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I've not come across any standard stencils, but there is another approach; 3d printed symbols.


Either print them yourself (or via a friend), or pre-made on shapeways for your appropriate cult. So fine for gluing onto things directly.


Buuuuut - you could also use them like a potato stamp. Put a thin coat of wet paint (or marker pen, or ink) on one side, press carefully against a flat wall/container/slow moving vehicle, and get a suitably graffiti looking cult symbol.

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That could be a way forward if I can’t find any online I suppose.


Edit: I’ve actually just found some on Etsy. The seller is in Canada but I might have to bite the bullet. Here’s a link if anyone else is interested: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1013039331/worm-cults-airbrush-stencil-for?click_key=602e9f66dbd19a1ff8608de739d25afc383f380d%3A1013039331&click_sum=bd451362&ref=shop_home_active_28&pro=1

Edited by Axineton
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Your other option is to find a local sign shop,if you have the original symbol in a vector or lossless file format (pdf, ai, svg, eps, a big png in a pinch) they can cut a sheet of emblems for you. Should you get the sheet cut only (and not 'weeded out', the process of removing the excess material) you can feasibly use the sheet to make both masks or stencils.

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