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Just read through my bag log of your blog posts, and its always a pleasure to read about your irrelevantly named, rules forgetting death guard. :)

Getting turned into a spawn seems to be quite the them this edition - @Cheex's World Eater chaos lord suffered from the same fate.

Looking at the Crusade rules in the new Chaos Codex, I can't see how a model can become a daemon prince... maybe the death guard rules are different.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

You need to take Chaos Boons. So there are some really good Battle Honours and if you're picking and choosing you can build a really powerful unit or character but if you want to become a daemon prince you must get three boons without rolling the same boon twice. You don't actually have to waste your Battle Honours on boons I think you can earn a boon by killing the enemy warlord and I tried over and over. So knowing what I know now, you want a much more hittier or stompier warlord, someone who can go in and drop an enemy warlord in one round, but it can't be a daemon prince obviously.

You also need to spend requisition points. Maceo was made for small points games in 5th Edition, his combi-plasma is not bad but the power maul, I'd be better off with a plague weapon or something that could do more than one point of damage. I gave him a magic hat which I think will be beneficial in larger games when I get more and more plague marines on the field, but in the campaign we played a lot of 25 power level games and there a lot of missions where you randomly deploy half your force or you have to do stuff rather than assume a defensive formation, my army was built for previous editions and does best as the defender. I'll add a little more fast attack, elite and heavy support and then probably requisition the magic hat if not the arch-contaminator for a junior HQ type, that guy can hold the fort freeing up my next lord to go smash heads and try to earn boons as the situation arises.

The problem with that plan is I forget rules and there are new rules every week in the campaign. I also have to paint so I've been trying to paint regularly but I am slow. I'll try to upload at least a WIP picture if not a full blog post soon.

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The tokens I got on Etsy, they weren't particularly cheap. The dice are the original B&C dice in green. And as luck would have it there are more pictures on my blog which I just updated after completing the 22nd game of our narrative campaign and today I will play the 23rd, conspiracy theories abound. If you need more pictures I can probably take or find some. The red dice with the skull instead of a one, I got online and use for plasma guns. The other dice are from Chessex or TSR itself. I have some really old dice in my box, some I just found on the floor at conventions, literally found them lying on the floor while cleaning up.

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I probably could have played a game today, but I want to paint campaign badges on my models and I likely will be redoing all my squads for tenth edition, or at least three or four as the largest number of plague marines I think I fielded in 9th Edition was 25. This edition I'm going to never leave my Blightlords at home and plan to get the new (to me) Lord of Virulence and Plagueburst Crawler on the field. You can read about my other plans and early observations.

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Still waiting for the final score on our painting vow and which badges I actually earned, but I'm not one to sit on my laurels so I painted yet more Nurglings and I plan to paint a Nurgle Plague Toad to be my fourth Chaos Spawn. I even slapchopped or my interpretation of the trendy technique. 

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Your thoughts on 10th edition (and google) were an interesting read - the buff to vehicles (and debuff of meltaguns which didn't get improved to compensate) really hurts a lot of infantry heavy armies that leaned heavily on meltaguns to do their anti-tank work, as they were the "go to" for that since 3rd edition.  This has left those armies scrambling for a solution, especially those played with a lot of "legacy" (so, non-optimal in 10th ed) units and by persons who insist on WYSIWYG and having models painted, especially if they are slow painters.  So, you are really behind the 8 ball on all those counts.  In other words, its understandable that your army is suddenly in a very bad spot if faced with vehicles - and 3 (including the very tough land raider) would be a challenge even for armies with more and better anti tank weapons than death guard.  Indeed 3 in 1000 points against death guard could be argued as being pretty unfair.


Really, there aren't many choices in the Death Guard codex to address that problem, and the predator annihilator is one of the better ones, so I would recommend moving that up in your painting queue.


As for the point level, the game really is balanced with double that in mind, which is fine but also means that you are far more likely to face something (or several somethings) you don't have a good answer to.  That said, until you start solving your anti-vehicle problem, that will likely be worse as you are likely to face even more vehicles and other tough targets as you play bigger games.


If you are looking for a non-google place to blog, we have a blog function here at B&C - never blogged though, so I can't comment on how good it is to whatever other options might be out there.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Thank you for your thoughts, I apparently have three fans on the Internet. I actually did kill the landraider, the transport, and the dreadnought in the game in question. I used plague flamers, plague knifes, bolters, Nurlging claws, plus bubonic weapons. I have not given up on my chain fist lord. But yeah the days of me having no high strength weapons is over and I have also not given up on the melta gun. I definitely think it is better than the plague belcher. I'm still down with the sickness that is the plague spewer and I hope to paint bigger fancier models eventually. The question is will I get them done before the Chaos Codex comes out, as this edition, I'm not ignoring that and choosing to go without a codex. I don't use Typhus or Mortarion so I can use my hordes of plague marines, cultists and nurglings in the Chaos Codex hopefully.


You'll be happy to hear with a little tweaking and a different random mission I managed to skitter and stab my way to victory

I forgot to post here, but I did paint and update my blog. I was hoping to paint today, but work is quite busy always, so I can generally only paint any amount of time on the weekend.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have finished painting the Fabulous Mister Toad. This will be my last model of the year. I am not sure I finished nine models in 2023. I know I finished six. I spent a lot of time improving and fixing old paint jobs. 


Plague Toad of Nurgle


Edited by Muskie
Trying to remember how to embed
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He's been varnished but I want to put gloss varnish on his skin. I also want to put the Blood for the Blood God someplaces, likely the sores on the tongue for sure. I hope to get back to painting this week now that the holidays are over.

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