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"This is why we wear the black" (Jump Pack Lord!)

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Awesome look on the Termies with great use of those Blightlords kits. And good on you for going with rule of cool on the Termies. 

The Raptors are looking really good. I love the daemonic tilt you’ve given them. 

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  • 3 months later...
3 hours ago, Prot said:

The DP looks fantastic. I really like the bronze/gold work on the model. Interesting you chose the Khorne head. Is that how you typically play him?


I wanted a Hounds of Abaddon list i could run as WE or BL.  Gotta have a jacked herohamner DP of khorne for either list.


The BL version has the z'aall the weathful and hatred incarnate giving him 8 attacks at str 10 rerolling hits at d3+3 dmg.  The WE version im not sure about... options appear rather limited atm.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm loving the combination of the two different styles of highlighting. I feel like you need to do a bit more to balance out the airbrush highlights, though.


It's not a dig on your painting ability at all, so please don't take it that way. Your 'Eavy Metal style edge highlights are clean and your airbrush strokes are super controlled. The issue when I look at the models is they are so drastically different from each other stylistically they are clashing.


If I could make a suggestion, take a rank and file marine and paint in the eye lenses with white and an ink to match the red. It should make the eyes pop but still blend with the sprayed red around them. It'll break up the spray and make it look more like a glow. White on the plasma coils washed with ink would pop too.


Try it and see if you like it. If not, you're just out an overcoat and I'll shush!

Edited by Kaldoth
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  • 6 months later...



This is why we don't get cheap on geller field maintenance!


I have been slow on updates but I have painted quite a bit since my last post.  I got 5 zerkers, accursed cultists, and a bunch of daemons.  Those aren't quite ready for sharing though.  After I finish these "sanguinary guard" im going to work on some gellerpox infected painted to be more accursed cultists of course.

Edited by SanguinaryGuardsman
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1 hour ago, Prot said:

That's awesome. great job. The colour palette is restrictive but it works so well with these models. Love the wings too. 


The restrictive colour palette is on purpose!  Im allowed black, gold, steel, red, green, bone/paper.  I thought I would hate the purity seals being black but I like the idea of the warp tainting them.  

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  • 6 months later...

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