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Legion scouts/pathfinder conversion ideas?

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I know some folks have taken Rogue Trader  erametal Scouts and given them plastic HH weapons such as Bolt Pistols. I'll see if I can dig some photos out to help inspire.


I've got about 20 metal (non RT era) Scouts including SW ones for my Sixth and to be honest I'm not planning too much conversion work for them (though I may kitbash some as there's about two metal Bolter Scouts across the range and I can't say I'm a fan of the plastics, although the Redwarden Scout heads may rectify that).

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they're a bit hard to parse due to being mid painting but here are mine, converted from normal 40k scouts - one benefit of the re-scaling of Mk6 is that the smaller bare heads now work pretty well with the scout scale, hence me using all 8 masked heads from the main Mk6 sprues in the AoD box (with some hair transplants)




Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic
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This was my attempt. I made these a few years ago, mainly using bodies from the land speeder storm kit that I modified a lot. There’s a fair bit of green stuff involved in changing the poses, but luckily the baggy fatigues scouts wear make that fairly straightforward. I also scraped off the eagles from the chests, which gives a more Spartan heresy-eta feel, I think. 


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Here’s my pathfinder, built some time ago so contemplating whether to give him a shotgun. 


One thing to note is that the landspeeder storm kit has a number of more interesting poses and parts you can mix in with the more standard scout kits. 

Check my blog for WIP/painted images of the scouts.



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Primaris Black Templar Neophytes with the Templar stuff scraped off + Primaris Eliminators sniper rifles, they do not look glaringly primaris in anyway, especially if you give them normal shoulder pads. Just my opinion. 


The Primaris Black Templar Neophytes also have shotguns already sized for them, if you want to go that route. 


There is a couple great Data Pad / 3D map bits in the Spartan bit for the commander that look good for the leader or another scout to be holding. 

Edited by Marshall Mittens
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I haven’t made any yet, but if I did it would be:

GW plastic scout arms and legs (and shotguns)

Spellcrow torsos

Mix in Tigrus bolt weapons, heresy sergeant weapons from bits box. I also have a nice Anvil Industry sniper rifle, plus extra scopes that could work.

Rebreather heads - maybe GW or puppetswar.

But that’s a very high GBP/points ratio for an infantry squad!



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2 hours ago, LameBeard said:

I haven’t made any yet, but if I did it would be:

GW plastic scout arms and legs (and shotguns)

Spellcrow torsos

Mix in Tigrus bolt weapons, heresy sergeant weapons from bits box. I also have a nice Anvil Industry sniper rifle, plus extra scopes that could work.

Rebreather heads - maybe GW or puppetswar.

But that’s a very high GBP/points ratio for an infantry squad!



Was actually looking at those spellcrow torsos, but couldn't find any pictures of any kitbashes using them. So I have no idea about scale/compatibility.

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here’s my RG pathfinder:

scout torso (eagle carved off), Recon marine head and mc Astartes Shotgun, various pouches and grenades, and Mk Iv bolt pistol holster

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