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So I’ve been gifted a rather large Ork army from my dad, and I’ve been trying to create a theme to run with. I’ve decided to go with The Hulk; big, green, smashes everything, and I could go on. Another plus, he wears purple pants. Have you ever seen an Ork wear purple?

So far, I’ve completed a few models, but plenty more to finish. I’ll post more finished models and squads as I finish them. I’ll be using them as Goff’s because that seems to make more sense I guess.

Edited by FollowerofDG
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So what “Hulk army” would be complete without Gaz/Da Hulk himself. 





These are some converted trukks that will be hauling lots of burna boyz around, or whatever else needs a trukk. 





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Da flyin’ Hulk boyz. Again, my photo taking skills are pretty lackadaisical, but hopefully what I’m showing can be seen. 





I have 24 burna boyz, along with 10 stormboyz completed with the exception of the bases. Once the bases are complete I will share them. I’m nearly finished with my first mob of boyz, but they are lacking their bases as well. 

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They look great - the purple checks are a nice addition, as large expanses of richly coloured paint (as you have here) can be kind of overwhelming, and the checkered pattern really helps break that up - I think working some onto your scratchbuilt truck would really make the model even better, as it is kind of overwhelmingly purple at the moment (making your orks a bit brighter green might also help - the brighter versions of green can make a really nice contrast with purple (as can be seen here.).

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1 hour ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

They look great - the purple checks are a nice addition, as large expanses of richly coloured paint (as you have here) can be kind of overwhelming, and the checkered pattern really helps break that up - I think working some onto your scratchbuilt truck would really make the model even better, as it is kind of overwhelmingly purple at the moment (making your orks a bit brighter green might also help - the brighter versions of green can make a really nice contrast with purple (as can be seen here.).

Thank you for the advice Dr. Ruminahui; it’s incredibly helpful. They probably do have too much purple because I went all in with them, lol. I definitely need to break it up some. I’ll go back and use an additional color to help them out. I believe I’ll take your advice and try a green hue. 

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