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11 minutes ago, SkimaskMohawk said:

Nothing changed in the rules; you were never able to multi-charge with a single model. The initial target (the leviathan) has to go into the primary target (the unit you shot at) by the shortest route and end in base contact. The remaining models (none) can then go into either primary or secondary targets.

In both editions, only "remaining models" had permission to go into the secondary units.

Cool cool.  I do have a PDF of the 1.0 rules and that does check out.  I've never questioned it for years, provided the "lining up the shortest path" was in play. 

I guess our group has been playing 1.0 single-model (MC, dread, etc...) charges wrong for years if that's the case. I remember some long-winded explanation from many of the lads in the group years ago saying that single models technically ignored it from something about the "not technically a multi-model unit as rules written" or such, but never really plotted out the written ruling to contest said explanation.  Cheers, mate!  Thanks for inadvertently helping correct years of oops! :)

REDACTING the stuff about the disordered charges then. Still think he's got good merit as a lethal-enough series of guns waddling around, and an absolute terror in melee. Especially with no longer having armor facings meaning he can dive deep without too much fear of rear-armor shots anymore.

Edited by Dark Legionnare

I tend to agree that a melee leviathan is a very big bowling ball and can bully anything that's not a primarch. Dump it out of a pod, double melta and possibly volkite a key vehicle (like an arcus, Scorpius or even a Spartan in the side) and sit back and watch everything scramble to deal with it. Though you need to have pressure with other units to make it count.

Alternatively, if you play against drop heavy lists, you can have it sit in your backfield and just be a menace.

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