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Angels de Mari

Go to solution Solved by Inquisitor_Lensoven,

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The angels of the sea, lined up for a family photo.

some of these models and paint jobs are 20ish years old now.

a good representation of their Trident Doctrine, first wave fast and flying, second wave steady and reliable, third wave staunch and foritifying.


(accidentally posted before putting the picture in and it says it’s over 4.88MB, but my phone lists it as only 2.8MB. Any idea what’s happening?)

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/23/2022 at 1:42 PM, Helias Tancred said:

I've had the same luck From my flamestorm aggressors. 



i can't imagine creating a list without aggressors at this point. like they'd have to get seriously nerfed for me to even consider it.

  • 4 weeks later...
21 minutes ago, Arkangilos said:

Not trying to do anything but ask, do you plan on washing or dry brushing them?

I like the color scheme!


I like the crisp clean white, and I don’t want to dirty it up.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
2 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:


I like the crisp clean white, and I don’t want to dirty it up.

What about for the red?

With the white, depending on how you do it you wouldn’t dirty it up. If you take the really fine brush, dip it in just a tad of it, and carefully outline the shoulder pad recesses it will make the white cleaner and more crisp looking. It can be difficult at first (so if you decide to try it, I’d recommend practicing on something less white, like the red if you focus on just the recesses). It really brings out the details and makes everything else much crisper.

I can show you my Emperor’s Children HH I did that for the white shoulder pads I did on them if you are interested. I’ll do it in a PM so as to not hijack your thread so just hit me up on that.

7 hours ago, Arkangilos said:

What about for the red?

With the white, depending on how you do it you wouldn’t dirty it up. If you take the really fine brush, dip it in just a tad of it, and carefully outline the shoulder pad recesses it will make the white cleaner and more crisp looking. It can be difficult at first (so if you decide to try it, I’d recommend practicing on something less white, like the red if you focus on just the recesses). It really brings out the details and makes everything else much crisper.

I can show you my Emperor’s Children HH I did that for the white shoulder pads I did on them if you are interested. I’ll do it in a PM so as to not hijack your thread so just hit me up on that.

Sure feel free to PM the pics or post a few here. I don’t mind either way

Not sure what your definition of crisp is, per se, but here are some examples of what I meant (granted with the red it’s a different style). Some are more crisp (in my mind) than others, but the blue really began to pop with the wash, the white looked more defined in certain cases. White is, in my experiences, a very difficult color to get right and crisp. As a note, some of the white on the tactical squad isn’t meant to be pure white (I intended a marbling effect). In that case that isn’t what I am emphasizing, but the red with some washing to make the details pop a bit more.







(Red and blue with washes)





Edited by Arkangilos
  • 3 months later...
4 hours ago, Xenith said:

Nice work, you have quite the force built up! Got any games in?

Not in a while now. Had a game against UM awhile back.

iirc I won by a few points.

7 hours ago, Jolemai said:


Which paint and what colour was underneath it?

Started with apothecary white I think and then I tried praxia (?) white with mechanicus gray underneath.

  • 6 months later...

Moving soon, so can’t bring myself to buy anything new but I’m thinking more HIs are the right move once I get to the new place

eventually a Brutalis and ballistus dread as well lol.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
  • 7 months later...

Rant time


driving on the highway to go play, around here several on ramps have stop signs, and some :cuss:ty boomer decided waiting his turn was beneath him.

had slam on my brakes to avoid a collision and now I have to repair several SG.


storm speeder busted off the flight stand as well

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven

Going to have to stop taking the SR. 

it’s just taking up too many points and not durable enough.


killed a few flame aggressors.


3 scouts, 4 BGVs, 1 victrix guard, a lancer, a handful of hellblasters but they had an apothecary so the unit managed to hold on until the end.


he called it top of T4 when all I had left was my flappy chappy and a dreadnought.

I made a strategic mistake, holding my DC and SG as a force ‘in being’ on/near a primary. He had a full sized squad of flame aggressors w/captain so I was concerned about that, but he wasn’t willing to push my units since I’d likely get the charge off first.


however I should have been moving my DC towards the center in T2.


i think I like firestorm detachment better than ours, but it was nice having intercessors wounding aggressors on 4s.

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