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I have been a huge fan of Necromuda since the old days of Pewter models pre War in the Underhive and current Edition. Well with my local Warhammer store running 8 week campaigns that I could not attend due to work and my local gaming group are starting a campaign It was time to pick up the brushes and models and get to work.

Currently I have huge collection of Cawdor and Redemptionist pewter models Eventually I will paint them I swear. But in the current plastics I have Redemptionist, Cawdor and Delaque. I consider Redemptionist apart of Cawdor but I am going to play all Redemptionist to start out and continue working on my Delaque.

Enough Talk picture time



Priest with Cherub, Melee Deacon with Cherub, Deacon with fire pike, Brethren Specialist, 2 Brethren and zealot, Starting with 1250 credits in our local campaigns are nice

and Brethren Specialist Camael is completed (was my test model)

more to come. 

Edited by W.A.Rorie
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16 hours ago, Slave to Darkness said:

Nice! Looking good so far.  Been thinking about Redemptionists recently myself so I shall be keeping a good eye on this as I may learn something. 

Thanks Slave to Darkness! Hopefully I have a good outing with them. 

Here is this weekends completed Models 

Brethren Specialist Camael, Deacon Sarathiel, and his cherub Asmodel

Rest of the WIP

Honored Priest Israfil and his Cherub Ophaniel

Deacon Phanuel and Brethren Samael

Brethern Uziel and Zadkiel the Zealot

Well June is over and well time to show off the completed Redemptionist Gang (starting gang 1250 Credits)

"By Faith and Fire!"

Honored Priest Israfil

His Cherub Ophaniel

Deacon Sarathiel with Eviscerator and Cherub Asmodel shown above

Deacon Phanuel

Brethren Specialist Camael shown above

Brethren Samael

Brethren Uziel

Zadkiel the Zealot


  • 3 weeks later...

So first game in books. It was a 7 player game where we each got 3 random gang members and had to fight off zombie hordes and each other.  We ran out of time but I ended with the smallest amount of zombie kills (1) but was the one taking out the most violence on other gangs. Not my fault concussion rifle enforcer was in fire pike range and set on fire 

afterwards there was a random draw for our rackets by the GM and I got Whisper Brokers and settlement protection. I get a free hanger on and decided on the Hive Priest….I need to get parts to make The other hanger on.

but here is Hive Preacher Olaf…weather no cooperating and I was unable to get him primed :cuss:



He looks cool! I actually had a hive preacher too in our last campaing. But then my leader died and tipped the scales on outlaws vs law abiding gangers, my new leader failed the roll to keep being outlaws, then my gang went law abiding and the preacher left :biggrin:

Edited by Antarius

Yeah that's one reason I'm sticking to all Redemptionist models so I can stay outlaw and call the 3 enforcer players :cuss: 


I did get enough credits to buy Zealot #2 Duham after my 2nd Campaign game. 


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Finally got back to painting some models and well I am not sure when we will resume or start the new campaign for Necromunda but at least I can get my unpainted Redemptionist models painted,




started with first layer of red and will slowly progress on him as time permits


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