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Ka’bandha’s Rules have been released


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Haven’t seen any other posts about this (as of writing) but Ka’bandha’s rules have just been released, as well as his pre-order from FW.

Link to rules here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/4uwEurgnIRQCzWHE.pdf

Unsurprisingly, seems to me that he is going to thrive when pushing units and then deleting them in the sweeping charge. Ability to drop a hellstorm template on a nearby unit too seems interesting. Thoughts?


Edit, link to model here: https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-GB/ka-bandha-daemon-general-of-signus-2022

Edited by OnyxUltraKnight
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Without knowing whether they can deepstrike and charge, I find it hard to believe he's worth that many points.

Without brutal, you're really limited to killing things that are vulnerable to instant death. And at what looks to be STR 13 tops, that isn't dreadnoughts. An equivalent amount of points of melee contemptors kills him after two rounds of combat and might lose a single dread in the trade. 

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