe think about using mine(not really) - 10ppm less on the DP would me much appreciated - 50ppm less on the Land Raider and tbh I don't think even a drop this big is enough - these things are going to be nearly one shotted by railguns and they still can't transport 10 possessed.... - 1ppm less on cultists - they really should be cheaper than poxies, give us the option to take action monkeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Legionnare Posted January 21, 2022 Share Posted January 21, 2022 If they’re bringing the PBC down, it has to mean something else that is common is going up. The termies maybe? Can’t expect it to just be the blightspawn, tho that does sting a bit. He is really good though with a lot of synergies. Edit: when it’s all said and done, if your current list has a net decrease it’s a good thing, doubly so if other things you haven’t used get to see play My hope against hope, is that Plague Marines comes down to 20 or 19 each, and all the specials become 5. That'd make them useable. (And for the love of god, DR on rhinos, defilers, land raiders, etc... That psychic awakening CP strat made defilers and land raiders useable. It was so fun to get them back on the table) I use PM's still (in squads of 7 for fluff reasons, aka, get hurt by blast and the new, dumb loadout changes) but would love for them to hurt less to be fluffy with. I doubt they'd change the loadout options in a Chapter Approved, but I'd love for that to be axed if they would/could. My 8th go-to "core" was 3 x 7 man PM squads, two with 2xplasma in rhinos + characters, 1 with 1xblight launcher for backfield. The loadout options are infuriating, I can't even imagine how angry the people who spec'd melee heavy are, they got screwed way more. Plaguecaster and Bulwyf 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tokugawa Posted January 22, 2022 Share Posted January 22, 2022 Railguns are on the horizon. Maybe every tank in the game need some points drop. Brother Sergeant Tiberius 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jorgend Lupus Posted January 22, 2022 Share Posted January 22, 2022 Poxwalkers and Terminators will probably go up, I'm afraid ; I think Poxies will end up at 6ppm, and Termis could get 2 or 3pts more expensive... I'm preparing for "sad panda" time, especially considering I didn't hear any rumor about a change to plague marines ... MBH are rumored to go down 10pts, but that doesn't save the day for Deathguard if our infantry goes up... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plaguecaster Posted January 23, 2022 Author Share Posted January 23, 2022 (edited) Welp Death Guard really got screwed over by this CA Blightlords up 2ptw Deathshroud up by 5pts Poxwalkers up 1pt No changes to plaguemarines or anything else in our codex severely overcosted instead GW decided we were more op than armies like dark Eldar and massively punished us. Only price drop we got was PBC by 15 which actually seeks like a nerf as it means harder to be used for To The Last secondary secondary since cheaper than our other main units. Haulers did get a price decrease of 10pts as well though which does make them more better Basically I once again and extremely disappointed and annoyed as a couple of my armies gained a few hundred pts increases by these changes. Good luck trying to play a terminus est list these days as everything now went up massively for no damn reason apart from DG has to suffer Unless the balance update in Feb does something to massively affect us this season looks extremely bad for us as GW are tying to force us to just play daemon engine lists with PBCs and haulers which will be really bad when tau gets their codex with one turn insta kill weapons as well as Eldar who look just as bad with all the new stuff they are getting Edited January 23, 2022 by Plaguecaster Iron Sage and Bulwyf 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tokugawa Posted January 23, 2022 Share Posted January 23, 2022 Comparing with other expendable cannon folders unit, 6pts for poxwalker is reasonable. But looking at DG win% of recent months, DG obviously should not be the faction were nerfed. Ridiculus! Bulwyf and Plaguecaster 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KingYertle Posted January 23, 2022 Share Posted January 23, 2022 Well that was worse then expected. Really feels like GW gave DG an intentional competitiveness nerf to make DG Chaos players all go out and buy the new chaos hotness that GW has planned for later this year. Our Army of Renown took the brunt of this, and might now be unplayable. My Incursion list went up 80 points! Its only been 10 months since the book was released. If GW is going to ask $50 for a campaign book, the content needs more longevity than that. WrathOfTheLion and CastellanDeMolay 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Special Officer Doofy Posted January 23, 2022 Share Posted January 23, 2022 I'm upset plague marines didn't get a 1ppm drop and half wargear cost. But as my most frequent list has no terminators or poxwalkers and has 3 PBC and 3 Blight haulers, this makes me happy. I feel the other stuff didn't need to go up though. Still not ultra competitive like some other more recent codex creep factions. Plaguecaster and WrathOfTheLion 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WrathOfTheLion Posted January 24, 2022 Share Posted January 24, 2022 I'm not the biggest fan of these point increases, I think most of them should end up reverted in their February update. I think this is really highlighting that they need to be doing the points ~1 month before the publication, not having to lock them in for a print copy. For me, they're taking away the things I liked having in Chapter Approved as well as doing stuff like this. They should drop the points and put more of the other stuff back in it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tokugawa Posted January 24, 2022 Share Posted January 24, 2022 No reason to make players pay money to read a notification book about they were nerfed. That is anti-humanism. Bulwyf, CastellanDeMolay, Tipper and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plague _Lord Posted January 24, 2022 Share Posted January 24, 2022 Don't want to talk about the changes, cause weall know they are BS. My fave list went up by 80 points...Oh well time to try a Epidemius list with all the daemon engines but of course they also had to nerf Nurglings of allthings lol. TBH james is just as bad as disney when it comes to greed. I think this chapter approved will sell really badly and maybe someone over there will start to think about digital balance updates instead of this bull. Iron Sage 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted January 24, 2022 Share Posted January 24, 2022 To be honest, this latest points changed has completely killed any interest I have in matched play. I think I'll be sticking to Power Levels, Narrative play and Crusade from now on. WrathOfTheLion and KingYertle 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted January 24, 2022 Share Posted January 24, 2022 To be honest, this latest points changed has completely killed any interest I have in matched play. I think I'll be sticking to Power Levels, Narrative play and Crusade from now on. Same but power levels suck when playing against stuff like deathwatch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McElMcNinja Posted January 25, 2022 Share Posted January 25, 2022 Well my gaming group says they will not be buying the new CA and that I can continue to use the old points for my army. Now my list only went up 25 points, which isn’t too bad, but they said they raised points that they shouldn’t have and didn’t lower points where they were needed. And I play with 2 top 10 players from LVO (1 a top 5 player) both who have said they won’t do any more tournaments till they (GW) gets their poop together. The one is still going to LVO cuz he’s already got his ticket (for free) and I understand that. GW is just too slow to make good adjustments and this looks like a money grab to them. So I will continue to enjoy games, but I also won’t be giving them any more money till they figure this all out. tychobi, Plaguecaster, CastellanDeMolay and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted January 25, 2022 Share Posted January 25, 2022 Rumoured changes: Death Guard Poxwalkers 5-6 +1 Blightlord Terminators 40-42 +2 Deathshroud Terminators 50-55 +5 Foul Blightspawn 75-90 +15 Myphtitic Blighthauler 140-130 -10 Plagueburst Crawler 165-150 -15 From How are these going to affect your army? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Legionnare Posted January 25, 2022 Share Posted January 25, 2022 (edited) Rumoured changes: Death Guard Poxwalkers 5-6 +1 Blightlord Terminators 40-42 +2 Deathshroud Terminators 50-55 +5 Foul Blightspawn 75-90 +15 Myphtitic Blighthauler 140-130 -10 Plagueburst Crawler 165-150 -15 From How are these going to affect your army? A net gain of about +55 across my usual list of PM's, BLT's, pox's, PBC'S, DP, FBS, and rhinos. Aka, "Oi vey..." Poor, poor plague marines... Edited January 25, 2022 by Dark Legionnare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted January 25, 2022 Share Posted January 25, 2022 Yea, if they're true, they seem uncalled for. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sherrypie Posted January 25, 2022 Share Posted January 25, 2022 They are true. Rather annoying, as well. I have no interest in daemon engines or zombies, so hey ho. Nice to be expensive as well as while suffering from the slow erosion of the usefulness of our special resilience. CastellanDeMolay and Plaguecaster 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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