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Greeting members of the Guard,


  While having a sort out I found some boxes of Scions that I forgot I had (I think I was going to make a air assault force before GW changed the rules on that) and I was wondering what to do with them.


  With my intrest in 40k wanning but I'm still (so far) interested in 30k I had a thought to use them as a 30k Imperial Army force however I want to change up the arms a bit and use some proper lasrifles.


  With the release of the plastic Krieg they have the style of guns I want but I was wondering if the Krieg arms would fit on the Scion bodies or would the bulkier nature of the Scion torso's be a issue?



Many thanks,

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I think they won't fit well without mayor cutting or greenstuff. As the Sions have a socked where the Arm attaches and the new Plastic Kriegsmen have overlapping Shoulder Pats. Sadly i don't know how to post Pictures here as i have both unbuild Sions and Kriegsmen laying around

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