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A Bug's Life 2022: A Tyranids Painting Challenge -Final Results


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A Monthly Tyranids Painting Challenge

Hello and welcome to the second official moderately low-stakes painting event for the Tyranid forum!

This is purely a fun event, with the end reward being more lovely painted models for you to enjoy on the table, with shout-outs to anyone performing spectacularly!

Anyone who has entered B&C painting events before will be familiar with the format:

  1. In this thread, make a vow in a post to commit to painting the models you wish to, and share a photo of the unpainted model(s) you wish to paint for the event, along with their name and power level.
  2. By the 22nd August, share a photo of your painted model, finished to Battle Ready Standard, as defined by GW on the previous link. Basically, that's all parts painted with: Base, shade paint, then technical on the base.

*NEW RULE* Over the course of this time everyone involved will have 5 vows where they can pledge any amount of models at a time. A vow must be completely finished before a new one is made.

Badges (and bragging rights) will be awarded for the following categories*:

  • Ripper - the badge of shame, all vows broken
  • Gaunt - participation and completion of any vow
  • Stealer - completion of 25* or more Power Level
  • Warrior - completion of 50* or more Power Level
  • Broodlord - completion of 75* or more Power Level
  • Tyrant - completion of 100* or more Power Level


If you like, models can be cross-entered into other events like Grotsmasha's Monthly Painting Challenge, so you can get extra kudos and share your work with those outside the Tyranids Section.

The event will run for three months from Monday 23rd May until Midnight GMT Monday 22nd August (3 calendar months), after which we'll have a showcase and a tot up of who's managed to paint the most in that time! The 'active' month will reset on the first Monday of each month. This topic will open on 23rd May, and will be used to record vows and progress over the event.


Over the 3 months, we'll each pledge to paint at least one model with the TYRANIDS keyword [including all models from the Tyranids Codex, Genestealer Cults Codex, and Forge World Books], however a soft target should be 10 Power Level or roughly 200 points per month. If you can stick to this and achieve it, you'll have a 30 Power Level Tyranids force to play some games with or reinforce an existing army!

Your pledge can be as simple or ornate as you like, e.g.:

I, Xenith, Commander of the Hive, pledge to paint a unit of three Biovores to the value of 6PL or ~150 points in the month of June 2021

Accompany that text with a picture of the pledged models, and you're good to go! If you like, post WIP photos in this thread, or start your own WIP log in the Tyranids section.


In honour of your taking part, there's a signature badge in progress which all entrants can proudly display (and to promote the competition).


2022 badge

That's all really! Just like the Hive Fleets, this post will evolve as time goes on and new challenges arise, and this post will record the entries into the challenge, so check on your progress here.


  • At the start of the event, make a pledge in this thread what you want to paint, with a photo and point values.
  • Paint the models
  • Before the end of the event, share photos of the painted models in this thread
  • Repeat steps 1-3 up to 4 more times.
  • ???
  • Profit


Smite that grey pile!


Edited by Xenith
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List of Participants & Vows


Total PL/Member/Vowed, with pic/Complete

Vow# 1/2/3/4/5



@Brother Lunkhead 33/0/0/0/0 (0)

@Brother nathan 10/13/0/0/0 (10)

@conscriptboris 25.5/0/0/0/0 (0)

@Plague _Lord 5/0/0/0/0 (0)

@Rusted Boltgun 16/0/0/0/0 (16)
@ThePenitentOne 6/0/0/0/0 (0)

@Trokair 11/0/0/0/0 (11)

@WarriorFish 4/2/0/0/0 (4)

@Xenith 34/5/0/0/0 (39)



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The event will run for three months from Monday 23rd May until Midnight GMT Monday 22nd August (3 calendar months), after which we'll have a showcase and a tot up of who's managed to paint the most in that time! The 'active' month will reset on the first Monday of each month. This topic will open on 23rd May, and will be used to record vows and progress over the event. 



So the first ‘month’ is 2 weeks if is understand it correctly, then 5 weeks, 4 weeks and 4 weeks respectively?

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So far I have the following assembled and undercoated: Carnifex, Tyranocyte, Mawloc, Exocrine. That's 30 power on the nose, and I have a bunch more stuff. For the new book, I might try and get another unit of warriors made up. I think my overall goal will be ~50 power over the 3 months. Warriors put me on 34, if I can assemble my Maleceptor, I'll hit 43. 

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ive a bunch f boh unpanted and models needing repaints(second hand so in others schemes) troops. think ive 10 undercoated gargoyles and 10 unpainted ones., my lictor needs repainted (stealth scheme was a fail) and probably a bucket of geanstealers somewhere. and my convursion shenniagans


any points for terrain?

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Guest Triszin

Screw it.


I pledge


X1 termagant (a single model to figure out my scheme). (.4 pl)

X1 tervigon (11pl)

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Screw it.


I pledge


X1 termagant (a single model to figure out my scheme)

X1 tervigon


Great to have you on board!


Pleges officially start on Monday, but I'll count from the start of the thread then - can you update you post with power levels of the models? A gaunt would be 4/10 = 0.4 PL! 

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Be good to see your nids get started Trisz :thumbsup: I have the Parasite and some Rippers that need clearing from my queue waiting for the starting shot :smile.: I am 4/3 on the number of projects I have in progress and three of them are nid ones. Good job the event is here to help fix this :sweat:

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This post was recognized by Xenith!

Plague _Lord was awarded the badge 'A Bug's Life 22 Ripper'

Ahhh I might have pledged a full zoan unit but I already started on one of them so I guess it will be single neurothrope to start me going. Hove fleet Kraken from me.
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Oh we are starting, not that I will have much painting time for a while anyway, but here is my first (and probably only) vow for the event. Due to sparse painting time this month and next this will probably not be finished until near the end of the event in general.

  • 15 Termgants with Devourers at 6PL
  • 3 Venomthrope at 5PL


I started painting this army in last year’s event, and got a lot done, so hoping to finish it this year. Aside from the listed and pictured units I also hope to complete 3 Warriors, 3 Tyrant Guard, 2 Lictors, 6 Ripper Swarms, 5 Geenstealers and some other odds and ends, but those models do not have enough conversion bits on them to be B&C suitable (insufficient 40kines), so I will just do them along side my official vow.

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The event officially opens on May 23rd, so no vows until then. After that date I'll make a post with the vows. 

Ah, sorry, I thought it was something like that, but got confused when I saw a pledge above while skimming the thread. Doubt I will do any painting for a while anyway, but at least the models are now on my table ready to go.

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I'm pretty new to B&C and haven't participated in any events before now.

I have some second hand genestealers I was planning to rescue for Space Hulk.

Is it possible to hop on board this challenge?

I think unit of 6 has a power level of 8?

I should be able to nudge the 'nids power level up a little bit by the end of challenge period.

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Welcome aboard Rusted Boltgun! You're more than welcome to join in - from Monday onwards, you just need to post a photo of the unpainted models you're vowing, along with the words of the vow, and then get to painting! I'll record your vow, then when you're done, post a completion photo of the finished models.

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I plan to use the Parasite on the first weekend of the event... it's not a huge model though so I can get it done in a week. Right? :laugh.:


Yea, probably not too much more surface area than a gargoyle? That leaves another 11 weeks for more nids :thumbsup:


Thank you Zenith!

I have retrieved my box of 'stealers from the loft and will sort out some unpainted ones. Then strip the remainder.


A quick count up gives me a maximum of 31!


Very old schhol! I have a few of these knocking around, it'll be great to see paint on them. What's that red and yellow model? Old zoanthrope?

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Very old schhol! I have a few of these knocking around, it'll be great to see paint on them. What's that red and yellow model? Old zoanthrope?

They are all Genestealers, in a variety of colours - black over brushed with white, metallic, that green one, all sorts! I'll be going for a 'classic' scheme and have ordered basing materials for some Space Hulk bases.

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Aaaaaand we're off!


Get your vows in below folks - good painting and have fun! 



2 more days to wait... need to look at what i need to get done...



any points for themed nid terrain?


Brownie points maybe! If it has a point value like the Sporocyst, then yes, but no points, no prizes unfortunately. 

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