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Making Terrain out of Troops

Go to solution Solved by Khornestar,

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So the owner of my local hobby shop  unexpectedly gifted me a stormxast eternal still in sprue. Im strictly 40k myself but it occurred to me, i could convert this guy into a broken statue for terrain! So, does anyone have sny paint, colour, technique vetc. suggestions for achieving a statuery look? or alternatively how to turn this guy into a knock off dante or sanguinior?

Edited by hd3
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I second Khornestar on the aged bronze look - it is very evocative.

Another thing about heroic statutory is that is typically on a plinth - that's the stone base on these statutes:


I would consider swapping its head for a space marine head to make it fit better into the setting.

If you are going for a broken statute, I would still build a plint for it and cut the fallen statue off at the ankles and glue those onto the plinth - that would be the weak point where the statue would break when it toppled.

You could also do it in marble, in which case the statue would likely also break when it hit the ground - take a hobby saw and the model horizontally in a couple of places (probably in the torso, as marble, unlike bronze, is more likely to break along natural cleavage points in the material itself.  You also might want to google images of roman statues to see where they break - typically they lose their limbs and faces.  I've limited experience painting marble, so I can't really give you any advice other than there are tutorials in the Tutorials and How Tos section of this forum and elsewhere online.

As for converting it into a space marine model, my advice would be to swap the head and arms with space marine ones and add a power backpack, all of which should be fairly easy but might require a little sawing and/or greenstuffing.  You could then add a holster or grenades to the belt to give the model a more modern look.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

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