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Members of Drop Force Castellan deploy to disperse members of Corlesian citizenry amongst the ruins of the worlds once bustling industrial habitats.

Greetings Commanders,

Some of you may remember my name from a previous blog based around my Militarum Tempestus The Corlesian Cataphracts a few years ago. Well I've since sold all but one of them, along with a bunch of other 40k projects, following the birth of my first (And only. Please, Emperor.. How else can I afford this hobby?) Daughter.

Drop Force Castellan is already a reasonably progressed army comprised of old second generation Stormtroopers and a bunch of kitbashing for everything else. The Project initially started as a Killteam for a narrative campaign and, well.. I caught the 40k bug again. I'll be working on some Inquisition elements to accompany the Drop Force, as well as working on fluff for my dudes with the end goal being a supplemental sized codex for them. A page of which I'll slap in a spoiler down below for those wanting a sneak peak.

Feel free to follow along with me if you've an interest in old metals, kitbashed plastic and my rambling attempts at fluffing out a Stormtrooper company, and a few notable people outside of it, under service to one of the Inquisitions many fortresses spread throughout the Imperium.



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Thank you all for the positive comments!


I've got a game booked in on friday so I'll hopefully have some decent photos of the Drop Force to show off. Failing that I'll sort something else out. 


@Jud.  My patent-pending Rhinox! Razorbacks fully equipped with Taurox Prime loadouts. Currently got three of them. The Old Witchhunter and Daemonhunter Codex's  provided the inspiration as in those days Stormtroopers had access to Rhinos. The dimensions aren't perfect, but thats yet to be an issue in my less competitive circle.


(L-R) Captain Jacoby Brennan, Inquisitor Harlech Van Gorst and Lieutenant Corven Vorne.

Sadly todays game got cancelled, but hopefully we're on for next week instead. Fingers crossed!

I'm hoping to take a nice variety of photos tomorrow of my lads, but I'm struggling to get photos under the 2mb upload limit for the gallery on here. Any advice welcome!

In the meantime here's a selection of Drop Force Castellan's command suitably compressed in file size!

Here are a couple pages from my WIP book o' fluff. Feedback is actively welcomed! Page suggestions are also appreciated.

@WarriorFish Thank you! Takes the headache away from someone who barely knows his JPEGs from his PNGS.


Gallery page one


Previous engagements.

  • 3 weeks later...

Drop Force Castellan faced off against a cadre of Ravenwing backed up by some heavy intercessors (and varients) today in a 1k matched play game.

Very happy with a 59 - 38 point victory for the Drop Force!

Pretty much dominated the first 3 rounds, but he made a fantastic comeback in the last two and almost tabled me. All but one Tempestor was wiped out. Said Tempestor will be receiving a purity seal for his efforts.

A Rhinox manoeuvres around a ruined building to unload it's volley, gatling and stormbolter barrage.


Several firefights into the mission (Or turn 4 if you're a normal person) Drop Force Castellan is holding an aggressive push upfield, but whatever fire power the enemy are likely to unload on them will likely cause drastic reductions to their numbers..



"I do swear to face the truth squarely and without flinching from duty. Our Enemies are mortal no longer. Mercy for such as they is a chimera, self-deception is its only ally. I dedicate this weapon, given unto my hand at the behest of the Emperor, to their destruction. I dedicate myself to its function, for it to fail is for me to fail, and together we shall be His cleansing fire."

- Oath of Inquisitorial service attributed to Drop Force Castellan.

We had a rematch between my stormies and a pals Dark Angels today. We both made a few changes to our lists, I dropped my Valkyrie for a missile launcher Taurox and had a shuffle around with my squads. Brought a command squad of Volleyguns and found a good success with them, but the missile launcher proved to probably be my best change. Wiping out my opponents Apothecary on bike in a single turn, and taking a few bikers out in the following. We ended on 54 - 54, though if you included painted score I'd have taken it by the 10 points. Struggled with my secondaries this game.


A Rhinox surveys the battlefield after sending a devastating volley of krak missiles and autogun fire.


Despite taking a full volley of plasma from Dark Angel Hellblasters, the sergeant remains standing thanks to his faith in the Emperor, his carapace armour (and, most importantly, a CP re-roll of his armour save!). He pushes the enemy forces from their objective, tearing down their banners and claiming the objective on behalf of Drop Force Castellan. He was later wounded in battle, but will recieve a seal upon his breast for bravery under fire.

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