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FW not accepting prepaid gift cards?


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Is this an official GW/FW prepaid gift voucher, or an actual physical prepaid card? I know I had issues with using a gift card via electronic payment systems because the card was issued by some weird ass company instead of the normal VISA/Mastercard/American Express. Most online shopping systems only accept major card providers.

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Can only echo the others: Email them. Had some kind of issue with one of their own vouchers last year. I got the problem sorted out with their very helpful support in one afternoon of very little back-and-forth. 

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Email them.


Also, I don't believe GW/FW actually offer prepaid gift cards - so be wary if you bought it from a 3rd party. They do offer virtual gift vouchers, which you have to apply to your MyWarhammer account, I think, not at checkout. 

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Visa, not third party. Emailed.


The only thing I can think of is if there's an international payment restriction. I've used these before successfully, but there was an update to generic international trade terms in 2021.


Paid for my LCTB Contemptor missile launchers via alternate means for now. Magnetizing my Contemptors with missiles jumped in queue with LCTB.

Edited by BrainFireBob
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Got a response. FW just doesn't accept prepaid Visa gift cards anymore.

I would be asking where it says that in the terms and conditions. If it doesn't say, they should honour the credit.



This isn't a Forgeworld/GamesWorkshop "credit" issue. The issue is their payment portal doesn't accept pre-paid payment cards.


It isn't a "Gift Card" specific to FW/GW.



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