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Legio Astraman


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Fellow Princeps,


I'm thinking about starting AT. I have a Warhound Titan for 40k that wears the proud colors of Legio Astraman. So if I start with AT I want to be consistent with my god machines.


I'm not 100% sure where I find the rules for Astrman.


Adeptus Titanicus: Crucible of Retribution

In the description of the book it states that it contains the rules for Astraman.


Adeptus Titanicus: Loyalist Legios

I couldn't find a description of the Legios in this book. But the cover seems to have two Warhounds of Astrman on the cover.


Which book should I buy? Would be great if there is some background in addition to the rules. ;)


Thank you for your help!

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Both Crucible of Retribution and Loyalist Legios have the Legio Astraman rules, and they're identical in either case.

I'd recommend going for Loyalist Legios, as it has all the maniples, stratagems, and wargear available to a Loyalist player on top of your Legio's rules and background.

Crucible of Retribution introduced Astraman, and does have a little more campaign background involving Astraman, so if you're a big fan it might be worth picking up sometime, but most of that is still summarized in their section in Loyalist Legios.

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Welcome to the best GW game ever!


I concur with LetsYouDown, as a starting player the best way to get all the rules and information you need is the main rules book and the Traitors and Loyalist Legios books.

GW actually made the book collection more streamlined for us, how good is that?

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Welcome to AT, Games Workshop's best game.


Legio Astraman are very interesting. They've got a cool story and colour scheme. Their traits probably aren't the best to be completely honest, but they're manageable. AT is a game that's mainly decided on the board rather than by these traits anyway, so that's not a huge problem.


The main trait, "Unyielding" essentially has your titan give up its whole turn (and gain two heat) in exchange for a repair roll. Losing your turn and gaining two heat is really really bad so you won't want to do that all the time. However if you've got a really battered titan you could drop a concealment barrage on it, give it repair orders and then have it do this, meaning it'll get three repair rolls for the turn. That should more or less allow you to build a new titan from whatever scraps are left of the old one.

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