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New rumors - updated 12-Oct

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24 minutes ago, sairence said:

That's my point as well. The Deathstrike is primarily going to impact play not by shooting and doing MWs, but simply by the threat of doing so. I figure it'll stay silent in at least as many games as it'll actually go off and help us score points either way.


Exactly- as someone who will be probably facing it, rather than using it, it will be a hinderance, something that will impact the VP game (very important for competition), and a priority unit that I will definitely try to take off of the table. 


Will it kill anything often? Probably not. It doesn't need to. The fact that it can quite possibly take an entire unit that is holding an objective is worth it enough to justify its cost. 150 points is nothing for the sheer amount of mind-screwery that you can play with your opponent, moving the marker every turn if needed, is great. Also, if you have a feeling that your opponent isn't going to be playing it safe and holding objectives, there are other warheads that you can use that are more useful (i.e.- impact quicker) that are available to choose from. Solid unit, and one that I think will see a good bit of play from savvy IG players.

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The points are pretty comparable to the Chaos Land Raider which has a very similar profile. The Dorn has more guns although it is only BS4+ (but the big gun on the turret gets +1 to-Hit).


I know Land Raiders are not setting the meta on fire right now but at least we know the Dorn is in line with similar tanks in other codices.

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What I don't get is, hammer of the emp, looks like its going to take the place of both doctrine choices:sad: (mordian glory leaks)


But, with cadia supplement rules, hammer, regiment rules, and really good strats like load fire reload.....Guard win rates atm are low:yes:


So now we are expected to go into the same format, but with no supplement rules or strats like load fire reload, and having to choose between regiment traits and hammer:laugh::ohmy:


I thought it was going to be our super doctrine type ability, every army now seems to have something similar, so we get nothing then.........


No other army has to choose between their 'chapter' rules and their extra rules they have from 9th:sad:


Thats like saying, well cult players, you can either have crossfire or <cult> rules.......


What the........

Edited by Emperor Ming
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1 hour ago, Emperor Ming said:

What I don't get is, hammer of the emp, looks like its going to take the place of both doctrine choices:sad: (mordian glory leaks)


But, with cadia supplement rules, hammer, regiment rules, and really good strats like load fire reload.....Guard win rates atm are low:yes:


So now we are expected to go into the same format, but with no supplement rules or strats like load fire reload, and having to choose between regiment traits and hammer:laugh::ohmy:


I thought it was going to be our super doctrine type ability, every army now seems to have something similar, so we get nothing then.........

From the Mordian Glory stream yesterday, I agree that we're going from a volume-of-fire to less-but-more-accurate model.


What's missing is the fact that guard volume-of-fire sucks, so going from 100-shots-but-1-hit to 50-shots-but-1-hit means we still only get 1 hit.  Its why I think this will be a B+/A- tier codex.  Our ability to deal with 10-man CSM terminator bricks will go up slightly, but with more expensive units, it's a wash.  We still have to load up on 2-3 TCs because we have to be within 12" of a TC to be in range for Inflexible Command (2 with the Lord Solar, 3 without). 


The durability boost on Sentinels is nice, but it comes as a trade off for other units.  Yes we can throw a single Sentinel on an objective for 45 points, but we can only do that twice without giving up 3CP for an Outrider detachment.  Rough riders are fantastic, but we'll have to drop other units to take them.  I find an army of nothing but Sentinels & Rough Riders unappealing.  An Infantry Squad pays 5 more points for a 2nd special weapon (to be called Cadian), that has to be different than the 1st.  Trade off.  DKoK pay more for a 3rd special weapon, so another trade-offs.  Infantry Squads (of any kind) still have 0 durability.   We go from TCs to LRBTs, which have less overall output, but less overall cost.  Another trade-off.


On the plus side, I see By Lasgun and Bayonet going from ~6PPG to ~8PPG. 

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5 minutes ago, OldWherewolf said:

From the Mordian Glory stream yesterday, I agree that we're going from a volume-of-fire to less-but-more-accurate model.


What's missing is the fact that guard volume-of-fire sucks, so going from 100-shots-but-1-hit to 50-shots-but-1-hit means we still only get 1 hit.  Its why I think this will be a B+/A- tier codex.  Our ability to deal with 10-man CSM terminator bricks will go up slightly, but with more expensive units, it's a wash.  We still have to load up on 2-3 TCs because we have to be within 12" of a TC to be in range for Inflexible Command (2 with the Lord Solar, 3 without). 


The durability boost on Sentinels is nice, but it comes as a trade off for other units.  Yes we can throw a single Sentinel on an objective for 45 points, but we can only do that twice without giving up 3CP for an Outrider detachment.  Rough riders are fantastic, but we'll have to drop other units to take them.  I find an army of nothing but Sentinels & Rough Riders unappealing.  An Infantry Squad pays 5 more points for a 2nd special weapon (to be called Cadian), that has to be different than the 1st.  Trade off.  DKoK pay more for a 3rd special weapon, so another trade-offs.  Infantry Squads (of any kind) still have 0 durability.   We go from TCs to LRBTs, which have less overall output, but less overall cost.  Another trade-off.


On the plus side, I see By Lasgun and Bayonet going from ~6PPG to ~8PPG. 

I’m fairly certain you’re not trying to  refer to real numbers but that most certainly isn’t an accurate portrayal in my opinion.


again we are still a weight of fire army, not much more durable I agree, but rules like the guerilla fighters rules can make us much more deadly, increasing that ‘50-1’ hit ratio to 50-2 or maybe even 3.


then there’s rules that increase ranges, giving more weight of fire at range. Rules that increase our AP, increasing the effect of said few hits.


Being upset about simple naked statlines silly when we now have so many rules and orders to choose from.

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11 hours ago, Emperor Ming said:

But, with cadia supplement rules, hammer, regiment rules, and really good strats like load fire reload.....Guard win rates atm are low:yes:


So now we are expected to go into the same format, but with no supplement rules or strats like load fire reload, and having to choose between regiment traits and hammer:laugh::ohmy:


Nah, we're going to be just like codex Orks at launch. A handful of broken units getting us to massive winrates. GW nerfs them. Then we drop to the 40-50% range.

Edited by jarms48
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23 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I’m fairly certain you’re not trying to  refer to real numbers but that most certainly isn’t an accurate portrayal in my opinion.


again we are still a weight of fire army, not much more durable I agree, but rules like the guerilla fighters rules can make us much more deadly, increasing that ‘50-1’ hit ratio to 50-2 or maybe even 3.


then there’s rules that increase ranges, giving more weight of fire at range. Rules that increase our AP, increasing the effect of said few hits.


Being upset about simple naked statlines silly when we now have so many rules and orders to choose from.

I don't disagree with you, but have the game is movement-firepower-durability balance.  If the firepower is lacking, you need to have the movement and durability.  Tau and Eldar have firepower and movement.  DG have durability & firepower.   Nids have all 3, in all 3 phases of the game, which is why they are sooo broken.  Guard firepower is currently meh, with no durability, and meh mobility (to easy for use to get bottled up in our DZ).  I don't see that changing much.


you keep referencing all the cool Regiment Traits.  But we can only take 2 of them, and we lose HotE.  If we take HotE, then we don't get the cool Regiment traits, unless we keep the Balance Dataslate.  But if we lose the Balance Dataslate, we lose AoC on *ALL* our vehicles, including Sentinels and Chimeras, taking our durability down a notch.  That would put us in a 'meh' movement category (b-tier at best as nothing fast and/or flyer), no durability (c-tier, as infantry have 0, and a 4+ Sentinel, 3+ Chimera, or even a 2+ LRBT is nothing.  It's AoC that makes them worthwhile).  Then A- firepower.  That just makes us Marines, as we know how well that is working out.



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37 minutes ago, OldWherewolf said:

I don't disagree with you, but have the game is movement-firepower-durability balance.  If the firepower is lacking, you need to have the movement and durability.  Tau and Eldar have firepower and movement.  DG have durability & firepower.   Nids have all 3, in all 3 phases of the game, which is why they are sooo broken.  Guard firepower is currently meh, with no durability, and meh mobility (to easy for use to get bottled up in our DZ).  I don't see that changing much.


you keep referencing all the cool Regiment Traits.  But we can only take 2 of them, and we lose HotE.  If we take HotE, then we don't get the cool Regiment traits, unless we keep the Balance Dataslate.  But if we lose the Balance Dataslate, we lose AoC on *ALL* our vehicles, including Sentinels and Chimeras, taking our durability down a notch.  That would put us in a 'meh' movement category (b-tier at best as nothing fast and/or flyer), no durability (c-tier, as infantry have 0, and a 4+ Sentinel, 3+ Chimera, or even a 2+ LRBT is nothing.  It's AoC that makes them worthwhile).  Then A- firepower.  That just makes us Marines, as we know how well that is working out.



HOTE is nice, but it is not that great.

the replacement born soldiers would be too OP on its own.


We’ve gotten massive boosts to our firepower, between the new squad types, new rules, and redone orders.


with RRs, and SatW, and the new teleport thing scions can do we have good mobility.


durability is lacking but personally I think that’s pretty much always been the case for the guard and pretty much should always be the case.

though historically our vehicles have been a bit tougher than they are now.


i guess if you want to win every tournament, sure this might be disappointing, but I think this codex will leave standard casual gamers feeling just fine.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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1 hour ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

We’ve gotten massive boosts to our firepower


Can boosts even be said:ermm: with the points hikes, sidegrades and rule loses? that's prob a mathhammer question:tongue:


Double shots with rerolls is still more shots than you get with the new profiles:yes:


Things like ogryns, its not a massive boost, its just they have been a joke for so long, its about time they were brought up to scratch as a normal functioning unit rather than a joke...

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33 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:


Can boosts even be said:ermm: with the points hikes, sidegrades and rule loses? that's prob a mathhammer question:tongue:


Double shots with rerolls is still more shots than you get with the new profiles:yes:


Things like ogryns, its not a massive boost, its just they have been a joke for so long, its about time they were brought up to scratch as a normal functioning unit rather than a joke...

points hikes, in no way negates an increase to firepower. 

like i said, for people who want to be successful in the tournament circuit, this codex will probably fall short of putting us in the top 10 let alone top 5 factions at tournaments, but i think the casuals playing in their homes, or doing pick up games at stores will find themselves doing much better than before.

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Goonhammer has a wall of text review and doesn't mention them i believe? 



Blood of kittens also has a leak summary of units. I'm not sure if that's been updated since previews have been dropped. 

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