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I think my last time on the site was back in 2012, but after losing my weekend tradition of painting at the long closed Battle Bunker and moving my models ended up in storage and the motivation ebbed away. With working from home due to covid and the interest expressed by a significant other in the hobby I recently pulled things out of storage and set up a hobby corner in my home office. Thought I might post some of what I've done since returning! I'll start with a quick shot of the office, then through what I've done over the last few months. Looking forward to participating again!

After assembling my office and talking to some guys at local stores I found out that sometime in the last decade, the base size for many models changed. So one of my first projects was getting base extenders for my original Space Marine company. This was fairly mindnumbing work but I got through it and think I blended my original bases with the extenders fairly well. Finishing that I found myself in a bit of choice paralysis, with tons of partly done models from before everything got packed away. To give myself a clean start I decided to instead work on a Chaos Space Marine force. This was made up of a Dark Vengeance chaos set as well as a Shadowspear box that I had picked up in a previous failed attempt to get back into the hobby.




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Here's a few better shots of some of the bits I've got in progress, my brush skills are terribly rusty so I'm working on one model at a time and then intending to return and neaten up the older ones once I have confidence in myself to do it well. It's also my first attempt at free hand for the shoulder pads of my Primaris marines, which I think I pulled off decently. It does seem like new models are less easily converted than 10 years ago, though maybe that's just the specific kits I've acquired?





Welcome back, like myself. A lot of us returning out of the Covid funk !

Yeah, the big boxsets are certainly more 'monopose' than individual kits released later, but I just see that as a challenge personally. The painting looks good, the Chaos sorceror especially looks lovely around the helm focal point, so yay !

As for the loyalists, the freehand said "fox" before I even registered the vulpis bit, so it works. Looking forward to more.

33 minutes ago, Xenith said:

Welcome back to the hobby, and to the B&C also. Always nice to see a purple army(armies). Are the Chaos ones the same chapter, just renegade?

Chaos is Alpha Legion; stylized off this old preheresy scheme with the edging done in bright green sort of like the old citadel studio army


Edited by Stolid Fox
Clarifying phrasing
46 minutes ago, Brother Carpenter said:

Nice looking bikers. I have to finish mine. (been on the painting table for at least 15 years :cry:).

On a side note, what are you using the wd 40 for?

The tray is a bit of a “project tray” so it has non modeling stuff on it so it is a bit of a misdirection I suppose. Don’t worry, plenty of barely started bikes on my table. 


Welcome back to the hobby.

Nice looking models. Your scheme has a very 2nd edition 40k feel to me for some reason - could be seeing the assault marines more than anything. I like it.

I'd be interested to see more of the Necons youve been working on too.

If you havent tried yet and have any organic type models I'd recommend having a play around with contrast paints at some point

11 hours ago, lhg033 said:

Welcome back to the hobby.

Nice looking models. Your scheme has a very 2nd edition 40k feel to me for some reason - could be seeing the assault marines more than anything. I like it.

I'd be interested to see more of the Necons youve been working on too.

If you havent tried yet and have any organic type models I'd recommend having a play around with contrast paints at some point

I got into the hobby in 5th edition with Assault on Black Reach and while I have some older models inherited (including Rogue Trader era bits) the majority of my forces are probably from around that 5th ed era.  The shot is a full company -- 20 assault, 20 devs, and 60 tacticals plus Captain and his command squad (Apoc, Banner, Champion, and two Veterans). The vow from 2012 in my signature was to make 2 apocalypse formations -- I did a Battle Company and Line Breaker Squadron, and they're the Battle Company brought back up to snuff.

Necrons are actually my partner's, who took them on from Indomitus and the Imperium magazine; they just started playing with oils for them, which has led to some interesting effects. I haven't touched oils yet but might give them a shot at some point.

I actually have a few contrast paints and use them with some underpainting on a few places to give some texture -- the gloves of my Master of Possession for example.


This weekend our local game store had an oil painting class. We did a plague marine with an oil wash and a zombie/poxwalker done completely with oils. These are probably the first two models I’ve done without purple as a prominent color! I’m going to go back in and pick out some details better but it turned out pretty well I think. 



Thanks Trysanna! My partner adored your compliments and I will definitely be playing with oils more. In the meantime, I got these aggressors finished up tonight! 


8 hours ago, EllieBenelli said:

They're looking great! The sea-green trim is a gorgeous colour too

Thanks! I’m currently having my Primaris trimmed in Jade; The completed battle company is in bronze, and my bike company is trimmed in green. I’ve got the Librarian with blue trim since they aren’t company/formation attached in my head canon lore for the foxes. 


Working on the intercessor squad and I thought the sergeant was coming together well; so I’m posting a picture before I do something to turn him into a thin your paints meme



Edited by Stolid Fox
Added second shot
10 minutes ago, Trysanna said:

Fixed that for you :P He looks good! What colour are you using for the trim? I keeping looking at it but I can't place it. 

Here’s the main colors I use. 

from left to right: my metallics, snakebite leather (and burnt umber, not pictured) for leather, for the pauldrons black with jade and bright jade for trim, primary armor is dark purple, purple, and faded plum, burnt red and red for various bits including the Fox logo, grey blue for melee weapon spot colour, skin is radiant flesh with transparent red and fleshshade (and undercoated with purple and green), and the whites are done with the four in the middle (neutral gray, bright neutral grey, titanium white, and ivory where applicable)


I also use a few greens, and for rubber piping I use a blue black. 


Took a slight detour to set up a place to display and store my painted pieces instead of in piles of foam on my desk and/or floor. Only putting fully complete pieces in it for now, which was revealing of how many “90%” models I have to get done. Also have seemingly misplaced a few rhino bits which I’ll have to track down. 








Finished up some of the bikes I showed earlier. Might go back and do some cleanup, as a bunch of these have some rushed paint jobs from right before I took my decade hiatus but I got them based, including some more interesting basing for a change on the sergeant and meltabiker. Also considering basing the attack bike so it looks like it belongs in the squad. Maybe a 60 or 80mm round?


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