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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I just put tufts on those two models and will use them in their first game tomorrow. The bigger news is I will of course switch to the Chaos Space Marine codex, that was the codex this army started with, well the Black Codex. I can still field Plaguemarines and Nurglings. I have very few actual Death Guard units painted currently. I also have entire units that are Undivided or worshipping another god that have rarely been used. I'll probably go with Irony Warriors of Nurgle for the Diseased Sons but eventually may go with the multi-god army. I just paint so slow. 


I plan to get my Havocs rebased and on the table along with Chosen, Legionaires and of course my Terminators. I apparently need Powerfists back, I think I busted them all off several editions ago. I also have plenty of icon models, so I am excited to try a new book and army list, I was going to do try it last edition when I bought four codices, but now I can just field single units using the App and make this my main book.

I will do as much as I can. I bought a predator last. Hopefully I don't have another one in a box somewhere. But my big goal is a tank. I want to do a lot of cultists, not 120, but ten more, plus I want to do traitor guard, I had big plans for that back in the day. I even want to do the beastman unit. I also have to rebase a hundred or more models still.


I lost tonight. That might be my last Death Guard game as I pre-ordered the new book. My Death Guard army had just ten plague marines. I will have to give up my Plague Surgeon, but my dreadnoughts or my Nurglings they can be Irony Warriors of Nurgle. Even my terminators are find and maybe better in the new rules. I have lots of old models that are hard to field but I always had plans of Nurgle Raptors and Nurgle Bikers. I have the bits. I also may go on a bit of a Havoc Launch eBay purchasing spree as they are easy enough to glue on to old vehicles.


I still will paint more Plague Marines. I want to do more with Blight Launchers and a whole squad with axes. 

  • 2 weeks later...

I blog and paint on. I did pickup the new Chaos Space Marine Codex along with hundreds of dollars worth of other stuff, but I still have big plans for old models I've collected over the last twenty years. I also may be in the market for a new webhost if anyone has thoughts on that, because I certainly am dissatisfied with Liquid Web today.


  • 4 weeks later...

So I did take a vow and I am painting. I am painting two Plague Marines with Blight Launchers slowly plus a Chaos Space Marine Lord which will be in my Nefarious Fire Chaos Space Marine scheme assuming I remember how to do that. 



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So if you're not following the Call to Arms pledged to Chaos thread I've managed to do more painting. I also wrote about it on my blog, including three YouTube videos which may or may not be about miniature painting.

  • 3 weeks later...

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