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Mengel's Necrons

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Hi everyone,

I have a nearly complete army of Necrons that I worked on after Indomitus came out and I'm thinking about painting up the last unit or 2 I need to get to 2,000 points so I figured I would put together a thread here. I started this army with the Indomitus box and added to it a bit at a time, painting each unit as I went. I was really proud of restraining my buying, but now I have a ton of unpainted stuff in boxes for them, lol, oops.












I really need to get some better group shots of these models. I still don't have a good army wide shot of them. One thing I love doing though is making more scenic looking shots as well as creating a bit of back story, so I had to give it a shot with these guys.



I really liked the way Warzones were presented in the new Codexes for 9th, so I made one for my Necron's world.


As you might be able to guess from some of the names and the color scheme, I'm a bit of a Tomb kings fan, so I wanted to carry that through onto my TOMB KINGS IN SPAAAAAAAAACE army.

Anyway, I'll be adding at least one more unit to this to bump it up to enough points for 2,000 point games. Deciding between a Lord on Command Barge, some Flayed Ones, more Skorpekh, more Warriors, a Spider, or something else entirely.

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