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I attended an rtt this past Saturday with my Guard, who I haven't played with since before covid. :sweat:   I just haven't played a lot at all last few years, tbh.  But, I wanted to get back into the groove of things of playing competitive style 40k, especially since I'll be attending the ATC tournament in a few months.  Lots of cobwebs to shake off, haha!


I didn't take a lot of photos, though I will remedy that next time I play in one of these.  My list was not optimized at all (not that Guard really can be right now), but instead focused on only using models I either already had, or just needed to put together, or just needed repair.  I only ended up having to assemble my one Manticore and a Leman Russ hull, with a few minor repairs on other models.




We used Nachmund missions....22, 21, 23 in that order, I think?  GW style terrain and rules were used, so the whole template of a ruin counted, and first floors blocked line of sight.  First round I was paired up against another more casual player with Blood Angels, and we managed to at least get through 3 turns in 3 hours, which was not fast enough at all. :teehee:


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We had the table corner deployment style for this game, and I deployed fairly well placed to rush objectives quickly, just cause I knew I needed to play that part of the game as best I could.

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No other pictures of this game, unfortunately, but my indirect fire managed to kill a few Phobos units off one objective and scare some Assault Intercessors, and turn two saw his Inceptors and Sanguinary Guard come down and work on my right flank.  Managed to kill his Sanguinary Guard using some tanks, then retook that objective.  The game probably would have ended with him slight in the lead on points, but due to only the three turns getting played and my early push, I won 43-37.  Not my strongest showing, admittedly lol.




Game 2, I unfortunately took no pictures, but I was up against Crusher Stampede. :oops:  I lost this game 42-100, which was about what I expected.  That list is just....gross.




Game 3, was against a Necron list, and used the old hammer and anvil style deployment.


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He was able to attempt a turn 1 charge with his Skorpekh (or however you spell it lol) destroyers, but it failed, which was a huge swing in my favor.  I was able to wipe out the unit on my turn, and his inability to destroy more than one Tank Commander (and my battle cannon one, at that) meant I was able to really put some good wounds on his C'Tan and Immortals/Warriors.


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My Vultures were posed nicely to work on his backline, and I was all set to take out his Nightbringer, when unfortunately he had to concede and leave to a family emergency.  So.....a win, technically, but only by default.  (Everything's ok now as far as I know.)




So, a 2-1 result, sort of. :sweat:  Cobwebs are mostly gone at least, and now I have some ideas for what to do differently at the next rtt in a month, as well as some new models to work on.  I've got some Scion counts as in the works for example. :biggrin.: 

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My list was as follows:



Company Commander x3

Infantry Squad x6


Vulture x2



Tank Commander w/ battle cannon

Tank Commander w/ demolisher cannon

Leman Russ w/ battle cannon

Leman Russ w/ plasma cannon


Basilisk x2

Good results, 9th isn't an easy game to learn with so many moving parts so after a gap the more games you can get in the better - no better way to learn after all! How did you find going more armoured worked overall, especially with regards to objectives and troops to help protect them from close range/assault?


As you get to grips with the game more you'll do better, and of course once the army is painted you'll have the dice gods blessing on top for good measure ;)

Good results, 9th isn't an easy game to learn with so many moving parts so after a gap the more games you can get in the better - no better way to learn after all! How did you find going more armoured worked overall, especially with regards to objectives and troops to help protect them from close range/assault?


As you get to grips with the game more you'll do better, and of course once the army is painted you'll have the dice gods blessing on top for good measure :wink:

Oh yes, it is definitely hard to get back into!  I've played a few times with my Imperial Knights, and a few games with a full Landraider list, but I've definitely not played Guard since 9th came about, and it's tricky for sure.


I definitely would want different armor next time, the demolisher cannon is way more useful than I thought it would be, and way more useful than any of the other weapons I used.  I'm gonna need to get 3 Tank Commanders made up for sure, but I don't know about any other Russes right now tbh.  2 Manticore would be way better than 1 and the Basilisks as well.  I think I'd rather have 3 commanders, 2 Manticores, and a few Hellhounds, maybe.  The Vultures are great in theory but are currently overcosted a bit imo, and the lack of any ap makes them too specific in purpose.  Maybe knock it down by like....20 points?  Give them ap -1?  I'd use 2 every game.  I would like to try out my Shadowsword, but I'm just too afraid of it dying turn 1 right now.  We'll see what the codex brings for any of this stuff though, the Guard definitely need it.


I'm also thinking that 6 normal squads is pretty decent for screening (just not against Crusher lol) but I'd really like some Scions and command squads (which is my next project), in order to play the backfield better.  I found myself doing pretty good about holding my own objectives, but I had next to nothing to apply pressure to my opponent's, other than indirect fire to kill anything there.

Once I get the parts I ordered from ebay I'll make a work in progress thread to show off the conversions/counts as for my scions. :biggrin.:  (I dislike the normal models :sweat: )

Hellhounds have long been favourites of mine, they do well as forward elements in particular. Plus flaming xenos and heretics to death is always fun :P Guard aren't the sort of army to press up well; it's usually a case of moving the entire battle line up and when you're at that stage the game is all but won anyway :lol: This is where Stormies come in though, as they're great for adding some "reach" not to mention the other sneaky business they can get up to (character assassinations in particular).

I love Hellhounds too! :tongue.:   Always been an awesome little tank, with a fun concept.  I have two built right now, with an unbuilt Artemia pattern sitting.....somewhere. :teehee:


I have at least 3 Stormie squad counts as planned, but just basic squads.  I'll need to come up with something for some command squad special weapons though.  I held off for a while because I just....hate the Scion squad lol, but the times are what they are, I need backfield pressure to compete, and my overpriced planes can't do that anymore. :sad.:   I used to use my grey painted troops as counts as Elysians in 8th, so they could deep strike. :happy.:

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