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History of Warhammer - Sigismund


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I was wondering recently about Sigismund. 

He's a big character I know surprisingly little about. I read his biography on a warhammer wiki.


It got me thinking. What I really wanted to know was- when was he created? Who invented him. I think it might be John French as I think he's a relatively new character. I went to a BL weekender around about 2014 when it was announced he'd get a novella which got a cheer from the crowd. I'd never heard of him at that point.


It would be cool if lexicanum or one of the wikis also had a real world history of characters and units, not just the fictional in universe history. It'd be cool to read that a certain type of unit was introduced in 3rd edition but was substantially revised in 6th or that a Character was initially created by such and such a games designer before being expanded on by such and such an author. Its pretty well known at this point that the Horus Heresy was invented to give titans a reason to fight each other in Adeptus Titanicus. Similarly Space Marine Pauldrons were created due to modelling issues which in turn led to some iconic stuff- making a virtue out of a necessity. It'd be very interesting to know why certain things were created and what need they filled. 


There's probably a better title for this thread but I can't think of it off hand. 

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There's probably a better title for this thread but I can't think of it off hand. 

Evolution of... 


As far as Im aware Templars didnt become the Templars we know today until the Armageddon 'codex' back in 3rd ed? I dont have a copy so I cant see if Sigismund was mentioned here, maybe index astartes article mentioned him, if not it will be the first proper dex they had. Before the Armageddon dex all they had was a single picture of an all black marine with white crosses in the Ultramarine codex back in 2nd edition. 

Edited by Slave to Darkness
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Sigismund is mentioned as the first High Marshall in the little intro to their rules section in Codex Armageddon, but as far as that book goes he's just a name. There's nothing in there suggesting a connection to the Emperor's Champion (or indeed any fluff directly explaining the role of Champion at all).

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Sigismund is mentioned as the first High Marshall in the little intro to their rules section in Codex Armageddon, but as far as that book goes he's just a name. There's nothing in there suggesting a connection to the Emperor's Champion (or indeed any fluff directly explaining the role of Champion at all).

One less thing for me to hunt down and check lol

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Sigismund has been the first Emperor's Champion and first High Marshal of the Black Templars since they were retconned back in 3rd edition. Sigismund himself has changed a bit since then, though.


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Dude has very cool and surprising history. He was good friends with Khârn during the great crusade, and worried about him during Istavan III, knew Angron, and took some traditions from the world eaters (like chaining your weapons to yourself) and was also friendly with an oddly large number of future traitors. Though he was eventually killed by him, Abbadon respected him and wished he would see things from his prospective as well. Dorn disowned him for a while too.


During the Siege of Terra he was made the first Emperors Champion (though he already had black armor), and fought the best champions Chaos had. He lost to Khârn once, then killed him later.


He also fought Fulgrim once, but was bested and saved by Dorn.

Edited by Marshall Mittens
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These are the pages from the original spread on the Champion. The story is the same as the one Tyler has shown above, but also shows the designer's notes.

However, I can see why you posted this originally in Amicus, and it's a good point. The wikis would do well to do a 'behind the scenes' section for each miniature/character/theme etc. To explain to newer hobbyists how things ended up the way they are now. Because it can be very confusing to a new person.


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