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‘MLRS idea

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Talked about it in the wishlist thread and I thought about it more, so instead of derailing that thread I figured I’d start a dedicated one.


model size about as wide as a taurox, long and squat as a chimera. The rocket system on back id basically do as two taurox rocket launchers stacked, but slightly larger.

M6 WS6+ BS4+  A1  W9 LD 7 SV5+

Area Barrage 

Hvy3x3 S4 AP-1 D1 This weapon profile may target 3 different units with 3 shots each as long as each target is within 6” of another targeted unit. May target units not visible to it.

Focused Barrage

Hvy4 S6 AP-2 D3  If this weapon profile targets a unit with the <titanic> keyword it gets +1 to hit. May target units not visible to it.

This unit may be armed with a storm bolter or a heavy stubber

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