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I chose them back in 3rd Edition because they're so colorful. There's not a Chapter or Legion out there that even comes close to how great an Imperial Fist force looks on the tabletop.

  On 7/21/2022 at 7:11 PM, andes said:

What about you, nusphigor? Why'd you choose them?


To be honest I don't know.

I remember that i had a big Alpha Legion army using vainilla dex in 6th ed. but when the Sentinels of Terra supplement came out i found myself using those rules.
Later on i traded my army for a tyranids army and then sold those minis to pay some debts i had in those dark times.
Then, when i got a new job on a different city, i could afford a new 40k army and bought some mk3 plastic minis adn started painting them as 30k fists. Then came back to my home city again and kept on buying more minis for the fists but i did little to no painting on them. (i even have Rogal Dorn half painted)

Then, when 8th ed and the primaris revolution came up i found myself in the state in which i'm in right now: with no idea which army should i devote myself to and collecting bits of different armies to play on my own because i don't really like going to the gaming clubs anymore.

I was asking for your motivations guys because of that, to maybe find a kind of kinship to keep on that army or looking what to do with my minis other than selling them

Edited by nusphigor
  On 7/25/2022 at 3:17 AM, andes said:

If you're playing less 40k, maybe paint up different Kill Teams? It'd allow you to experiment with different Chapters/Legions, getting  nice hobby variety...


Thank you brother.
I thought about it but i'm enjoying a lot playing small games using the crusade rules, and since I have many different armies i can get some nice variation in playstyles.
However, these games are very far in between because most of the time when i think about getting the buildings and preparing the table i get lazy and play PUBG instead XD

Imperial Fist successor but using Inheritors of the Primarch. I like the concept of space marines as the equivalent of crusading knights and I love the Helsreach novel. I wanted to play that sort of concept but I didn't want to use Black Templars so I went with Imperial Fists as the closest to that concept for me.

I started in 6th. I think our chapter tactics back then were reroll 1's with bolter weapons and some kind of bonus to the vehicle damage chart.

I thought to myself, "So basically every model gets a baseline upgrade on their weapons? sounds pretty fantastic to me!"

I was mocked (lovingly) by my friends for choosing yellow, as it was notoriously hard to paint then, and for picking an army with "boring rules".


Anyway, IF have remained "bottom tier" in the competitive scene ever since I've had them, but that doesn't stop me from absolutely dominating in my local play group with my non-competitive, fluffy lists.

  On 7/29/2022 at 11:36 AM, Logiter said:

Anyway, IF have remained "bottom tier" in the competitive scene ever since I've had them, but that doesn't stop me from absolutely dominating in my local play group with my non-competitive, fluffy lists.


Hell yeah. 

I do recall a very small period of time where Fists were a competitive monster back when the supplement first launched because you didn't have to proceed through the doctrines and Legacy of Dorn didn't yet have a Str criteria component to it. In addition, the Specialist detachment spat out mortal wounds like crazy. The only reason I think it wasn't more widely used is because Iron Hands was still better lol



  • 3 weeks later...

Imperial Fists were my first proper 40k army when I was but a youth.

A lot of Games Workshops used to auction off shop models/projects for birthday events. One year at Games Day, all the shops in the UK had contributed models to a massive Siege of Terra participation game (long before HH was a game). Dundee contribution included a full battle company (100 marines plus captain, command squad and 2x dreads) of fists and their carry case. At the birthday auction they went up for £100 starting bid and nobody wanted them. 14 year old me offered all I had (£50) and the manager agreed. It was after that I really started reading Black Library books and after Sigismund's introduction in Horus Rising I was hooked on the the Fists.

They have served me well for many long years, but I haven't used them in a while. I'm thinking my big project for next year will be a new force built in homage, half Primaris for 40k and half first born in older armour marks for 40k and Heresy. But want to build everything to mimic the older models.

Very nice story, thanks for sharing @Casual Heresy! :smile:

I'm trying to wrack my brains regarding when I made my own choice to don the yellow but I'm coming up blank. I'll keep on digging into my memory and share if I end up remembering!

  On 8/17/2022 at 10:30 AM, Casual Heresy said:

Imperial Fists were my first proper 40k army when I was but a youth.

A lot of Games Workshops used to auction off shop models/projects for birthday events. One year at Games Day, all the shops in the UK had contributed models to a massive Siege of Terra participation game (long before HH was a game). Dundee contribution included a full battle company (100 marines plus captain, command squad and 2x dreads) of fists and their carry case. At the birthday auction they went up for £100 starting bid and nobody wanted them. 14 year old me offered all I had (£50) and the manager agreed. It was after that I really started reading Black Library books and after Sigismund's introduction in Horus Rising I was hooked on the the Fists.

They have served me well for many long years, but I haven't used them in a while. I'm thinking my big project for next year will be a new force built in homage, half Primaris for 40k and half first born in older armour marks for 40k and Heresy. But want to build everything to mimic the older models.


a full company for 50 pounds?! wooooow
if only T_T

  • 4 months later...

I am back from a hiatus since the start of 9th.i have a reasonable sized army but it's mostly unpainted. I have a few models base coated in yellow and 2 dreadnoughts almost finished. I want to know why you chose to be an imperial fist?

  On 7/20/2022 at 3:36 AM, andes said:

I chose them back in 3rd Edition because they're so colorful. There's not a Chapter or Legion out there that even comes close to how great an Imperial Fist force looks on the tabletop.


Space Wolves. :wink:


Nah, I gotta admit every time I see a Fists army all lined up my heart does do a little flutter. Im tempted to do a small force but do I really need another marine army? I already have Blood Drinkers, Space Wolves and Legion of the Damned. 




Ill bite, my 2023 army was supposed to be Blood Drinkers but I got a bit carried away over xmas and nearly done what I have already, I might do a small Imperial Fist army, I never did get round to converting Lexandro D'Arqubeus, Yeremi Valence and Biff Tundrish from Ian Watsons 'Space Marine' novel, if I start an army then I have an excuse to make them. :laugh:



Edited by Slave to Darkness
  • 2 weeks later...

In honor of Rogue Trader.  I have been thinking about what chapter for years and decided on Crimson Fists today.

I leaned BAs going way back.  Then I read some of the novels and it turned me off.

I thought about Dark Angels because LJ is my favorite ahole, I mean favorite primarch.  However, the whole unforgiven, fallen all the time I didn’t like at all.

Almost went Carcharodons but I wanted my army Primaris only and that didn’t seem lore friendly which is important to me.

I still have my original copy of Rogue Trader sitting in a basket by my chair with my other 40k books.  I looked down and saw the CFs on the cover fighting orks and went with it.

I like contrasting colours and "old painting style" on minis. Having a yellow base + something else on shoulders worked fine for my IF spinoff chapter.

IF's history and impact is really interesting, with both successes and failures, while they were not as "popular" back when I was starting to collect :)

Availability of bits (both IF and BT) was also a factor.

I don't have a particularly noble origin for my Imperial Fists collection!


I favour armies with a fast, aggressive style of play (Blood Angels, Tyranids, Dark Eldar) and a friend of mine got absolutely sick of being on the receiving end of it, so gave me the Space Marine half of Dark Imperium (some of it already sprayed blue) and implored me to build an army that stands and shoots.


So I bought some cans of Averland Sunset and got to work. I'm a useless painter so I went with the easiest scheme possible - spray Averland, wash Casandora, paint details, done. I even went with the Second Company so I didn't have to paint the shoulder pad trim.


However. I then picked up the Imperial Fists supplement and learned that the Second Company carry the Chapter's collective guilt and fight like automatons, so I decided the Captain of my Second Company wasn't having that and has decided to instil some pride in the Chapter's whipping boys, so I went back and painted all the shoulder trim gold, and got a load of 3D printed Chapter and squad icons so that everyone could have the proper markings on their shoulder pads, and I found some spare Imperial Fists drop pod icons from my bits box and added them to the vehicles and Dreadnoughts, which I'm now going back and doing the panels lines on properly.


It's funny how it's the little things that make you get behind an army.


I've also somehow ended up with a lot of 30k Imperial Fists, although only Rogal Dorn is painted so far. They may end up mostly black since Averland Sunset spray has gone the way of the dodo, though.

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