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WE - ZM - Fury of the Ancients


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Trying out Fury of the Ancients for ZM - not sure about anythnig, just a rought first draft. Still need to get out of the reading Phase :)


Ancient Dreadnought
Kheres Autocannon
Fist with Flamer
Warlordtrait: Bloodthirst

Fist with Flamer

Kheres Autocannon
Fist with Plasma

Breacher Squad x 10
Artificer Armor, Power Fist

Breacher Squad x 10
Artificer Armor, Power Fist

Contemptors looking for Stuff to Kill Maim and Burn - Breachers standing in the back.


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I like the idea this is like the defence of the Conqueror (except this time a few Triarii stayed in post!). Shame the rules don’t permit breacher shield and chain axe combination.

All the talk round here is about how contemptors and the ROW are strong - maybe they’ll even be stronger in ZM? But since you will probably meet dreadnoughts coming the other way I would take at least one melta or multi-melta.

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