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Crusaders, experienced?

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So on paper the crusaders seem like a fairly tanky unit with a 3++ save, and while they’re clearly not a total beat stick melee unit, they seem like against non-melee focused MEQs they may be able to come out on top in combat….but that’s just all on paper…


So are they only good against guard, tau, and GSC in melee? Or are they worth taking against harder hitting melee armies to keep them away from our vehicles and other infantry?

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First: they only have a 4++ now due to the Storm shield update.

Secound: they are absolutely useless, they can't even kill a 10 grot unit, are very squishy being only t3 1wound, have no synergy with Guard as a whole.


If you want a Melee Unit stick to bullgryns, heck even a normal Guard Squads can potentially make more Damage in CC when buffed either with Catachan or the "fix Bayonets" order.

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First: they only have a 4++ now due to the Storm shield update.

Secound: they are absolutely useless, they can't even kill a 10 grot unit, are very squishy being only t3 1wound, have no synergy with Guard as a whole.


If you want a Melee Unit stick to bullgryns, heck even a normal Guard Squads can potentially make more Damage in CC when buffed either with Catachan or the "fix Bayonets" order.

well :cuss, that’s depressing.

And I had already begun building some necromunda cops to be crusaders.

I always thought they seemed more inquisitiony or more sistersy than guard.

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Took those once in 8th, just for the hell of it. Played two games. Used them as ninja objective grabbers. Those were so iinsignificant threat generators that my opponents simply ignored them before it was too late. Still was not really worth it. And now with their ++ nerfed, they simply became kill-points, absolutely useless

Edited by Shamansky
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Yeah...they aren't tanky, because despite the invun that you can buff to 3++ with psychic they are still T3 with 1 wound. Their output also looks nice on paper, but they don't have enough attacks. Plus, they will likely get whittled down before ever making combat.


They have the old acts of faith, which can make them quite speedy and gave them some utility for secondaries, but since engage and RND where changed to require a certain unit size/a roll to suceed, they lost that niche as well.

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I cant see why they are in the dex at all:tongue.:


I wouldn't be surprised if they get removed eventually:yes: 


lore wise crusaders are mostly bodyguards for the cardinals crimson, the ruling body of the ecclesiarchy. They are far more of a inq/sisters unit:yes:


Ive used them a few times vs admech, power swords and hatred, is a decent combination vs t3 enemies:smile.:


But for their points, something that has keyword synergy is just better:yes:


I would say give them a try atm if you like, its not like its going to make any difference to winning atm for guard:laugh.: :laugh.: :laugh.:

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They are just cheaper Bullgryns, but you only get what you pay for. They do make for great conversions though, I like using Stormcast shields and slightly altered Scion bodies with some power swords. They look great, but even for Sisters they are somewhat underwhelming. Good bodyguards for characters though... Even guard characters can be protected well by them.
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Crusaders aren’t great right now sadly. Same with Bullgryns. Too expensive for what they do.


If Crusaders were 11 points like the ones in the Sisters codex they’d actually be pretty good. Guard can get larger squads, still have the old Acts of Faith, and can be reliably buffed by a Priest. Honestly, that one change might make us far more competitive.

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