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This is up in the NEWS area but here is the thread for those taking part who want to post work in progress. I'll add a thread on October 10th for finished pieces.


Mental Health awareness painting challenge.
From @zymbiotiz_arts_and_crafts over on the IG:


Attention Wargamers and mini painters. Today is the day, September 1st, the day we, Gustav (ZymbiotiZ) & Tom (Vresh) lay down our painting challenge to you.

This challenge is to raise awareness for Mental Health. To promote the hobby we love as a great way to help people cope with their mental health, and to show anyone who might be struggling that the community is here for them.

So in keeping with that the end date of this Challenge is October 10th, World Mental Health day. The second stipulation is that Green, the colour for mental health awareness, should be a prominent colour on your model or models. Our last rule is that your minis should be ones from you "pile of shame" it could be that model you've always been meaning to paint but just needed the inspiration or a long forgotten soldier still on the sprue.

We’re also asking everyone taking part to wait to post your pics for this challenge until October 10th and use #paintitgreenchallenge and #worldmentalhealthday in your posts and tag us both in the posts.

Just to be extra clear, this challenge is to raise awareness, paint minis, bring the community together and have some fun doing that. This is not a competition and there is no prize other than the friends we make along the way.
But you never know, we might run a competition in the future. :smile:

In short:
1. Green to be a prominent colour
2. Minis should be from your ”pile of shame”
3. Post on October 10th using #paintitgreenchallenge and tag us in the post.

If this isn’t challenging enough, why not challenge yourself in one way or another by doing something that’s outside off your comfort zone, just as you need to challenge yourself for your mental health. Choose for yourself, perhaps paint in another style, use new colors, try out contrasts, avoid washes, paint a whole box within the time limit. Up to you!

You’re also more than welcome to share your story. Have you, just as we have, found respite and relief in the hobby? We’d love to hear, and if you want us to, well share it (with or without your name).

Have fun painting!

#paintitgreenchallenge #mentalhealthawareness
#therapeuticalhobbies #paintingformentalhealth



I love this. Raided the garage and dug out my Vulkan Hestan mk viii conversion. Didn’t think I’d ever have a reason to finish or paint the model, so this challenge is the perfect reason. Mental health can also be a challenge to keep under control, so I appreciate the event itself as well.

I originally had more grandiose plans for this mini involving sculpting and such, but I’d rather keep it simple and get it done. Basing to follow.




Edited by Khornestar

I was thinking all my 'green' minis have already been started, but I remembered I got some of the plastic Eldar Guardians with the metal guns to fill out a squad a while back still in a box. I may dig those out and get cracking. 

5 hours ago, Khornestar said:

Made some quick progress. I won’t spam the thread, next update will have more detail done

He looks a lot better with the new legs. :)

52 minutes ago, Brother Captain Arkley said:

Well for me it will be Space Marine... but what chapter?

Thinking Sons of Medusa is my main pick but there is Salamanders, Aurora Chapter or even Nemesis Chapter.

Sons of Medusa have the most attractive scheme, IMO.

Took me searching more boxes than I thought, but a pretty recent addition to my shame mountain has been unearthed.

First orks under my scalpel for uh, 25 years*, but should be interesting. And green, hopefully!


* gorkamorka. I feel old.

8 hours ago, Arkhanist said:

* gorkamorka. I feel old.

Really? I've suddenly felt young again :biggrin:

Not much things that are not supposed to be red in my pile, but I would definitely like to take part in this particular challenge.
Gotta dig some more...

Edited by Majkhel

I'm going to refrain from working on this until October, so as to also pledge my Inquisitor to the 12 Months of Hobby for that month. I am enjoying seeing everyone's entries.

Edited by Lord_Ikka

Not missing the deadline on this one. This is a crazy amount of painting in the in the last two days for me.




And a little goal I set for myself on this is that every color will have green in it, even if it's just the tiniest little bit.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage

While critics might say, actually finishing a model might be considered out of my comfort zone, I decided to go for  something non power armoured from my back log …


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