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  • 1 month later...

So I still haven't finished those Kabalites, though I have been working on them and I expect to finish the in April.


But I'm reporting in on purchases: I was it Sir Games-A-Lot in Barrie again over the Easter weekend and picked up both of the Vigilus campaign books, ensuring that I have the Armies of Faith and Chaos Undivided rules- 9th resources would just be horribly incomplete without that.


Today, I also picked up my Custodes dex, which might be my last 9th dex. I'm still considering Orks and Votann- I'm nowhere near ready to start building armies for them, but if I ever do, chances are the 9th rules will still be my faves, so I'm going to need them.


Anyway, not much to report I'm afraid- no shiny photos yet.

  • 9 months later...

Hello 2024. It's me again. It's been a long time, and 2023 wasn't a very strong hobby year for me. I had high hopes.


I had a pledge for 12 Months of Hobby, and I made a pledge for Call to Arms, and they both withered. That doesn't mean I didn't put in some work- 10 Kabalites and 22 Sisters are close. I could finish all 32 in a week if I push. That still isn't going to happen for a bit- a bit busy at work right now... But that should pass soon, and once I get painting, it's going to happen fast. Which is good, because I've joined a slow grow 40k League and a Kill Team League.


The 40k League has started; it's 500 points, and there's no pressure to paint- just encouragement. I haven't decided yet what to play yet. My first choice would actually be to play my First Crusade army. The 22 Sisters are the core of the force. Here's the list:


Cannoness                50

Litanies of the Faith  25

Hospitaler                 35

10 Battle Sisters       100


Palatine                      50

10 Dominions           120

Immolator                 115


Total                           495


Problem with that is that I'm intimidated by vehicles, and I won't get an Immo finished in time to play the first month's game. So I came up with an alternative. It's a bit of a risk- including Imperial Agents is not optimal; Agents don't have an army rule that does anything other than allow them to be included, they can't us any of the Sisters' detachment rules, and they don't have any detachment rules of their own.


But I'm a believer in theme and rule of cool, so here it is:


Inquisitor                     55

Vigilant Squad           105


Cannoness                  50

Litanies of the Faith    25

Battle Sisters             100 


Palatine                       50

Blade of St. Ellynor      15

Battle Sisters               100


Total                            500


In order to do this, I'll have to build the Arbites Models.


My other option is to run my Drukhari. This would also require a bit of work, and I'd actually need to play in order to figure out the Wyches- two teams of five Wyches with nothing fight over a single complete set of Wych weapons hidden in the Arena. The MVP for each team will also be promoted to Hekatrix of their Cult. In the second round, both teams will compete to achieve the highest kill tally against a pack of Khymerae pups. In the final round, the newly crowned Hekatrices go one on one in Arena full of traps for the title of Succubus. The overall winners will also receive enough recruits to grow to a full unit of 10.


Until I get that done, the following list can't be played:


Archon                              75

Labyrinthine Cunning       30

10 Kabalites                     110


Succubus                           50

10 Wyches                         90


Haemonculus                    60

The Art of Pain                  25

5 Wracks                           60


Total                                 500


To play the Arena Game, literally all I need to do is build two more Arena Towers with doors and a removable roof- I have a prototype that I built for a sump scenery challenge already. I'd have to paint all three. I could do that in a day, so it it isn't an obstacle. I think I'm going to aim to schedule my League Game for Thursday, Jan 25. Anyway, I'm glad to have the "first post back" behind me. Hopefully I get another one up with some pics by the end of the week.

Having an Inquisitor lead a small force of Sisters of Battle does indeed seem in line with the background :smile: 


With regard to the Immolator, does it need to be finished, or could you get away with base coating it, and finishing it later? I'm thinking that Imperium vehicles are mostly flat surfaces so are best sprayed (rather than brush-painted), which might may be a fairly "easy win"?

I might give that a try. I do like building the models, and a black basecoat goes a long way on an Order of Our Martyred Lady tank.


The way the Dominion unit breaks down is that the ones who ride the Immo ride with the Palatine; they are all "home-worlders" - they were born on Orison's Wake, and they trained together. The other five, which includes the superior, are off-worlders, and they are connected to the Inquisition.


So if I fielded the list with the Immo, it's true to my initial vision for the narrative- half of the Doms have been informed of their increasing responsibilities to the Ordo Hereticus, but the Inquisitor who will eventually direct their efforts won't show up until the Sisters have identified a threat worthy of the Inquisition. I could have the Inquisitor show up with his Vigilant Squad as part of the first escalation (250 points).


If I run the Inquisitor list in my first game, it's like I'm skipping the "discovery mission" which was always supposed to set the whole Inquisition story Arc in motion. It would still be fun, but I might regret not playing the full story arc.

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