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Getting the most out of the forgefiend kit


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Hey all,


So with Eldritch Omens coming, I took a look in my bits box and saw that I have a large amount of good looking bits leftover from my Maulerfiend.  Really it looks like the main thing missing is the chunky body.  Has anyone had any experience is making a conversion with leftover parts to make an acceptable Forgefiend or Maulerfiend?

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Do you want to replicate the dinosaurian look?  Maybe use a toy as a base?


Another thing to ask, is how concerned are you with it being a "gw model"?  Some people need to be because they want to play in gw tourneys or stores, which might be a concern for you as well.

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While hindsight is 20/20, magnetizing the torso / arms might have gotten you some use out of them.


Most of the Maulerfiend body swaps I've seen were of the Nurgle variety:




Simpler to sculpt than panels. A lot of Orge Kingdom bits make their way into MF conversions as well.




Then there's upright conversions. Giants are popular models for torsos.




The thing to remember about the Fiend torso: it has a pronounced thorax and a diminished abdomen. It's more similar to an insect than a dinosaur.




If you were going to sculpt something from scratch, might be good to consider the proportions of the stock torso and work from there. 

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Predator is a good idea! I’ve got a half painted rhino that I could finagle those cannons onto.


My original idea a year ago was to use the guns on more mechanical looking obliterators… but then I got the fiend kit with the CSM battle box and realized just how gigantic the guns are

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I'm a big fan of the kit and its supply of spare parts. I threw together the bigger pair of legs with a helbrute's upper body for a dread conversion, but if you turn it up a bit then something like that could easily stand in for a forgefiend.


I've also used both fiend guns for various other conversions. One of them is a walking ectoplasma cannon on sentinel legs and another one is a gatling cannon for a chaos knight. Both were pretty easy to pull off and a lot of fun.


About the predator idea...I've wanted to use one of the ectoplasma cannons as its main turret for a long time...pretty sure that would look great, too! 

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