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CA 2022 BA Discussion


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Given how overcost-ed he is verses other HQ models, I think he needs to be scarier.

That said, I still feel the next iteration of Dante should be more of a LOW class with some neat mechanics that make him a master strategist but I'm a weirdo.

Edited by Spagunk
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Dante give you 1 extra cp(or 3, if he get killed and you active "only death" with 0cp). 1cp could be treated as worth ~20pts, so he is not that overcosted, just less powerful than some other chapter masters.


I wonder how his form will be, when Dante finally receive new model. Maybe not a human form. Helbrecht became a diorama.

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That said, he's *not* overcosted. He's just not as scary as the 1500 years of experience should suggest!


Take a captain and make him equal to Dante and you'll find that he's priced appropriately. I, for one, wouldn't mind paying some more points and making him scarier...

I dunno… trajann is 160 versus 165. Better cp. Arguably better leadership. D3 instead of D2. Better toughness. Effectively double the wounds. Same armor save. 5 points less… must be a very expensive jump pack.

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Umm... I just looked at Trajann and he's an absolute steal. He competes with (if not surpasses) the likes of Calgar for 50 less points! That doesn't seem so much like Dante being overcosted, as more like Trajann is undercosted. I call shenanigans!


I'm just saying that if you make a Dante clone out of the codex you'll end up paying more in CP, if not in points.

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