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-Battle Cry of the Iron Mustangs

""We cleared out the country of that world. Burnt barns and homes, a valley made nearly desert. The grox-bison were shot in their thousands. In our campaign against the guerrillas, we consumed and destroyed all forage and subsistence in that land."
-Anonymous Battle Brother of the 4th Company, 2nd Battalion, on his service under the command of Senior Captain Melos Sheridan.

Lore dump below, with Google Doc.


The Iron Mustangs are a loyalist Successor Chapter of the Ultramarines. Specialized in armored assault, this Ultima Founding chapter diverges greatly from the Codex norm in organization and tactical outlook. 

The Iron Mustangs are well-disciplined, methodical tacticians and fighters. While otherwise stern and pragmatic, they still bear the hallmarks of the Adeptus Astartes writ large. They have a noted disdain for camouflage, and conversely wear their heraldry with pride. Even compared to other chapters, the Iron Mustangs favor the usage of bolt weaponry as their primary longarms to the exclusion of most other infantry weaponry. Battle-brothers thus spend disproportionate amounts of time in Fire Support squads to hone their skills of marksmanship.

Whereas other Chapters prefer to deploy as demi-companies or strike forces, the Mustangs favor the use of Battalions. Once considered an obsolete relic of the Principia Belicosa era, these large units each comprise two of the Chapter’s four Battle Companies as their core, usually with attached combat support elements drawn from the Reserve Companies. Used to concentrate combat power and bolter strength into a cohesive whole, there are two standing Battalions at all times. Being meant for large-scale, mechanized warfare, the Battalions are employed as coherent formations with their own organic heavy armor. While they fulfill many of the roles a Company does in Codex orthodoxy, they are almost never split up to act as “fire brigades''. Battalions instead take to the field as a unit, crushing the hated enemy under their treads and boots.

In terms of tactics, the Iron Mustangs favor the use of large armored and mechanized units in decisive battle. Maneuver is key to this doctrine. Much of the Chapter’s infantry is mechanized. Making sweeping maneuvers over massive battlefronts, the Iron Mustangs at war are more akin to armored formations of the Imperial Guard than any other Astartes Chapter. For these reasons, the Chapter has an extensive motor pool of Repulsor chassis tanks, Gladiators, and Impulsors.

Snr. Cpt Melos Sheridan, of the 2nd Battalion. Roll of Honor: Birmingham Pacification, Avidya Crusade, etc. 

The Iron Mustangs are my newest homebrew chapter. Their main theme is the US Cavalry, though I've gone for something more subtle than most "American Marines" projects I've seen. Most of these homebrews trend towards gaudy patriotic color schemes. I instead turned to the colors of the 1st Cavalry Division - yellow and black - and added silver to them. The Chapter Badge, seen on this WIP shot, is the head of an equine. Not my best freehand job, but you can tell what it's meant to be.


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The Iron Mustangs' Lieutenants are the foremost tactical officers of the Chapter. It is they who direct their brothers in the heat of battle. They also handle the squad-level logistics as well as those of the tank troops (small subunits, consisting of the organic armor of Battalions, akin to a demi-company). These subalterns free their Captains to direct their Companies and Battalions in strategic manners. In turn, they are learning the ropes of directing and handling the large formations used by the Iron Mustangs, to use one day in their potential Captaincies. 

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I like it. Have you considered adding some red into the armor scheme? I know that's random, but hear me out. In WWII, one of the most famous American fighter squadrons were the 332nd. They flew mustangs...they were painted silver with bright red tails. Just an idea, but it's a snazzy paint scheme and a cool way to play on history (for history nerds)

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