Brother Tyler Posted August 23, 2022 Share Posted August 23, 2022 We're working on collecting a comprehensive listing of all of the thoughts for the day that have appeared in GW publications for ... something. So far we have the following: 1. A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords at dawn. 2. A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt. 3. A mind without purpose will wander in dark places. 4. A small mind is easily filled with faith. 5. A war is easily won if your enemy does not know that he is fighting. 6. A warrior’s faith in his commander is his best armour and his strongest weapon. 7. Admire the Immortal Emperor for His Sacrifice to Mankind. 8. All souls cry out for salvation. 9. An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded. 10. An unprotected soul can no more cross the storms of the warp than a heretic can bear the gaze of the Inquistion. 11. As our bolters are charged with death for the Emperor’s enemies, our thoughts are charged with wisdom. 12. As we pray to Him, His thoughts are only for us. 13. As we serve Him, He is our greatest servant. 14. Be bloody, bold, and resolute. 15. Be courageous and bold, be humble before your masters, lead with valour! 16. Be vigilant and strong. The Emperor knows what evil lurks in the vacillation of a weak fool. 17. Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. 18. Bless the machine god for he has given us tanks in plenty. 19. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt 20. Bravery is stronger than Adamantium. One is the stuff of the soul-forges, the other an illusion of safety created by fools. 21. Burn thyself in the flame of purity. 22. By the manner of their death we shall know them. 23. By thy banners will he fear thee. 24. By thy standard will he dread thee. 25. Carry the Emperor’s will as your torch; with it destroy the shadows. 26. Cast out the mutant, the traitor, the heretic. For every enemy without there are a hundred within. 27. Cease and repent. 28. Cease purpose and die. 29. Cleanse the Emperor’s enemies with righteousness and zeal. 30. Crush the Unholy in all their many guises. 31. Curse ye now the death in vain. 32. Deeds not words. 33. Despair doubles our strength. 34. Destroy the impure. 35. Do not fear to use the biggest gun. 36. Do not shy from the hopeless fight, for endeavour is its own reward. 37. Doubt is the open gate through which slips the most fatal of enemies. 38. Drink deep of victory and remember the fallen. 39. Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. 40. Every man is a spark in the darkness. 41. Examine your thoughts. 42. Excuses are the refuge of the weak. 43. Faith in the Emperor is its own reward. 44. Faith is the sturdiest armour. Hatred the surest weapon. 45. Faith is your shield. 46. Faith without deeds is worthless. 47. Fear me, for I am your apocalypse. 48. Foes burn in our passing. 49. Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything. 50. For a warrior the only crime is cowardice. 51. For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die alone, unsung and unremembered. 52. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my Battle-Brother eternal. 53. For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave. 54. Guns and warriors are useful, but it is our indomitable will that promises the ultimate victory. 55. Hail the Emperor! Hail Sanguinius! 56. Hard work conquers everything. 57. Harden your soul against decadence. 58. Hatred is the Emperor’s greatest gift to humanity. 59. He that is dead, take from him the Chapter’s due. 60. He that may still fight, heal him. 61. His word is your bond. 62. Honour the battle-gear of the dead. 63. Honour the craft of war, for only the Emperor is higher in our devotion. 64. Honour, duty and obedience. 65. Hope is the beginning of unhappiness 66. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. 67. If a job's worth doing it's worth dying for! 68. If you want peace, prepare for war. 69. In failure are the seeds of Heresy sown. 70. In the blazing furnace of battle we shall forge anew the iron will of a yet stronger race. 71. In the dark when the shadows threaten, the Emperor is with us, in spirit and in fact. 72. Innocence proves nothing. 73. It is always better to find the enemy, before your enemy finds you. 74. It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself. 75. It is better to have fought and lost than not to have fought at all. 76. It is only by concerted will and faith in the Immortal Emperor that we shall overcome. 77. Knowledge is power, hide it well. 78. Let faith protect your mind and metal your flesh. 79. Let my enemies cower at my advance and tremble at the sight of me. 80. Let the impure bow down before our swords. 81. Let your soul be armoured with faith. 82. Life is not measured in years, but by the deeds of men. 83. Life is the Emperor’s currency – spend it well. 84. Light your way in the darkness with the pyres of buring heretics. 85. Listen not to the alien, look not upon the alien, speak not unto the alien! 86. Look to your battle-gear and it will protect you. 87. Loss is acceptable, failure is not. 88. May the Emperor's Wrath forever cleanse our souls. 89. May your weapon be guarded against malfunction, as your soul is guarded from impurity. 90. Men united in the purpose of the Emperor are blessed in his sight and shall live forever in His memory. 91. Never forget you are the walls of steel and iron, between Mankind and a thousand horrors too unspeakable to name. 92. No army is big enough to conquer the galaxy, but faith alone can overturn the universe. 93. No man that died in the Emperor's service died in vain. 94. Nothing can hide from the wrath of the Emperor. 95. Nothing can stand in our way for we are the Space Marines 96. Obey your orders. 97. Official! The graves of the warriors who have given their lives for the Emperor now outnumber the stars themselves. 98. One are the weapon and warrior, one being in mind and in will. 99. Only in death does duty end. 100. Only in your deepest self is the truth of what you can be. And, without a doubt, that truth is terrible to bear. 101. Only the awkward question; only the foolish ask twice. 102. Our thoughts light the Darkness that others may cross space. 103. Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair an illusion of the mind. 104. Perseverance and silence are the highest virtues. 105. Place your trust in the Emperor’s steel. 106. Praise the Emperor whose sacrifice is life as ours is death. 107. Pray for the future to vindicate your actions. 108. Prayer cleanses the soul, but pain cleanses the body. 109. Purity is not your best defense, it is your only defense. 110. Purity of purpose. 111. Seek reward in service alone. 112. Serve the Emperor today, tomorrow you may be dead. 113. Sometimes the good must perish so that the rest survive. 114. Step not from the path of the Emperor. 115. Strive Harder. 116. Success is commemorated; failure is merely remembered. 117. Success is measured in blood: yours or the enemy’s. 118. Task is your master. All bow before Task! 119. That which is unknown and unseen always commands the greatest fear. 120. The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. 121. The difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance. 122. The Emperor is our guiding light, a beacon of hope for humanity in a galaxy of darkness. 123. The Emperor is with us. We shall prevail. 124. The Emperor knows, the Emperor is watching. 125. The Emperor watches even the most thankless task. 126. The ends always justify the means. 127. The Known is but the shadow of the Knowable. 128. The light is within us. 129. The lot of courage is to be sacrificed upon the altar of battle. 130. The Machine God watches over you. Unleash the weapons of war. 131. The man who has nothing can still have faith. 132. The moment you stop to count the cost, that is the moment you fail. 133. The Mutant bears his heresy on the outside, the Traitor hides it in his Soul. 134. The only true achievement is Purity. 135. The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal. 136. The road to purity is drenched in the blood of the martyred. 137. The scars on my back are insignificant compared to the scars on my soul. 138. The soul of a warrior is the shield of humanity. 139. The Space Marines fear no evil for we are Fear Incarnate. 140. The strength of the Emperor is Humanity, and the strength of Humanity is the Emperor. 141. The strong are strongest alone. 142. The truly wise are always afraid. 143. The wise man learns from the deaths of others. 144. There is no arguing with the barrel of a gun. 145. There is only the Emperor and he is our shield and protector. 146. They achieved great things, because their courage was infinite and because they never knew their goal was impossible. 147. Those I cannot crush with words I will crush with the tanks of the Imperial Guard! 148. Though my body die, I will remain. 149. Though my guards may sleep and ships may lie at anchor, our foes know full well that big guns never tire. 150. Though the darkness will be rent by noise and flame, let not men’s souls be broken in the crucible of war. 151. Though their bodies die, their spirit must return to the Chapter. 152. Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets Retribution. 153. Through the destruction of our enemies we earn our salvation. 154. To master the art is no more satisfactory than the impetus itself. 155. To strengthen the sword, you must first strengthen the shield. 156. To withdraw in disgust is not cowardice. 157. Tolerance is a sign of weakness 158. Tremble foes of Man, for the might of the Adeptus Astartes never rests in the Emperor's work. 159. Trust no one else and trust yourself less. 160. Trust to your faith. 161. Victory does not always rest with the big guns; but if we rest in front of them we shall be lost. 162. Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. 163. We are the inheritors of Roboute. Let no rule be beyond us. Let no man stand in our way. 164. We are the sword of fire with which the Traitors shall be cut down. 165. We ask only to serve. 166. We bring death and we bring life. 167. We do not determine the guilty; we do not decide the punishment; we are merely the cold instruments of the Emperor’s vengeance. 168. We embody the Emperor’s divine will and his holy purpose. 169. We must endure the present that those who come after may continue the greater work. 170. We shall carry our word, we will correct and unify. 171. Weigh the fist that strikes men down, and salutes the battle won. 172. What can a man know of the Universe that knows not his own mind? 173. What is a lifetime of servitude next to an eternity of damnation? 174. What is the terror of death? That we die our work incomplete. 175. While faithless traitors still live, there can be no forgiveness. 176. Winning a battle is of little value if by doing so you lose the war. 177. Words do not win wars. Deeds do. 178. Work is prayer. 179. You carry the Emperor’s will as your torch. With it destroy the shadows. 180. Your armour is your soul, and your soul’s dedication its armour. 181. Your honour is your life. Let none dispute it. Please add any that are missing. Ramell, Gamiel, Trokair and 11 others 12 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARK0SIAN Posted August 24, 2022 Share Posted August 24, 2022 “Gird your soul with the armour of contempt” It originates in Ravenor but I’ve seen it quoted in-universe in other novels/publications Brother Tyler 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayatollah_of_Rock_n_Rolla Posted August 24, 2022 Share Posted August 24, 2022 Lexicanum has a very comprehensive list, although I have doubts wether every one of them qualifies. Brother Tyler and Firedrake Cordova 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Casman Posted September 22, 2022 Share Posted September 22, 2022 I found these 4 in the Kill Team core rules (among others), and I don't think they're in the initial list: A coward always seeks compromise. A weapon cannot substitute for zeal. His word is our strength. Revere the Omnissiah, for it is the source of all our power. Brother Tyler 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARK0SIAN Posted September 22, 2022 Share Posted September 22, 2022 I’m sure there’s one in the imperial infantry man’s uplifting primer that reads ”If in doubt, head towards the enemy!” but I’m not totally sure I’ve got the exact wording right. Brother Tyler 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted September 22, 2022 Author Share Posted September 22, 2022 After taking Lexicanum's list and removing all of the duplicates, we have 472. I'll add those above to the list (assuming they're not duplicates). And then hopefully we can make this work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mana Posted September 23, 2022 Share Posted September 23, 2022 (edited) I have an old txt files with more phrases, the file was last modified in 2010 (so it has 10+ years). I can't remember where I got the phrases, just that I saved them all at the same time, I have them numbered on the file. So sorry I can't provide source. Anyway, here they are ( I already tried to remove duplicates from OP and also from the lexicanum link, sorry if there are any left still), hope they help!: - Abhor the Night, it is the Light that Endures. - A blade is persuasive, but a gun is decisive. - Absence of evidence is a sign of a cover-up. - A closed mind is an unbreakable fortress. - All men die, but a name can live forever. - A lost mind is to be pitied, a lost soul is to be cleansed. Fire cleanses. - A narrow mind is easily filled with faith. - A narrow view sees better. - Anvils fear no hammer. - Ask not why, just do. - Be cleansed, filthy as thou art. - Bodies are cheap, ammunition is expensive. -Bullets are cheaper than trials. - Cowardice breeds treachery. - Cowls do not imply piety. - Death is the only tolerable reason for failure. - Deeds are more eloquent than any speech. - Don’t expect gratitude from a grox. - Doubt is a sign of weakness. - Every servant has his place, to know it is his greatest comfort, to excel within his greatest solace. - Examine those who question authority, for they are suspect. - Fear is the mind killer, Pain is the flesh killer, Deviance is the soul killer. - Fear leads to hatred. Hatred leads to victory. - For every one of us that falls in battle one hundred enemies will die. - For every celebrated hero, ten thousand more go unsung. - Friendly fire isn't very friendly. - Fury and Faith will Best the Foe. - Grant no mercy to your enemies, for they will give none to you. - Great courage cannot be denied. - Handsome faces can hide subtle deviances. - Haste makes corpses. - Hate the sin – revile the sinner. - Have faith in the Emperor, but carry extra munitions. - Hesitation kills. - His will be done. - Honour the craft of death. - I am the flame of vengeance. - Incompetence is treasonous. - It is our indomitable will that promises the ultimate victory. - Let corpses declare your resolve. - Look To The Emperor, And He Will Provide. - Luck is allied to the bold. - No barrier, no enemy will thwart my purpose. - Nobody is innocent, there are merely varying levels of guilt. - Our thirst for vengeance is a raging inferno. - Pain builds character. - Retaliate, always. - Sanity is a crutch. - Scour away your impurities: mercy, forgiveness & compassion. - Scrutinize your enemies well for they will show you your flaws. - The Emperor gives you everything, to take more is a sin. - The Emperor saves, but only those deserving. - The Emperor Sends Us Forth. - The enemy uses mines as well, Emperor guide your feet. - There can be no bystanders in the battle for survival. Anyone who will not fight by your side is an enemy you must crush. - There can be no mercy. No surrender. - There is never time for grief. - To catch a heretic, send a psyker. - Treachery knows no forgiveness. - Trust only in the Emperor, for all men change. - War is better than any drug. - War necessitates a different set of morals. - Warriors of the Emperor seek no other rewards but death. - We Live To Serve. - When in doubt, shoot the 'corpse' again. - While cowards ponder, the righteous act. - While obscene heretics' hearts still beat, there can be no respite. - Wisdom resides in knowing your duty. Edited September 23, 2022 by Neilthran N1SB, Brother Tyler, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch and 1 other 3 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Yncarne Posted September 26, 2022 Share Posted September 26, 2022 (edited) Sorry for not screening this for duplicates, but Brother Tyler didn't post all 472. --- A broad mind lacks focus. A coward always seeks compromise A coward’s only reward is to live in fear another day. A dedicated life may reach the end of infinity. A fine mind is a blessing - It should not be cluttered with trivialities. A logical argument must be dismissed with absolute conviction! A mind without purpose will wander in dark places A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy. A questioning mind betrays a treacherous soul. A questioning servant is more dangerous than an ignorant heretic A small mind is a tidy mind. A small mind is easily filled with faith. A suspicious mind is a healthy mind A weapon cannot substitute for zeal A wise man learns from the death of others An Empty Mind Is A Loyal Mind An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded. Analysis is the bane of conviction Appeasement is a curse Be grateful of your Master's favor! Be Pure. Be strong in your ignorance. Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt Blind faith is a just cause. By the manner of our death are we judged. Call no man happy until he is dead. Compromise is akin to treachery Contemplation is the womb of treachery Curse now the death in vain. Doubt forms the path to damnation Doubt is a sign of weakness Drink deep of victory and remember the fallen. Duty prevails Enlightenment is a myth we do not need to understand in order to hate. Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. Every lone spirit doubts his strength Excuses are the refuge of the weak Facts are chains that bind perception and fetter truth. For a man can remake the world if he has a dream and no facts to cloud his mind. Faith grows from the barrel of a gun. Faith is the strongest shield. Faith is your shield. Faith without deeds is worthless. Fear not death, for the soul of the faithful man never dies. Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything For every battle honor, a thousand heroes die alone, unsung, and unremembered. For the foes of Mankind, the only mercy is a swift death For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave Forgiveness is a sign of weakness. Happiness is a delusion of the weak Hard work conquers everything. Hatred is our surest weapon. Hatred steels our resolve. Heresy grows from idleness Honor is what a pure mind knows about itself Hope is the beginning of unhappiness. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are polluted then the ocean is tainted. If a job's worth doing it's worth dying for! If you cannot speak well of your Master, be silent! Ignorance is a virtue Ignorance is bliss Ignorance is your best defense. In the darkness a blind man is the best guide. In an age of Madness look to the madman to show the way. Information Is Power Innocence proves nothing Inspiration grows from the barrel of a gun. Intellect is a mask for traitors Intolerance is a blessing It is not the Horror of War that troubles me but the Unseen Horrors of Peace. It is the bitter tears that the Gods weep that bind us to their hearts Know No Fear. Know thine enemy Knowledge is half the battle. Knowledge is power, hide it well. Knowledge is to be feared! Know your destination before you set out Know your duty! Leniency is a sign of weakness! Life is a prison, death a release Listen not to the alien, look not upon the alien, speak not unto the alien! Losses are acceptable. Failure is not. Mankind stands on the shoulders of the Martyred Mercy is a sign of weakness. My armor is contempt. Negotiation is surrender No army is big enough to conquer the galaxy. But faith alone can overturn the universe. Nobody is innocent, there are merely varying levels of guilt. Not even the dead know the end of war Nothing inspires revenge quite like cold hearted hatred Obedience is blind. Obedience is not enough. Only in death does duty end. Only the awkward question; only the foolish ask twice. Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane. Our enemies are mortal no longer. Face them squarely and without flinching from duty. Mercy for such as them is self-deception Our mercies destroy us Our presence remakes the past Over the faithful, fear has no dominion Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair an illusion of the mind Peace is Hell. Perseverance and silence are the highest virtues Power resides in the will of the Righteous Prayer cleanses the soul, but pain cleanses the body Pure in body, pure in heart Purge the unclean. Purge those who are unclean Reach out to embrace the glories that will come Reason begets doubt; Doubt begets heresy. Reason is the cloak of Traitors Rejoice in service! Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise Save & Destroy. Seek no reward but the satisfaction of your Master! Seek honor as you act, and you will know no fear. Sins hidden in the heart turn all into decay. Smite those that disbelieve, for they have turned from the light and fallen. Sometimes the good must perish so that the rest survive. The lot of courage is to be sacrificed upon the altar of battle. Sorrow awaits the foolhardy Study the alien, the better to kill it Submit to His will Success is commemorated. Failure merely remembered. Success is measured in blood; yours or your enemy's. Survival is no birthright, but a prize wrested from an uncaring galaxy by forgotten heroes. The burden of failure is the most terrible punishment of all The common man is like a worm in the gut of a corpse, trapped inside a prison of cold flesh, helpless and uncaring, unaware even of the inevitability of its own doom. The cosmos cries out for salvation The dead cannot cry out for revenge; it is a duty of the living to do so for them The dead watch over us and guide us. The difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance The dissident invites only retribution The Emperor asks only that you hate The Emperor asks only that you obey The Emperor bestows upon us the gift of intolerance. The Emperor will not judge you by your medals and diplomas but by your scars. The Emperor's judgement is a blessing for the Faithful. The ends always justify the means. The fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself The flesh is weak. The weak shall perish. The flesh of your body is a reminder of your own mortality. Transcend the flesh and know immortality. The foolish man puts his trust in luck, the wise man puts his trust in the Emperor. The future is trivia. The greatest man is but a ripple on the surface of space The guilt of heresy weighs heavy on the soul. The heretic shall reap as he sown - the bitter harvest of vengeance and death. The industrious may escape death. The justice of your action is measured by the strength of your conviction. The keenest blade is righteous hatred. The loyal servant learns to love the lash The man who has nothing can still have faith The Mighty have no room for doubt The more one learns of the alien, the more one will come to loath it. The most deviant mind is often concealed in an unblemished body. The only crime is cowardice. The only reaction to treachery is vengeance. The path of righteousness leads to the palace of wisdom The reward for treachery is retribution The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal. The road to purity is drenched in the blood of the martyred. The same hammer that shatters the glass, forges the steel. The seed of heresy rests in the minds of reasonable men The traitor’s hand lies closer than you think. The truly heroic trust in blind faith. The truly wise are always afraid The truth is terrible to bear. The universe is a big place and, whatever happens, you will not be missed... The wage of negligence is utter destruction. The wise man learns from the deaths of others. Their defeat is not a matter of when but how. There are no answers. Only Death. There is no cowardice in faith There is no fear in conviction There is no greater glory than a lifetime of dutiful service There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of thirsting gods. There is no right or wrong in our profession. The present changes the past from moment to moment. Only pray for the future to vindicate your action. There is no salvation without suffering. There is no substitute for zeal There is purity of purpose in the faith of the just They who feast today do so in ignorance of their mortality. Tomorrow they must die or change. Those who act in honor cannot fail. Thou shalt not! Though my guards may sleep and ships may lie at anchor, our foes know full well that big guns never tire. Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets Retribution. Through the destruction of our enemies we earn our salvation. Timidity begets Indecision; Indecision begets Treachery To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor To compromise is to err To die without purpose is not a service. To err is to invite retribution. To question is to doubt To serve Him is to worship Him. To withdraw in disgust is not apathy. To withdraw in disgust is not cowardice. True faith is blind and justified True happiness stems only from duty Truth begets hatred Trying to understand weakens the will to act Victory needs no explanation; Defeat allows none. Victory through superior firepower. Vigilance is the brother of truth Vigilance is your shield Will is not enough. Act! Wisdom is the beginning of fear. Without Him there is nothing. Words do not win wars. Deeds do. Work earns salvation We cannot afford mercy We must be unsleeping in vigilance, swift in judgement, merciless in deed. We must endure the present so that those who follow may continue our endeavors. What fear of death have we who know there is immortality in the great and noble deeds of men? What is the terror of death? - That we die our work incomplete. What is the joy of life? - To die knowing our task is done. Wisdom is the beginning of fear. Words do not win wars. Deeds do. Work earns salvation You are not required to think, only to act Your freedom must be bought in the currency of toil, tears and blood; a price all men can pay. Your honor is your life. Let none dispute it. Zeal is its own excuse Edited December 15, 2022 by Firedrake Cordova black text on dark background wasn't legible Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halandaar Posted September 27, 2022 Share Posted September 27, 2022 White Dwarf magazines have quotes on the spine, some of which fit the format. A lot of the ones I found already feature above, but i did find this one: Issue 450 - "One blade, driven into the correct heart at the right moment, will save or slay a world as surely as the firepower of entire armies" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted October 12, 2022 Share Posted October 12, 2022 (edited) The 9th ed rulebook has a load of great ones. Starting on p24 and with the even #'s All your works turn to ash and dust if they do not serve the Emperor. No army is big enough to conquer the galaxy. But faith alone can overturn the universe. Across the vastness of space alien races plot the dethroning of the Emperor and the downfall of humanity. This is the Imperium's call to arms and nothing shall stand in the way of it's righteous crusade. There can be no bystanders in the battle for survival. Anyone who does not fight by your side is an enemy you must crush. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. (repeat) For every battle honour a thousand heroes die alone, unsung and unremembered. Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realise that you have no right to let them live. Serve the Emperor today for tomorrow you may be dead! The Emperor asks only that you hate. Do not waste your tears. I was not born to watch the world grow dim. Life is not measured in years but by the deeds of men. Burn the heretics! Kill the mutant! Purge the unclean! Those who feast today do so in ignorance of their mortality. Tomorrow they must die or change. Thought begets heresy. Heresy begets retribution. Through the destruction of our enemies we earn our salvation. It is not in my mind to ask questions that cannot be answered. That is the sould standing on the crossroad of annihilation. You seek wisdom but achieve only a stasis of will. Between the stars the ancient enemies of mankind wait and hunger. Every voyage into the nothing is a confrontation with horror, with the implacable things of the warp and with man's innermost fears. A weapon cannot substitute for zeal. Trust not in their appearance, for the Aeldari are as alien t good, honest men as the vile Tyranids and savage Orks. There is no understanding them because there is nothing to uderstand - they are a random force in the universe. The wretched alien mind cannot be measured by any human standard. The alien dream is to dance upon the grave of mankind. It is an ancient truism that resources win wars. That is why we of the inquisition have at our disposal the wealth of the Imperium entire. For our wars are the greatest, the darkest, the ones Humanity cannot afford to lose. More boyz means more scraps and bigger fights. More fights and better scraps means more Boyz! Though a billion souls are lost with each passing day to protect the Emperor's realm, a billion more rise up, maching to battle and glorious victory. Edited October 12, 2022 by Xenith skylerboodie 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted October 12, 2022 Author Share Posted October 12, 2022 (edited) After consolidating everything, getting rid of duplicates/variations, and getting rid of a few that might be problematic, we're up to 537: A blade is persuasive, but a gun is decisive. A broad mind lacks focus. A closed mind is an unbreakable fortress. A coward always seeks compromise. A coward’s only reward is to live in fear another day. A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords at dawn. A dedicated life may reach the end of infinity. A fine mind is a blessing of the Emperor - it should not be cluttered with trivialities. A good commander does not need to take risks – he merely waits for his foe to do so. A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt. A hundred thousand worlds, ten hundred thousand wars. There is no respite, there is nowhere to hide. Across the galaxy there is only war. A logical argument must be dismissed with absolute conviction! A lost mind is to be pitied, a lost soul is to be cleansed. Fire cleanses. A mind without purpose will wander in dark places. A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy. A narrow mind is easily filled with faith. A narrow view sees better. A questioning mind betrays a treacherous soul. A questioning servant is more dangerous than an ignorant heretic. A single thought of heresy can blight a lifetime of faithful duty. A small mind is a tidy mind. A small mind is easily filled with faith. A suspicious mind is a healthy mind. A war is easily won if your enemy does not know that he is fighting. A warrior’s faith in his commander is his best armour and his strongest weapon. A weapon cannot substitute for zeal A wise man learns from the death of others. Abhor the Night, it is the Light that Endures! Absence of evidence is a sign of a cover-up. Accept your lot! Across the vastness of space alien races plot the dethroning of the Emperor and the downfall of humanity. This is the Imperium’s call to arms and nothing shall stand in the way of its righteous crusade. Adamantium walls and plasteel bulkheads may seem formidable, but an unshakeable faith in the Immortal Emperor of Man can overcome any barriers. Admire the Immortal Emperor for His Sacrifice to Mankind. Against the Alien and the Traitor there is no fair way to fight. All Daemons are Falsehood. They are lies given the shape of creatures by the fell power of Chaos. All hail the martyrs! On their blood is our Imperium founded, in their remembrance do we honour ourselves. All men die, but a name can live forever. All mortal life is folly that does not feed the spirit. All our ignorances bring us closer to annihilation. All praise to the Emperor. All souls cry out for salvation. All your works turn to ash and dust if they do not serve the Emperor. An empty mind is a loyal mind. An alien mind cannot accept the Emperor's blessing. An eye for an eye. An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded. An unprotected soul can no more cross the storms of the warp than a heretic can bear the gaze of the Inquisition. Analysis is the bane of conviction. Anvils fear no hammer. Appeasement is a curse. As our bolters are charged with death for the Emperor’s enemies, our thoughts are charged with wisdom. As the mind to the body so the soul to the spirit, as death to the mortal man so failure to the immortal, such is the price of all ambition. As we pray to Him, His thoughts are only for us. As we serve Him, He is our greatest servant. Ask not why, just do. Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Be cleansed, filthy as thou art. Be courageous and bold, be humble before your masters, lead with valour! Be grateful of your Master's favour! Be Pure. Be strong in your ignorance. Be vigilant and strong. The Emperor knows what evil lurks in the vacillation of a weak fool. Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. Better to self-destruct than acquiesce. Between the stars the ancient unseen enemies of mankind wait and hunger. Every voyage into the nothing is a confrontation with horror, with the implacable things of the warp, and with man's own innermost fears. Big guns never tire. Bless the machine god for he has given us tanks in plenty. Blessed are the gun makers. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. Blind faith is a just cause. Bodies are cheap, ammunition is expensive. Brave are they who know everything yet fear nothing. Bravery is stronger than Adamantium. One is the stuff of the soul-forges, the other an illusion of safety created by fools. Bullets are cheaper than trials. Burn the Heretic! Kill the Mutant! Purge the Unclean! Burn the Unclean with the fires of Purity. Burn thyself in the flame of purity. By the manner of our death are we judged. By the manner of their death we shall know them. By thy banners will he fear thee. By thy standard will he dread thee. Call no man happy until he is dead. Cast out the mutant, the traitor, the heretic. For every enemy without there are a hundred within. Cease and repent! Cease purpose and die. Cleanse the Emperor’s enemies with righteousness and zeal. Cleanse yourself in the blood of our enemies. Compromise is akin to treachery. Consider not the future. The only thing that matters is the everlasting present. Consider the Predator. Let your soul be armoured with Faith, driven on the tracks of Obedience which overcome all obstacles, and armed with the three great guns of Zeal, Duty and Purity. Contemplation is the womb of treachery. Courage is the Emperor’s gift: repay him with victory. Courage is the mastery of fear - not the absence of fear. Cowardice breeds treachery. Cowards die many times, the brave die but once. Cowls do not imply piety. Crush the Unholy in all their many guises. Curse ye now the death in vain. Damnation is eternal. Dark dreams lie upon the heart Death brings its own reward. Death is honor. Death is the only answer. Death is the only tolerable reason for failure. Death is the servant of the righteous. Deeds are more eloquent than any speech. Deeds not words. Defeat is never an option. Defile not his presence. Defile the Mutant. Despair doubles our strength. Destroy the impure. Destroy, destroy, destroy! Do not fear to use the biggest gun. Do not question the Will of the Emperor! Do not shy from the hopeless fight, for endeavour is its own reward. Do Not Wait for Death. Do not waste your tears. I was not born to watch the world grow dim. Life is not measured in years, but by the deeds of men. Don’t expect gratitude from a grox. Doubt forms the path to damnation. Doubt is a sign of weakness. Doubt is the open gate through which slips the most fatal of enemies. Doubts rule the minds of the weak. Drink deep of victory and remember the fallen. Duty prevails. Enlightenment is a myth we do not need to understand in order to hate. Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. Even though you once called him friend, the Traitor has forsaken you. Show no mercy even if he begs it, for his soul is tainted and given the chance he will betray your trust. Every human life is a spark in the darkness. It flares for a moment, catches the eye, and is gone forever. A retinal after-image that fades and is obscured forever by newer, brighter lights. Every lone spirit doubts his strength. Every man is a spark in the darkness. By the time he is noticed he is gone forever. A retinal after-image that fades and is obscured by newer, brighter lights. Every servant has his place, to know it is his greatest comfort, to excel within his greatest solace and his master’s contentment is his greatest reward. Examine those who question authority, for they are suspect. Examine your thoughts. Excuses are the refuge of the weak. Exist for the Emperor. Everything you have been told is a lie! Facts are chains that bind perception and fetter truth. For a man can remake the world if he has a dream and no facts to cloud his mind. Faith grows from the barrel of a gun. Faith in the Emperor is its own reward. Faith is stronger than Adamantium. Faith is the strongest shield. Faith is the sturdiest armour, hatred the surest weapon. Faith is your shield. Faith without deeds is worthless. Faith, Hate and Ignorance. Faith. Honour. Vigilance. Fear is the mind killer, Pain is the flesh killer, Deviance is the soul killer. Fear is the Mind Killer. Fear leads to hatred. Hatred leads to victory. Fear me, for I am your apocalypse. Fear not death, for the soul of the faithful man never dies. Fear not the creatures of the jungle but those that lurk within your mind. Fear the shadows; despise the night. There are horrors that no man can face and survive. Fear runs as deep as the mind allows. Foes burn in our passing. Follow the Emperor, and the glory of victory shall be yours. Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything. For a warrior the only crime is cowardice. For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die alone, unsung and unremembered. For every celebrated hero, ten thousand more go unsung. For every one of us that falls in battle one hundred enemies will die. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my Battle-Brother eternal. For the foes of Mankind, the only mercy is a swift death. For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave Forgiveness is a sign of weakness. Forward Brothers, with loyalty to victory and glory! Friendly fire isn't very friendly. Fury and Faith will Best the Foe. Glory in death is life Eternal. Grant no mercy to your enemies, for they will give none to you. Great courage cannot be denied. Guns and warriors are useful, but it is our indomitable will that promises the ultimate victory. Hail the Emperor! Hail Sanguinius! Handsome faces can hide subtle deviances. Happiness is a delusion of the weak. Hard work conquers everything. Harden your soul against decadence. Haste makes corpses. Hate enriches. Hate the sin – revile the sinner. Hatred is our surest weapon. Hatred is the Emperor’s greatest gift to humanity. Hatred steels our resolve. Have faith in the Emperor, but carry extra munitions. He bears the weight of Mankind's ills. He that is dead, take from him the Chapter’s due. He that may still fight, heal him. He who allows the alien to live shares its crime of existence. He who lives for nothing is nothing. He who dies for the Emperor is a hero. He who picks up the sword against us, shall perish by it. Heresy grows from idleness. Heresy lies beneath. Heresy must be met with hatred. Hesitation kills. His will be done. His Word is Our Strength. His word is your bond. Honor is what a pure mind knows about itself. Honor your Chapter. Honour the battle-gear of the dead. Honour the craft of death. Honour the craft of war, for only the Emperor is higher in our devotion. Honour, duty and obedience. Hope is the beginning of unhappiness. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are polluted then the ocean is tainted. I am the flame of vengeance. If a job's worth doing it's worth dying for! If a man dies that another should live, that man's spirit shall eat at the Emperor's table. If you believe you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary before any victory. If you cannot speak well of your Master, be silent! If you want peace, prepare for war. Ignorance is a virtue. Ignorance is bliss. Ignorance is your best defence. In an hour of Darkness a blind man is the best guide. In an age of Insanity look to the madman to show the way. In courage we have no equals. In failure are the seeds of Heresy sown. In our resolve we only reflect his purpose of will. In the blazing furnace of battle we shall forge anew the iron will of a yet stronger race. In the dark when the shadows threaten, the Emperor is with us, in spirit and in fact. In the darkest of moments, the Emperor’s light shines brightest. In the darkness a blind man is the best guide. In an age of Madness look to the madman to show the way. In war victory is one part planning and nine parts faith. Incompetence is treasonous. Information is power. Innocence proves nothing. Inspiration grows from the barrel of a gun. Intolerance is a blessing. It is always better to find the enemy, before your enemy finds you. It is an ancient truism that resources win wars. That is why we of the Inquisition have at our disposal the wealth of the Imperium entire. For our wars are the greatest, the darkest, the ones Humanity cannot afford to lose. It is better that one hundred innocent fall before the wrath of the Emperor than one traitor kneels before the lords of darkness. It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself. It is better to have fought and lost than not to have fought at all. It is not in my mind to ask questions that cannot be answered. That is the soul standing upon the crossroad of vacillation. You search for wisdom, but achieve only a stasis of will. It is not the Horror of War that troubles me but the Unseen Horrors of Peace. It is only by concerted will and faith in the Immortal Emperor that we shall overcome. It is our indomitable will that promises the ultimate victory. It is the bitter tears that the Gods weep that bind us to their hearts. It is through the destruction of our enemies that we earn our salvation. Kill the mutant Know No Fear. Know the mutant; kill the mutant. Know thine enemy. Know your destination before you set out. Know your duty! Knowledge is dangerous, guard it well. Knowledge is half the battle. Knowledge is power, hide it well. Knowledge is to be feared! Labour long in his sight. Leniency is a sign of weakness! Let corpses declare your resolve. Let faith protect your mind and metal your flesh. Let my enemies cower at my advance and tremble at the sight of me. Let the flames of battle consume us. Let the impure bow down before our swords. Let your soul be armoured with Faith, driven on the tracks of Obedience which overcome all obstacles, and armed with the three great guns of Zeal, Duty and Purity. Let your soul be armoured with faith. Life is a prison, death a release Life is not measured in years, but by the deeds of men. Life is the Emperor’s currency – spend it well. Light your way in the darkness with the pyres of buring heretics. Listen not to the alien, look not upon the alien, speak not unto the alien! Look To The Emperor, And He Will Provide. Look to your battle-gear and it will protect you. Look to your wargear! Look upon the Emperor's Works and tremble! Losses are acceptable. Failure is not. Luck is allied to the bold. Mankind stands on the shoulders of the Martyred. May the Emperor's Wrath forever cleanse our souls. May your weapon be guarded against malfunction, as your soul is guarded from impurity. Men united in the purpose of the Emperor are blessed in his sight and shall live forever in His memory. Mercy is a sign of weakness. My armour is contempt. My will be done. Negotiation is surrender. Never forget you are the walls of steel and iron, between Mankind and a thousand horrors too unspeakable to name. Never forget, never forgive. No army is big enough to conquer the galaxy, but faith alone can overturn the universe. No barrier, no enemy will thwart my purpose. No man that died in the Emperor's service died in vain. No Mercy. No Remorse. Just Kill. No pity! No remorse! No fear! Nobody is innocent; there are merely varying levels of guilt. Not even the dead know the end of war. Nothing can hide from the wrath of the Emperor. Nothing can stand in our way for we are the Space Marines. Nothing inspires revenge quite like cold hearted hatred. Obedience is blind. Obedience is not enough. Obey your orders. Official! The graves of the warriors who have given their lives for the Emperor now outnumber the stars themselves. On the battlefield, valour is the lifeblood of victory. One are the weapon and warrior, one being in mind and in will. One blade driven into the correct heart at the right moment will save or slay a world as surely as the firepower of entire armies. Only in death does duty end. Only in your deepest self is the truth of what you can be. And, without a doubt, that truth is terrible to bear. Only pray for the future to vindicate your action. Only the awkward question; only the foolish ask twice. Only the faithless question. Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane. Only the lost understand true terror. Only the weak question. Only those that follow the guiding light of the Emperor may save their souls. Our enemies are mortal no longer. Face them squarely and without flinching from duty. Mercy for such as them is self-deception Our mercies destroy us. Our presence remakes the past. Our thirst for vengeance is a raging inferno. Our thoughts light the Darkness that others may cross space. Over the faithful, fear has no dominion. Pain builds character. Pain is an illusion caused by fear. Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair an illusion of the mind Peace is Hell. Peace is not in our vocabulary. Perseverance and silence are the highest virtues. Pity ye Not! Place your trust in the Emperor’s steel. Power resides in the will of the Righteous. Praise the Emperor whose sacrifice is life as ours is death. Praise the sun that brings the dawn of our final doom. Pray for the future to vindicate your actions. Prayer cleanses the soul, but pain cleanses the body. Pure in body, pure in heart. Purge the unclean. Purity is not your best defense, it is your only defense. Purity of purpose Reach out to embrace the glories that will come. Reason begets doubt; doubt begets heresy. Reason is the cloak of traitors. Rejoice in service! Retaliate, always. Revere the Omnissiah, for it is the source of all power. Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. Sanity is a crutch. Save & Destroy. Scour away your impurities: mercy, forgiveness & compassion. Scrutinize your enemies well for they will show you your flaws. Seek honour as you act, and you will know no fear. Seek no reward but the satisfaction of your Master! Seek reward in service alone. Serve the Emperor today - tomorrow you may be dead! Sins hidden in the heart turn all to decay. Smite those that disbelieve, for they have turned from the light and fallen. Sometimes the good must perish so that the rest survive. The lot of courage is to be sacrificed upon the altar of battle. Sorrow awaits the foolhardy. Speed the bolt that brings the end of enemy and friend. Step not from the path of the Emperor. Strive harder. Study the alien, the better to kill it. Submit to His will. Success is commemorated; failure is merely remembered. Success is measured in blood: yours or the enemy’s. Survival is no birthright, but a prize wrested from an uncaring galaxy by forgotten heroes. Task is your master. All bow before Task! That which is unknown and unseen always commands the greatest fear. The Alien dream is to dance on the grave of Mankind. The Alien fails because it cannot embrace the Emperor. The best way of improving a gun is to improve its ammunition. The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. The burden of failure is the most terrible punishment of all. The common man is like a worm in the gut of a corpse, trapped inside a prison of cold flesh, helpless and uncaring, unaware even of the inevitability of its own doom. The cosmos cries out for salvation. The Dark Gods laugh at the foolishness of meek appeasers. The dead cannot cry out for revenge; it is a duty of the living to do so for them. The dead watch over us and guide us. The difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance. The dissident invites only retribution. The Emperor asks only that you hate. The Emperor asks only that you obey. The Emperor bestows upon us the gift of intolerance. The Emperor commands; we act. The Emperor gives you everything, to take more is a sin. The Emperor is our guiding light, a beacon of hope for humanity in a galaxy of darkness. As we serve him, he is our greatest servant. As we pray to him, his thoughts are only for us. And in the dark when the shadows threaten, the Emperor is with us, in spirit and in fact. The Emperor is with us. We shall prevail. The Emperor knows, the Emperor is watching The Emperor saves, but only those deserving. The Emperor Sends Us Forth. The Emperor watches even the most thankless task. The Emperor will not judge you by your medals and diplomas, but by your scars. The Emperor's judgement is a blessing for the Faithful. The Emperor's mercy is neither to forgive nor to forget but to accept. The ends always justify the means. The enemy uses mines as well, Emperor guide your feet. The fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself. The flesh is weak. The weak shall perish. The flesh of your body is a reminder of your own mortality. Transcend the flesh and know immortality. The foolish man puts his trust in luck, the wise man puts his trust in the Emperor. The future is trivia. The greatest man is but a ripple on the surface of space. The guilt of heresy weighs heavy on the soul. The hammer of the Emperor will vanquish the Xenos. The heretic shall reap as he sown - the bitter harvest of vengeance and death. The industrious may escape death. The justice of your action is measured by the strength of your conviction. The keenest blade is righteous hatred. The Known is but the shadow of the Knowable. The light is within us. The lot of courage is to be sacrificed upon the altar of battle. The loyal servant learns to love the lash. The Machine God watches over you. Unleash the weapons of war. The man that sings the Emperor's praise will speak a blessing all his days. The man who has nothing can still have faith. The Martyr's grave is the foundation of the Imperium. The Mighty have no room for doubt. The moment you stop to count the cost, that is the moment you fail. The more one learns of the alien, the more one will come to loath it. The mortal burden carried dutifully to its destination is the Emperor's greatest praise. The most deviant mind is often concealed in an unblemished body. The Mutant bears his heresy on the outside, the Traitor hides it in his Soul. The only crime is cowardice. The only reaction to treachery is vengeance. The only true achievement is Purity. The path of righteousness leads to the palace of wisdom. The present changes the past from moment to moment. The Priesthood of Mars maintain our Emperor's throne. Thusly do they underpin the Imperium entire. The reward for treachery is retribution. The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal. The road to purity is drenched in the blood of the martyred. The same hammer that shatters the glass, forges the steel. The scars on my back are insignificant compared to the scars on my soul. The seed of heresy rests in the minds of reasonable men. The soul of a warrior is the shield of humanity. The Space Marines fear no evil for we are Fear Incarnate. The strength of Humanity is the Emperor. The strength of the Emperor is Humanity, and the strength of Humanity is the Emperor. The strong are strongest alone. The traitor's hand lies closer than you think. The truly heroic trust in blind faith. The truly wise are always afraid. The truth is terrible to bear. The universe is a big place and, whatever happens, you will not be missed... The wage of negligence is utter destruction. The weak will always be led by the strong. Despise the weak for they shall flock to the call of the Daemon and the Renegade. The weapon slays where the hand wills - serve the Emperor! The will of the Emperor is the might of the Imperium. The wise man learns from the deaths of others. The word of the Emperor is the rule of the Imperium. The worst is yet to come. The wretched alien mind cannot be measured by any human standard. Their defeat is not a matter of when but how. There are no answers. Only Death. There are no walls strong enough to protect the enemies of Mankind. There can be no bystanders in the battle for survival. Anyone who will not fight by your side is an enemy you must crush. There can be no mercy. No surrender. There is never time for grief. There is no arguing with the barrel of a gun. There is no being so foul as the traitor. There is no cowardice in faith. There is no fear in conviction. There is no greater glory than a lifetime of dutiful service. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of thirsting gods. There is no right or wrong in our profession. There is no salvation without suffering. There is no substitute for zeal. There is nothing to fear but failure. There is only the Emperor, and he is our shield and protector. There is purity of purpose in the faith of the just. They achieved great things, because their courage was infinite and because they never knew their goal was impossible. They who feast today do so in ignorance of their mortality. Tomorrow they must die or change. This is a dark and terrible era where you will find little comfort or hope. If you want to take part in the adventure, then prepare yourself now. Those I cannot crush with words I will crush with the tanks of the Imperial Guard! Those who act in honour cannot fail. Those who feat today do so in ignorance of their mortality. Tomorrow they must die or change. Thou shalt not! Though a billion souls are lost with each passing day to protect the Emperor’s realm, a billion more rise up, marching to battle and glorious victory. Though my body die, I will remain. Though my guards may sleep and ships may lie at anchor, our foes know full well that big guns never tire. Though the darkness will be rent by noise and flame, let not men’s souls be broken in the crucible of war. Though their bodies die, their spirit must return to the Chapter. Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets Retribution. Through the destruction of our enemies we earn our salvation. Timidity begets Indecision; Indecision begets Treachery. To a Space Marine the boltgun is far more than a weapon, it is an instrument of Mankind's divinity, the bringer of death to his foes, whose howling blast is a prayer to the gods of battle. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor. To catch a heretic, send a psyker. To compromise is to err. To die without purpose is not a service. To err is to invite retribution. To fail in the service of the Emperor is the greatest of sins. To fault the Emperor's Word is an act of sedition. To master the art is no more satisfactory than the impetus itself. To question is to doubt. To question the Emperor's will is to embrace heresy. To serve Him is to worship Him. To strengthen the sword, you must first strengthen the shield. To withdraw in disgust is not apathy. To withdraw in disgust is not cowardice. Tolerance is a sign of weakness. Treachery knows no forgiveness. Tremble foes of Man, for the might of the Adeptus Astartes never rests in the Emperor's work. True faith is blind and justified. True happiness stems only from duty. Trust no one else and trust yourself less. Trust only in the Emperor, for all men change. Trust to your faith. Truth begets hatred. Trying to understand weakens the will to act. Vengeance is your sword. Hatred is your shield. Loyalty is your Armour. Victory does not always rest with the big guns; but if we rest in front of them we shall be lost. Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. Victory through superior firepower. Vigilance is the brother of truth. Vigilance is your shield. War is better than any drug. War necessitates a different set of morals. Warriors of the Emperor seek no other rewards but death. Watch for the Mutant. We are all a weapon in the hands of the Emperor. We are bound by the blood of Martyrs. We are the inheritors of Roboute. Let no rule be beyond us. Let no man stand in our way. We are the sword of fire with which the Traitors shall be cut down. We ask only to serve. We bring death and we bring life. We can rebuild them. We cannot afford mercy. We do not determine the guilty; we do not decide the punishment; we are merely the cold instruments of the Emperor’s vengeance. We embody the Emperor’s divine will and his holy purpose. We live to serve. We must be unsleeping in vigilance, swift in judgement, merciless in deed. We must endure the present so that those who follow may continue our endeavors. We must endure the present that those who come after may continue the greater work. We shall carry our word. We will correct and unify. Hail the Emperor! Weigh the fist that strikes men down and salutes the battle won. What a pity it is that we can die but once to serve our Emperor! What can a man know of the Universe that knows not his own mind? What fear of death have we who know there is immortality in the great and noble deeds of men? What is a lifetime of servitude next to an eternity of damnation? What is the joy of life? - To die knowing our task is done. What is the terror of death? That we die our work incomplete. While cowards ponder, the righteous act. While faithless traitors still live, there can be no forgiveness. While obscene heretics' hearts still beat, there can be no respite. Will is not enough. Act! Winning a battle is of little value if by doing so you lose the war. Wisdom is the beginning of fear. Wisdom resides in knowing your duty. Without Him there is nothing. Words do not win wars. Deeds do. Work earns salvation. Work is prayer. You are either for the Emperor or you are his bitter foe. You are not required to think, only to act. You are the Emperor's Chosen. Hear His great anger in the roar of the bolt pistol. See His almighty fury in the blades of the chainsword. Feel His undying strength in the protection of your armour. You carry the Emperor's will as your torch. With it destroy the shadows. Your armour is your soul, and your soul’s dedication its armour. Your freedom must be bought in the currency of toil, tears, and blood; a price all men can pay. Your honor is your life. Let none dispute it. Zeal is its own excuse. Edited October 13, 2022 by Brother Tyler Updated Lord Abaia, Firedrake Cordova, Cactus and 2 others 2 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted October 12, 2022 Share Posted October 12, 2022 8 minutes ago, Brother Tyler said: An empty mind is a loyal mind. An alien mind cannot accept the Emperor's blessing. An Empty Mind Is A Loyal Mind Duplicate on number 43 and 45 there. Brother Tyler and Firedrake Cordova 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted October 12, 2022 Author Share Posted October 12, 2022 I don't know what you're talking about. Firedrake Cordova 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cactus Posted October 12, 2022 Share Posted October 12, 2022 8 and 9 appear to have sliped through the de-duplication net too. This is a very handy resource. I'll keep a copy on hand for my Dark Heresy game. Brother Tyler 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted October 13, 2022 Author Share Posted October 13, 2022 After getting rid of a few more duplications and adding some that were missing from other sources (3rd edition rulebook and Index Astartes articles, Imperial Armour Volume Four - the Anphelion Project), we're at 552. It turns out that many of these weren't published as a "Thought for the Day" but were instead just flavor text. I don't think most of you care about that level of specificity. To keep this discussion simple, I'll simply update this post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Casman Posted October 13, 2022 Share Posted October 13, 2022 So, this looks cool, but shouldn't it be "Thought for the Day" and not "Thought of the Day"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted October 13, 2022 Author Share Posted October 13, 2022 Yes, that is something that will be fixed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Casman Posted October 13, 2022 Share Posted October 13, 2022 Awesome, looking forward to* seeing them in rotation! I've had vague thoughts along the lines of building an app or something to present a Thought for the Day, now I won't have to. *"looking forward to" likely isn't the right phrasing given the nature of the setting, but alas. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayatollah_of_Rock_n_Rolla Posted October 18, 2022 Share Posted October 18, 2022 Possible additions as these are anonymous and general. I checked if any are on your list: Light your way in the darkness with the pyres of burning heretics We will smash their bones into dust, and mighty edifices shall be builded (sic!) and the dust shall be cast into the mortar, and our victories will be enshrined for as long as the towers stand Zeal is no excuse A treacherous thought is as dangerous as a hundred bullets A good death earns the Emperor’s blessing Doubt is a fatal flaw in any armour The Martyr’s grave is the keystone of the Imperium To punish the traitor is reward in itself Only despair can defeat us You must fight today or prepare to fight tomorrow Death and duty are all we must give From a single seed of doubt can grow a world of heresy Betrayal’s tithe is the hangman’s noose Even a faithful servant can turn on his master Bereft of all hope is he who spurns the Emperor’s blessing Intolerance is the only appropriate reaction to heresy It is better for a man to be afraid than happy No victory can be won with the weakest guns There is no future without the Emperor’s blessing To search for answers is to beat a path to damnation Death brings no peace to the unfaithful Through faithful service we bring strength to the Imperium What manner of fool would deny the Emperor’s Will? From duty, work and death there can be no respite To err is human; to err again is treachery A good death celebrates a hero’s life; a bad death merely ends a wasted one A closed mind is defence against sedition Fortune favours the faithful Only a fool refuses the Emperor’s blessing We care not what the alien thinks; that we simply hate suffices The victor lives in honour; the vanquished dies in shame To question your master is to question the Emperor The Inquisition is the eyes and ears of the Emperor Beyond the Emperor’s reach lies only darkness and despair The Emperor’s command illuminates the galaxy The universe has a cold, unforgiving heart and cares not for the lives of men Knowledge is power; Power corrupts Our works are blessed by the Emperor’s favour We can trust absolutely only the Emperor and Death Be wary of clever discourse We are already defeated if our master is fear To lack conviction is to invite defeat Beyond the veil lies madness and the world’s ending, beware ye the Terrors of the Warp Death serves the Emperor We do not flinch from death Only fools listen to the heretic’s lies Our hatred is an irresistible force Through all our means we follow the Emperor’s command The doubter fails; the steadfast prevails Only fools fail in their duty Mere survival is not enough; you must also banish doubt Wise men talk; strong men act We are certain only of death It is better to bear pain than to be dead To relinquish contempt is capitulation Life’s purpose is to serve the Emperor Do not let fear conquer hate Every lost spirit doubts his strength TrawlingCleaner and Brother Tyler 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted November 21, 2022 Share Posted November 21, 2022 We got some new thoughts from The Retinue - Impurity has no seal - The quill is the scribe's chainsword - Faith is the meal, Sacrifice is the gravy - Work hard, pray hard - Heresy is like an onion, it has layers - The Emperor sees all, even with the lights off - May your aim be true and your spreadsheets accurate - Nothing is more suspicious than innocence Sword Brother Adelard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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