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Let's go: for my first vow 1 Parasite of Mortrex :biggrin.: edit: PL4


I'll need to check on PL later, my priority is painting him up for Saturday's first game with the new codex :tongue.:

Edited by WarriorFish

I pledge to rescue these sixteen Genestealers from the Warp




I will scour the empyrean for more once these have been restored to sufficient strength.

I believe this batch provides an equivalent power rating of sixteen.

Ok, for real now instead of accidentally vowing to early.

I vow 15 Termgants with Devourers at 6PL and 3 Venomthrope at 5PL.

Oh we are starting, not that I will have much painting time for a while anyway, but here is my first (and probably only) vow for the event. Due to sparse painting time this month and next this will probably not be finished until near the end of the event in general.

  • 15 Termgants with Devourers at 6PL
  • 3 Venomthrope at 5PL

I started painting this army in last year’s event, and got a lot done, so hoping to finish it this year. Aside from the listed and pictured units I also hope to complete 3 Warriors, 3 Tyrant Guard, 2 Lictors, 6 Ripper Swarms, 5 Geenstealers and some other odds and ends, but those models do not have enough conversion bits on them to be B&C suitable (insufficient 40kines), so I will just do them along side my official vow.

On another note, in for a penny, in for a pound of biomass.

I Xenith, Swarmlord of Hive Fleet Jabberwocky, vow to paint One Tyrannocyte, One Mawloc, One Carnifex, One Exocrine and One Parasite for a total of 34 Power Level before the 22nd August 2022.



June and July are really busy for me, but I hope I can knock some of these out at the weekends.


Updated to here.

Edited by Xenith

20220523 210940

For my vow i pledge to paint a broodlord (6 pl) and 1 lictor (4pl) (and 1 nid piece of terrain).

Edited by Brother nathan
This post was recognized by Xenith!

"Vow Completion"

WarriorFish was awarded the badge 'A Bug's Life 22 Gaunt' and 1 points.

A poor late night picture but it's done:


I will get a better picture on the table top to post later :thumbsup: That means on to vow two, so these little chaps can stop waiting now - three Rippers:


I will source PL updates too before I forget. Onwards and upwards everyone! edit: PL2

Edited by WarriorFish
This post was recognized by Xenith!

Brother Lunkhead was awarded the badge 'A Bug's Life 22 Ripper'

I'm in..... So here we goooo......:woot:

I Brother Lunkhead, for the greater glory of Hive Fleet Zorak pledge to build and/or paint to completion:

  • 3 Carnifexes (PL 21)
  • 20 Gargoyles (PL 8)
  • 1 Parasite of Mortex (PL 4)

for a total of 24 models and PL 33 by 22 August 2022:sweat:


I managed to eke out 34 models for last year's challenge, so I'm relatively confident ("relatively" being the operative word) that I can manage 24 this year. Thanks to the new Tyranid Codex, last year's models have been rendered invalid as a viable army:down: But, this new pledge should bring my army back in line with the rules:thumbsup:... assuming I finish that is:whistling:


....and PIE:drool:

Edited by Brother Lunkhead

That's a great vow Lunk looking forward to seeing them done, especially now fexes are decent. I got my first 9th game in (batrep here if anyone is interested) and was pleased with the improvements, the Parasite even did well for New Model Syndrome. I've updated my vow posts with PL levels (very low apparently :lol: )

This post was recognized by Xenith!

conscriptboris was awarded the badge 'A Bug's Life 22 Ripper'

I, Conscriptboris, Commander of the Hive, pledge to paint 1 Broodlord, 8 Genestealers, 12 Termagaunts and a rippers base of PL 25 in the month of June 2022


(I had already sprayed them Mephiston Red by the time I saw this!)


Tyranid Starter Force - Bugs Life Painting Log

Hey Guys (From the other team...( Go Necrons  :laugh.: )


Good to see your Vows Picking up, i even see Brother Lunkhead Vowing for both Factions :ohmy.: ...:tongue.:

Look forward to seeing all the Cool models that always come out of these Painting Challenges :thumbsup: ...


Good Luck to all you Tyranid Challengers!! 



Well in the interest of getting in before the site shut down I, Brother Argent, vow to complete the vow I failed last year and complete a massive


10x Hormagaunts (for 4PL I think)


by the challenges end.  I cant get a pic at the moment as they are in my sons bedroom and he is asleep for the night.  If I get a chance before the site shut down I will.

Yeaaa! Good stuff folks! Been on holiday last week, but I'll have some time after with next week to update the OP and chart some progress! Keep them vows coming, we have some tinboyz to beat!

For my vow i pledge to paint a broodlord (6 pl) and 1 lictor (4pl) (and 1 nid piece of terrain).

A poor late night picture but it's done:


I will get a better picture on the table top to post later :thumbsup: That means on to vow two, so these little chaps can stop waiting now - three Rippers:


I will source PL updates too before I forget. Onwards and upwards everyone! edit: PL2

I'm in..... So here we goooo......:woot:

I Brother Lunkhead, for the greater glory of Hive Fleet Zorak pledge to build and/or paint to completion:

  • 3 Carnifexes (PL 21)
  • 20 Gargoyles (PL 8)
  • 1 Parasite of Mortex (PL 4)

for a total of 24 models and PL 33 by 22 August 2022:sweat:


I managed to eke out 34 models for last year's challenge, so I'm relatively confident ("relatively" being the operative word) that I can manage 24 this year. Thanks to the new Tyranid Codex, last year's models have been rendered invalid as a viable army:down: But, this new pledge should bring my army back in line with the rules:thumbsup:... assuming I finish that is:whistling:


....and PIE:drool:

I, Conscriptboris, Commander of the Hive, pledge to paint 1 Broodlord, 8 Genestealers, 12 Termagaunts and a rippers base of PL 25 in the month of June 2022

(I had already sprayed them Mephiston Red by the time I saw this!)

I vow to complete a Neurothrope by... tommorrow for a total of 5PL :smile.:


Great vows all, and our first completion goes to WarriorFish!

Well in the interest of getting in before the site shut down I, Brother Argent, vow to complete the vow I failed last year and complete a massive

10x Hormagaunts (for 4PL I think)

by the challenges end. I cant get a pic at the moment as they are in my sons bedroom and he is asleep for the night. If I get a chance before the site shut down I will.

Just make sure you get that photo soon, then post the unpainted pic in this topic when the site comes up!


Updated to here!

  • 3 weeks later...

Good to see more vows  coming in. Great looking Carnifex, Brother Xenith.

Sad to say my May/June attempt to build and paint a Parasite of Mortex was a bust. My faithful old dog Snickers has come down with severe diabetes and this last month's time has been dedicated to treating his condition. Now that I've got the treatment rhythm down, I'm confident I'll be able to finish all of my models and complete the challenge.

So I'm wrapping my Parasite of Mortex into the June/July phase of the challence along side my 3 Carnifexes. Pictures will be up soonish.

Good luck everyone!

No problem BL - this event is running a little differently, you have 5 vows in total, but they're for the entire time, so whatever you vow, you have until August to finish it, unlike last year where it was month by month

16 models is a lot to do in one go - feels like you're slaving away for ages. I try to paint in batches of 5 these days so I can see progress and get that endorphine kick when I complete! 

This post was recognized by Xenith!

"Highest Model total in the challenge"

Trokair was awarded the badge 'A Bug's Life 22 Swarmlord' and 1 points.

The Devourergant are done, managed 5 in May and the other 10 this month.

Next up are the three Venomthrope.


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